Where will you be, when the whales stop accumulating and let this skyrocket to infinity and beyond?
The best time is now
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would it go up? Who's actually going to use ARK? Any partnerships? Major projects? No? Because there are a lot of coins that represent companies and organizations that actually have these things.
You know the drill.
No. I'm not buying your bags.
In Space.
I'm sorry for that guy.
People unironically think this will go up?
tell us why it shouldn't.
no copypasta allowed, user.
Its not just a coin, its a tech
Just like previously mentioned, it has no actual use and it doesnt do anything better than other coins... On the other hand it might get hyped to the moon then drop like hell
W-whales are accumulating t-thats the only reason it hasn't mooned
literally worse than barneyfag
Uncle Chang, I'm not receiving my monthly payout... please help
dont shill this coin u fucking idiot. let them buy chainlink
sent ;)
How do you know there's a whale manipulating the price?
Chang my payment did not show up? Why? This does not inspire confidence. Will it show up tomorrow?
>it was a shitcoin at 50 cents
>and at $1
>and at $1.50
>and at $2
Watch the order book , he places large 18 to 21btc sell orders and consistently drives the price down , weakhanded plankton panic and sell while he snaps it all up, eventually he'll stop placing it and the price can grow. He's playing a risky game though he could end up bag holding a shit load of worthless ark; if he doesn't leave it grow soon a lot of people are going to jump the ark .
We've had 3 months of on-time payments. This was a one-time fluke.
We were upgrading to a dedicated server with a new payout system on the 25/26th. The new server's timezone was set differently so the script didn't think it was time to pay out yet. That issue has been fixed and last night's (27th) payment went out smoothly and correctly.
If you've lost faith in the delegate you're free to vote for someone else, but these things happen. Bugs happen. I've been in these threads for days waiting for people to show up asking about the dropped payments and paying them all manually.
If you give me your address I can check if you were one of those people that got dropped.
Its understandable. Are you saying that if I don't give you my wallet address now I won't ever get that particular payment?
If you want to get paid _now_ you have to give your address.
If not, you will eventually get paid as the system cycles through everyone's custom pay schedules.
As long as I get the correct amount eventually it's all a good.
How does the payout thing work?
I have about 37 Ark and will be buying more soon.
u have one vote ( costs 1 Ark ) then u can vote for a delegate. u get a weekly payout. 37 ark is not enough for significant payouts
lol you stuttering pothead
Why should I get this over waves?
Did you even look at the chart?
up we go!
someone looks really comfy af
I had 4000 ark and sold 3000 at 1.20, I bought in sub 40ยข
Feels bad man
>he doesnt understand what hes talking about
its not that it does certain things better, its that it does everything
biz_classic is a scam delegate. Chang openly steals from voters and laughs about it.