An average american salary is 40,000 a year. How much money have you lost by doing Crypto 50hrs a week instead?

An average american salary is 40,000 a year. How much money have you lost by doing Crypto 50hrs a week instead?

Buy low sell high, why is this so hard to grasp?

>literally can't understand a basic sentence

buy low sell high until you have more than 40,000 a year, not hard with the way these scamcoins moon, fagman

>until you have more than 40,000 a year
Yeah, but you don't. So I'm asking, how much have you lost compared to 40k a year?

>poorfag projecting
I bought ETH at $7 :^)

Average salary in my country is 4-figures and I still made 1 average American salary by trading 1hr/day for the last 4 months.

Who loses money in this market, srs?

That's 1.5 years ago. This means that you lost 40,000 during the first year before the price actually started mooning. If you had 40,000 extra to invest into crypto at the start of 2017 you wouldn't be so poor

>Who loses money in this market, srs?
Super late adopters like you who think exponential growth is the normal state of affairs

You're the one who's lost money, it sounds like. Sorry you jumped on so late, but there are still some big opportunities.

>u mad
not an argument

what you just said was literally not an argument

>50hrs a week

>If you had 40,000 extra to invest into crypto at the start of 2017 you wouldn't be so poor
this is objective fact

10x bud, I'll say that to my 15x gains in 4 months.

Meanwhile you probably held BTC lmfao

>you can't work a 9-5 and invest in crypto at the same time
There are people THIS retarded on Veeky Forums RIGHT NOW.

I sold at 6

Everybody made 10x in these 4 latest months retard. Ask them how much they made during the entirety of 2015-16.

Most people only do the latter.
95% of biz have less than 40k when they post their portfolio

I'm sure I can make more than 40k trading less than 20 hours a week easily, minimum wagecucks really are retarded.

i work from home, easy enough to balance the two and catch the odd moon at the top.

Question was "who loses money in a market like this."

Your answer seems to be "everyone who made 10x gains these 4 months".

Srsly how dumb are you faggot, get castrated/

>most people have less than 40k
You realize most people have to pay taxes on earnings and have some living expenses too right? You don't have to put every fucking dollar into crypto.

>i will make 10x in 4 months forever.
>reddit spacing
see again

How btc would you need for those results?

I lost a lot of money on Factom and Counterparty. I hope they recover...ever

>not working a day job and trading on the side
I'm not missing out

>reddit spacing
k so you didn't even hold btc, you jacked off to anime while I made enough money to retire at 30.

Keep hatin faggit

.25 would do, making 10-15 trades a day with a 1% profit will make you around 40k. You can easily make 15 trades in 2-3 hours

But I'm not poor. You shouldn't assume that everyone else is poor just because you are.

don't feel bad, I sold btc at $700, thinking that was the top

i do both, make $60k/year, im kind of autistic and spend most of my free time on the computer anyway tho so I really enjoy trading crypto as a hobby

>But I'm not poor
compared to having "40,000 extra to invest into crypto at the start of 2017" you are
This is objective fact

Sold @ 600 last year when I desperately needed money. I knew it would probably be 900 by the time I buy back, but it was $2000 :/

>comparing investment income to wage slave income
stay dumb

Whatever, poorfag.

Who's making less than $40k a year trading crypto?!