Piss off Christcuck
I got a 99 on an essay instead of a 100 in college class because I used BC and AD instead of BCE and CE
And yes, she wrote on my cover page that was why I lost a point.
>non-christian countries have to use a christian date system
>secularism in menial things is bad
>Before/After Common Era
What sounds more pretentious to you?
Confirmed for having no idea what he's talking about
Its anno domini not after death
Its essentially interchangeable from the translation. YEAR OF OUR LORD Is also pretentious and inherently xenophobic to other cultures.
>Its essentially interchangeable from the translation.
No they're not brainlet
>common era
Japanese Historians use a calendar system based on the years since the succession of the Emperors (Current Year in Japan is Heisei 29)
They do this even when discussing events in other countries.
Why not bother them?
Its antiquated and eurocentric. Common Era is much more accessible than the Christian terminology. Its the same number so why are you ass blasted?
BCE and CE are still based around the birth of Christ, so how is it any less pretentious or inherently xenophobic?
>Its the same number so why are you ass blasted?
If its the same number, what's the point?
The difference being you arent referencing theology when naming the year. Academia is secular.
>It's the year 2017
>2,017 years since what?
lol k senpai
Just more nonsensical Jewish butthurt really. They seemingly work overtime to eradicate every modicum of Christianity in western civ.
Well, I mean, there's a reason eurocentrism exists.
Its a way to establish the basis of time from Western inception without pointlessly mentioning theology in a PROFESSIONAL setting. It is not professional to apply religious intricacies in the modern workplace.
>Academia is secular.
Says who?
>It is not professional to apply religious intricacies in the modern workplace.
k senpai, but just so you know, I'm still gonna keep using AD and BC
Says every non-christian university and workplace on the planet, desu. It is not the standard. Its actually quite hard to find religiously themed institutions like Catholic Schools.
Wow, it's almost like Academia is a very diverse field with a very diverse set of standards based on place and time!
>Says every non-christian university and workplace on the planet, desu
Find me a single non-christian university that REQUIRES the use of BCE/CE
yeah, but we probably aren't thinking of the same reason
It fails because its centerpoint is an inherent reference to what people thought Jesus' birth year was.
Compared to the olden days where every educational facility was founded and operated by the Church it is quite day and night.
Reply to
>this date is based on theology, but don't mention that
Okay senpai.
The only other dating system I can think of is that cringeworthy 12,000 years since that one building in Turkey.
(((Other cultures)))
By using the Birth of Christ as Year 1, you're always going to be referencing theology, even if you change the names to BCE/CE
AD is for all the years after (and including) the year Jesus was born.
Its not anymore acceptable. However its a niche issue. Japanese professionals don't advertise to the West in their goofy calender system, so its not comparable. AD/BC vs. BC/CE is a non-issue but OP liked an answer, and that answer is religious themes are not tolerated as they once were in a large number of places.
Key word.
If you don't want to read my paper because of the names of the eras I use, fine, but don't think for one second you get to dictate to me how I write.
>North Atlantic countries are the only countries
>North Atlantic cultures are the only cultures
>inherently xenophobic to other cultures.
the only xenophobic is to treat them as if they weren't coming into contact with our culture, why do you deprive them of an experience they'd cross the world to get?
>North Atlantic countries are the only countries worth a damn
>North Atlantic cultures are the only cultures worth a damn
An incredibly tiny amount of people are foolish enough to travel the planet to experience another culture. Almost all travel is for professional purposes, and tourists do not exactly go places outside of preordained landmarks. Don't get sentimental on me.
Asia and the ME would like to have a word with you ,champ.
>Asia and the ME would like to have a word with you ,champ.
Sure, but they better date their letters in my calendar if they want me to read them.
>religious themes are not tolerated
>religious themes
Everything can be tied back into religion because religion is tied in with culture.
why do we tolerate religious people at all then?
Why is it always Christianity which takes the brunt of anti-religiosity?
it kind of really doesn't matter
it's debatable if the BC/AD division is even useful at all
They do. In the format of 11/4/2017 or 4/11/2017. AD/BC isn't used often anyway. Nobody is pretentious enough to write it out unless its for the explicit purpose of referencing history, and in that case, two letters following a number are mostly meaningless. Once again religious themes are increasingly taboo in the North Atlantic countries.
Because North Atlantic cultures are by far the most advanced, and thus they stray from religious themes more easily due to their excessive wealth and job discipline. Religious themes are seen as impractical and just goofy in many institutions.
i mean you're right in that dividing history into BH and AH is just as useless as dividing it into BC and AD
Still based around the later. What event happened in 0AD that differentiates common/before common era?
>Religious themes are seen as impractical and just goofy in many institutions.
Find me a quote from a university head that states this, because I’m pretty sure you’re incorrect here.
>It does not exist unless it is specifically mentioned, ordained, and uniformly practiced
I could easily find anti-religious sentiment in universities, but that isn't the point. Its not that people are anti-christian, its that a large portion of universities, industries, and workplaces have no need to reference, and in the
It is increasingly taboo. Can blame whatever you want, liberalism, jews, modernity, but the factor exists and you know it does. Its an unspoken discomfort when a large number of people encounter religious themes. HAPPY HOLIDAYS is a good example.
>Religious themes are seen as impractical and just goofy in many institutions.
By dating things as years since the birth of Christ, you are engaging in a religious theme. Technically the statement “it is the year 2017” is a religious statement.
It is not erasing the historical importance of Jesus on the calendar, it is washing it out to appear formal and "modern", stating a commonly known date in a non-religious context. Its "secular."
>it is 2017, two thousand seventeen years since nothing
Wow, so secular
Christ is still the reasoning behind the date. It is dressed to be an irreligious presentation. It is the same seemingly oxymoronic thinking behind Xmas Trees, Happy Holidays, and the removal of prayer in Schools. Obviously you are in a Christian country, but that fact does not have to be acknowledged according to recent behaviors.
>HAPPY HOLIDAYS is a good example.
The biggest problem with happy holidays/xmas is that certain religious groups still forces to keep it as a public holiday. Make December 24th&25th just another weekday when you go to work/school as normal, stores are open as normal, there are no public decorations outside the temples of faiths that celebrate it, etc. and soon the whole "xmas" bullshit will be dead.
>secular cucks still clinging to the christian dating system just trying to give it a new paint job
what I don't get: why can't English just use before Christ / after Christ, especially since the trend is now to write "1789 AD" or even "1st century AD" like barbarians
most countries including France and Italy use their translation of BC/AC already, I really don't understand why Anglos of all people insist on keeping the Latin formula
Yet it still uses the same starting date.
How about you just use DD/MM/YYYY like every other human being ?
>he didnt read the thread
Because we are the successors to the Imperium
I don’t use that
>not using the Unix epoch as the common era
>Christ is still the reasoning behind the date.
It's an incorrect reasoning, though. By pretty much every estimation Jesus was actually born between 4 and 6 BC. That's part of the reason I'm have no problem with the BCE/CE system; the turning point is completely arbitrary anyway.
When you do legal documents and tell people the formal date you say 2017 AD like some kind of LARPer? How would you say May Fourth 2017?
>Tries to secularize dating system
>AD/BC too Christian
>Change to CE/BCE
>Still uses Christ as marking point
>Student asks "Why does it change to Common Era?"
>Historian: "It is the birth of Christ"
>Everybody knows it is about Jesus anyway
>People of other religions and cultures don't even give a shit
Are historians really this retarded?
If it doesn't matter than you have nothing to loose either way. Your just upset its not explicitly mentioning the clergy.
The date system is still the same though. Just because you call it a common era doesn't change the fact that it began with the birth of Christ.
I'm upset because I have to write an extra letter in BCE for no fucking reason
>Before Christian Era/Christian Era
Don't see anything wrong, tbqh.
>adhering to goy time
what happened 6000 years ago?
The "present" in BP was set at 1950, which is going to lead to some messiness somewhere down the road.
>set at 1950
Are we talking -4444 or 1111? Where's year 0?
AD stands for Anno Domini
>and inherently xenophobic to other cultures.
And i assume us adopting the gregorian calendar, as an orthodox country, is also self-discriminatory?
Yeah, a religion who was mostly meds, assyrians, ethiopians and some indians for the first part of it's existence is eurocentric as fuck.
Holy shit. End yourself leftist scum. We're europeans, of course we're fucking eurocentric. Would you accuse the Chinese of being china centric? Please. Do you have any idea how fucking dumb you sound, you collectivist globalist faggot?
But we don't have talk about it directly like fundie fucktard christian morons.
ok but this is a partial truth and a little historically dishonest
western euro colonial powers exporting the BC/AD distinction around the non-christian (though not necessarily never christian) world was a eurocentric act
Deal with it you faggot
>much more accessible
no, you just switched the letters around. It's vapid.
>the one with the bigger club starts bullying everyone else
You're lucky it was only a point. I had a professor that would give papers F's if you used 'nation' when you should use 'state' or 'country'.
European racism is barbarian and moronic. Only cavemen retards are eurocentric.
Multiculturalism and racial tolerance are a sign of patrician enlightenment and advancement. It's not 1700 anymore okay? We can do better, so shut the fuck up and get out of the way!
It's irrelevant.
It was not even uniform within Christendom, while non-euro christians used AD as well.
Byz chronicles use the creation of the world as a marker, while copts use "X year of martyrs"(reign of Diocletian) to this day
is this thread his/ pretending to be christian fundamentalists or /pol pretending to be christian fundamentalists?
>getting assmad if someone says bce/ce
The only people I see talking shit are the BC/AD crowd. Their autism won't let them let it go.
>inherently xenophobic to other cultures.
>we must cease our own culture as to not offend other cultures
a never ending cycle would you not think?
I know this is bait, but: Not all cultures are equal, you relativist twit. Also being eurocentric isn't racist or even xenophobic. You can be proud of your history, legacy and culture without needing to shit on others. Fucking hell, you reek of leftist indoctrination. I bet you like John Green.
I believe in christian values, but I do not believe in Christ. Still AD it is. Also YEAR OF OUR LORD sound metal as fuck.
lol read a book
next time, before you get emotional, consider that terms have very specific definitions in academic writing
eurocentrism isn't just cultural chauvinism, of course most societies are prone to that
read samir amin
>being so assmad at a Eurocentric dating system that you change the name but literally nothing else because it's still convenient
no u
A rose by any other name.
Get the fuck over it and ignore it.
lol i'm not going to have the same tired discussion about colonialism
i never said it was uniquely evil, just that BC/AD is a Eurocentric division- i get that some people have an axe to grind in defense of muh europe, but you should make sure you're not reading into things before you jump the gun
>We're europeans, of course we're fucking eurocentric
actually one of the great achievements of european science and philosophy is the ability to go beyond self-centered thinking. it doesn't have to be a moral condemnation to call a certain way of looking at things "eurocentric" but it is a helpful concept to make us aware of cultural biases. among the standards we've set for science is that it should be objective and therefore we should try to avoid limited perspectives.
>Would you accuse the Chinese of being china centric?
yes. it's called "sinocentric".
>You can be proud of your history, legacy and culture without needing to shit on others.
You clearly have yet to demonstrate this yourself you asshat. Just kill yourself, okay? You're clearly incapable of empathy
>A rose by any other name.
So you're Eurocentric, but pretending not to be in the hopes that non-Europeans will adopt your Eurocentric system.
conniving faggot.
I don't give a rats ass about your academic bullshit. Academia is compromised and anything that isn't a hard science has a political bias.
There is literally nothing wrong with being self centered. Also what cultural basis? The west doesn't have a pro European bias, it has an ANTI European bias. The modern west is like the 19th century, but in reverse. Instead of jingoism and vapid nationalism it's self hatred and white guilt that reign supreme. Pathetic.
>You're clearly incapable of empathy
I don't feel empathy for people I never met. Why should I? Every 3 seconds a person dies. Every day somebody is tortured to death or run over by a car. Does that affect you? It probably doesn't and that's okay. Being overly empathetic is counter productive. And no, that doesn't mean that it's okay to harm people for your own gain. It just means that it's okay to don't give a shit about people you've never met.
>You clearly have yet to demonstrate
I'm quite impressed by Ethiopia. Being the only African nation civilized and strong enough to fend of the European invaders. Admirable. Also their alphabet is the only indigenous African script that is still in use, which I find pretty interesting. Your move, leftist scum.
Maybe giving Fs is a bit drastic but desu there is a huge difference between a nation and a state/country.