If the Tesla's secret books are real and there is free energy starting from tomorrow, will BTC and generally crypto become useless?
>smart contract based on GAS would be pointless
>mining and processing stop to devolop HW based on power optimization
If the Tesla's secret books are real and there is free energy starting from tomorrow...
What seekrit books
>free energy starting from tomorrow
well simply Tesla invented and documented a way to have free energy forever and for this was murdered and Edison's theory based on resources burning took place
this is the tail but what wuold be the scenario if it was real
are you spying me
Oh, and I thought you were talking about the company lol,
But this was never the case, 'free" energy does not exist (as in perpetual motion machines)
But if there were a way to make lots of energy so cheaply that it could be considered practically free like in a thorium reactor perhaps, then we really wouldn't need to care about crypto currency since humans all over the world would be able to do a lot more than they now can
IIRC Tesla spoke about Aether energy, or as we would now call it, Zero-point energy. It actually is infinite as in literally unlimited, but it also cannot be used to do work to the best of current scientific knowledge. It we do harness it, one of two things will happen:
>We completed the game of life and can start the universe on New Game +
>We cause a vacuum metastability event and destroy the universe.
>Zero-point energy
Now things are getting interesting.
ty man this is the spike i was looking for.. what would be first 3 thing on wich development will focus?
>>We cause a vacuum metastability event
>implying our universe is in a metastable vacuum to begin with
>free energy
It's already been anticipated by PoS. BTC dies but ETH stays once it goes to PoS this November.
It's more Veeky Forums than Veeky Forums really, but probably materials sciences. All the computation in the world doesn't let you properly interact at near-absolute-zero temperatures to do much.
Look into time crystals. It sounds like some /x/ JRPG shit but it's actually a relatively recent material science breakthrough; they weren't considered possible to create until a few years ago. Essentially, most things have symmetry through space, but a rare few things have symmetry through time; they alter form without requiring energy. Since no energy can be drawn from them (trying to extract energy to do work from a time crystal just breaks it), they are a perpetual mobile of a new classification. It's like the real life equivalent of the troll science where you plug a surge protector into itself.
A metastability event is suggesting we are not in a stable vacuum, not that we are.
You've convinced me. When is Tesla's ICO?
Yeah, Tesla was connected to the universe, definitely knew esoteric and occult knowledge. Aetheric energy is something taught in secret societies like the rosecrucians and freemasonry, it's an unlimited source of energy, usually tapped into through meditation. If we were to scientifically tap into this, I can't even imagine what we could do.
The key is the vibratory nature of everything. Vibration is energy, and if we can pick up on the small vibrations and amplify them, that is in essence "Free" energy. It's gonna take a lot of research and inventions to get there though.
>It's more Veeky Forums
should i link this or making a new one
That's some high-level shilling.
>Ethereum is better than bitcoin because it solves the aether-energy problem.
You sir, are retarded
>Hurr Durr meditation
>DUDE WEED LMAO - the post
Money will become useless user, and with it the idea of dividing people up by how much magic paper they have.
Money doesn't give you power btw, you already have power & when you express it, money is the side effect.
we could capture the vibrations of sound off my guitar strings when i play grateful dead and jump around my campfire in a grass skirt
well we can do better with my farts
you're generating a lot of energy over here, bud
>free energy
Yeah, you just summon Cthulhu and have him forge the One Ring of Power to enable you to use The Force. Then you'll have Free Energy.
Veeky Forums loves to shit on this sort of thing, but most of Veeky Forums is also stuck in the materialistic paradigm.
>The key is the vibratory nature of everything. Vibration is energy, and if we can pick up on the small vibrations and amplify them, that is in essence "Free" energy. It's gonna take a lot of research and inventions to get there though.
These vibrations are well-known in science, and they even have a name. We call it "heat", and it's what runs the whole god damned world already.
No shilling, my man. Those are words from money skeleton himself.
Billionaires literally have too much money to ever spend it all. Might as well lose some % to magical thinking.
*tips fedora*
Also I still don't get why Tesla is such a meme.
You still need time to solve cryptographic mining puzzles, doesn't matter if you pay for electricity or not. And I doubt Tesla's theories actually work. He's a human after all, he could've been wrong. Not everything is a conspiracy, you know. Though I know a lot of scientists of that era were into occult shit. Like Einstein read some of Blavatsky's books. The world we're living in is a strange place