Is Paris the worst thing to happen to the French?
Is Paris the worst thing to happen to the French?
I think you mean the French Revolution was the worst thing to happen to the French, but that's ok.
Tbh in every country the capital city is always the worst city.
Why was it bad? Not kidding, just interested.
I think you mean the French Revolution was the worst thing to happen to the World, but that's ok.
>reactionary cucks supporting a cuck King and his whore wife
>history repeats for this both during the French and Russian revolutions
simply epic
Paris IS France. The rest is just the Parisian countryside
imagine being so historically illiterate that you see the french revolution as a cause rather than a symptom of the "enlightenment"/transition to modernity
True or false, the french revolution wouldn't have happened if the French kings didn't first centralize the realm with absolutism.
saying that the French Revolution was bad is not the same as saying that the Ancien Régime was good
Paris was literally god-tier during the 2nd Empire under Napoléon III
Your question only applies to the last couple of decades like every other major western cities.
It's the only reason there even is a "France."
France was pre-disposed to bourgeois revolution because of its periphery status during the middle ages
Kill yourself.
t. non-Parisian in irrelevant part of the country
Could Paris imposing itself onto the rest of France be considered a form of colonialism?
>Is Paris the worst thing to happen to the French?
*blocks your path*
*dies a horrifying albeit preventable death from AIDS*
Ouais carrément. It has always been a pain in the ass but now we are literally ruled by Bamako sur Seine.
Honestly in a way, yes. Especially when you learn about how they treated peoples in the Occitan region. It wasn't as brutal as colonization of other continents, but it was pretty much a linguistic and cultural takeover, even in regions of France close to Paris. France as we know it is far, far, far more Parisian in nature overall than it was about 500 years ago.
>how they treated peoples in the Occitan region.
Absolutely nothing happened here.
>Reactionaries STILL mad
>cuck king and whore wife
Stop talking you illiterate faggot, and get back to us when you've read something that isn't actual Jacobin propaganda
It's largely exaggerated by the locals. but there absolutely were cultural and linguistic institutions set up to promote and displace local ones with ones more in line with Parisian thought and speech. It wasn't any terrible bullshit like some people claim, but to say that it was nothing isn't right either.
>/pol/ butthurt this strong
Face it, your "heroes" are cucks.
t. French
>France was pre-disposed to bourgeois revolution because of its periphery status during the middle ages
Dumbest post ever
Aside from the Mediterannean coast, France was a peasant country, while England, (Western) Germany, Spain, and Italy were bourgeois country from the start.
>lose after invading Russia and get another king
Pretty much. Kr*uts should have razed it in 1871
t. hillbilly
>t. illiterate
Historically speaking cities have been genuine hellholes for the vast majority of people living in them, particularly in Europe from the fall of Rome up until the late 19th century. Thankfully we now have modern plumbing, but cities are still overpriced, cramped, and oftentimes crime-ridden.
>tfw Hitler didn't get to burn Paris to the ground because the city commandant was a francophile.
G*rmans had the one chance to redeem themselves and they blew it.
as a well traveled frenchman 'm always amuzed when Parisians who never lived outside of their city start with the whole "provincial" (derogatory term used by Parisians to refer to the rest of France)
Parisians have been told for so long their city is thebest in the world they actually believe it, and think it's thanks to them.
Enjoy your 5sq ft flat for 2000€/month and 2 hours commute in traffic jams, unless you prefer the subway and piss vapors
you are speaking parisian , if you speak french . hard to really say the contrary
reactionaries ?
In which point revolutionary france was progressive ? Or the napoleon code was progressive ? Honnestly the good thing about the french revolution is to have put women in their real place.
>Is Paris the worst thing to happen to the French?
No Arabs are
There is no such thing as Parisian dialect, you are a mixed people from all around France that adopted the Francien dialect of your Berrichon-Orléanais-Tourangeau overlords.
>Berlin - Shithole
>London - Shithole
>Rome - Shithole
>Paris - Shithole even before immigration
>Madrid - Shithole
>Oslo - Shithole
The only tolerable cap cities I can think of are places like the Netherlands and maybe Brussels
Fuck off jacobin
If Paris "happening" to the French is bad then what exactly would have been the "good" alternative?
I think that if I were to go to Europe, I'd like to chill in Czech Republic and Slovakia.
*Laughs in North Korean*
20 years ago maybe, but now it's a massive shithole.
The worst thing to happen to the French were the French.
Imagine being so historically illiterate you can't understand how different the French revolution was for everything and why some might have opposed it and how they would have been called reactionaries.
You guys do know how these cities today are only a fraction of how shitty they used to be? Back when people used to shit out their windows, and toss their garbage into the rivers they got their drinking water from, and typhus would regularly cull the population all the while cities swelled with destitute rural folks who were packed together like sardines while working horribly unsafe factory jobs and living in squalor?
Like, seriously, shut up you whiny faggots.
No, but being taken over by Muslims and Niggs will be
Damn French! They ruined France-land!
>You guys do know how these cities today are only a fraction of how shitty they used to be?
Wow, a tiny slum, that's cute.
Slums are literally nothing special for European cities. Granted, your picture has more garbage and less starving children than in the 1800s, so there's that I guess.
>frivolous nightime electricity use
pyongyangites are just as degenerate as other city dwellers
I don't know where you live but it a well known fact, filth in Paris is a main concern, to the point it's a public health issue. There is not less diseases than in 1800, on the contrary, but people are better treated with modern medicine. In the same way, there is not less starving child, there is just more social services to spot them and treat them.
If you add pollution (huge), stress and criminality, objectively life is worse nowadays.
Based country frog, Parisian arrogance about their shithole city is a cancer
You're way out of date with that Brussels statement.
What are some non-shit capitals?
All have fine capitals
Inb4 """"united"""" kingdom
So what are you saying? Because it used to be shit people shouldn't complain about them becoming shit again?
>so assmad that the Revolutionaries all ended up getting cucked out of "le republic xD" that you have to make a pepe to make the fags who lost look good
I take great satisfaction in knowing that no matter how much of a loser I am, I'll never be as pathetic as Jacobinfags.
No. I said that because people are just using this thread to complain about current events while ignoring actual history.
The peak of France was late 19th century to early 20th century
Factually wrong
ya capital cities are the worst thing to happen to a nation.
What the fuck are you talking about you retarded faggot?
>not a shit hole