but due to the radiation of the machine used you can only do it once in your life and it lasts for 12 hours, what would you like to see for twelve hours /ihs/?
You can visit any place in the past
A fun gladiatorial game would be nice.
I'd go back to the 80's and have a chat with Milton Friedman, I think he is one of the few people that I would've really liked to speak with.
I would like to walk the streets of Knossos, maybe some wine and olives and a lithe Minoan female unemcombered with judeo-christian morals
Realistically I couldnt go to many places which interest me personally anyways since I only speak English and Finnish.
I'm guessing most ancient cultures werent really into strangers who cant speak their language just wandering around their cities and towns so I couldn't do that either. I'd stand out too much due to my superior North European genes and snow white skin. Too little is known of my countrys ancient cultures for it to be safe for me to visit, I'd most likely get stabbed by them too.
If it was a one-way trip and I'd die after the 12 hours regardless, I'd have no real reason to go anywhere. What's the point of gaining insight of an ancient culture if I cant document/share it? What's the point of 12 hours of "Oooh!" "Aaah!" if it all goes to waste? Hell, my future-cough which they havent built up any resistance to in their immune system could cause horrible damages and alter events of the future. I might return to a world where I wasnt born because my future cough killed an ancestor of mine.
I'd just stay here.
This is the most cucked answer ive ever read
1776 to aid the war effort for 12 hours. Most interesting time period IMO if you ignore all the disease/poor standards of living. Can I bring one of my toys?
You are of course referring to the eternal struggle of the historian against Edward Gibbon, who published the first volume of Decline and Fall that year?
go back and rape Joan of Arc
I'd want to solve some historical mystery. Maybe visit Teotihuacan before it collapsed and find out who really founded the city, or settle the question of the historicity of Jesus once and for all.
But if other people can use the time machine too, then I'm sure there are other people who are better qualified to address those questions than me. In which case I'd head back to Rome and check out a whorehouse. My understanding is the ancient Romans thought cunnilingus was super gross and basically never did it, which means I'd have the chance to blow some Roman qt3.14's mind.
Also I'd check out the colosseum or something too probably.
Go to Palestine in the year 0 AD
Stop the popsicle kike from being born.
Some greek city state probably, either Athens, or Rhodes
its hard because mesopotamia have many but i would choose Uruk, i would get answers to my questions
Work on smuggling Anne Frank and her family away from the Germans.
For no other reason than to fulfill the greatest meme Veeky Forums has ever created.
assassinate st paul
go back to future where new churches worship god by having massive orgies
I'd refresh my Latin and go to Rome somewhere around 55 B.C.
1936 Berlin, the most beautiful place and time in history.
Shut up fag, you're not me. The real me would go back in time and become a KANG.
nice, but how avoid being captured by the English and your weapons used against the Americans?
Fuck off you fake
well for your own knowledge abd enjoyment. Would you not lay with a beautiful woman if you could not share it?
You would attract attention but that may be a good thing being taken to the king to see you. and even if you get arrested you will go back in less than 12 hours
Live a little
I just kill English
I'd go back to ancient Thebes so I could get my tight little boipussy spread by a strong Sacred Band warrior.
Id like to watch Caesar capture that Gallic king in the double seige.
Tell General Ewell the hills beyond Gettysburg are unoccupied and that I can guide him there.
>go back to Pristina Airport in Kosovo on June 12, 1999 with a Dragunov sniper rifle
>shoot British Army Captain James Blunt in the head from a concealed position
>sit back for the next 11 hours and enjoy watching mini-WW3 break out between Russian and NATO forces
Make sure she's ovulating the night you do it and give her one of these to remember you by.
Tenochtitlan in 1450. See the wondrous city, fug Aztec temple prostitute, hopefully spread some germs so that they build up some immunities over the next 70 years and have a decent shot against Cortez.
I would go to the very beginning of the earth's creation
*nglos forgot how to use guns
>Implying she wasn't raped by blimey
I would go black time and fuck Helen of Troy multiple times
I would like to see Carthago in its prime
Konya in 12th century
Rome during one of Caesar's Triumphs.
Battle of Austerlitz
Florence during the reign of Lorenzo il Magnifico. I've been to Florence several times and it's already beautiful as it is, but i'd kill to see it in its absolute prime during Renaissance.
Shit i gotta play Assassin's Creed II again
I couldn't resist going back to help myself buts lets say i cant just wingman my college self...
1920s Chicago. Ideally start by running elbows with the highest social circles and work my way down to shitty dangerous immigrant neighborhoods by hour 11. Ideally i get to drink in one of those comfy bars at night.
That sounds so comfy
it would smell like poop
Maybe London or Paris from that era, but Italian cities like Florence or Milan had very good sewage systems.
Venice would smell like shit though, for obvious reasons. It smells like shit even today.
You can visit modern cities and get an idea how it was, but this was one of a kind and is lost forever
>inb4 we wuz kangs
I would warn them to not welcome and kill on sight anyone who looks like me after iam gone.
cortez wasn't black
I go back to the day that movie's director was born and kill him
can I take objects with me?
I would learn Ancient Greek and get some shota
September 11th
Time to become an American hero
1903 court ball at the Winter Palace. Love to go get dressed up and flirt with some soldier boy who I would end up sleeping with later.
Nigga you gay
you're a master of observation
Same, but I'd be afraid of fucking with the timeline too much. I'd probably go to one of the top floors of the South Tower and pull a fire alarm after the plane hits the North Tower, hopefully evacuating the floors above where the second plane would hit and save dozens (if not hundreds) of lives more.
do you think US govt would let you do that?
Bring my cell phone to record the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
It would be cool to just walk around late medieval Europe and see a battle or a tournament somewhere in Western Europe or maybe Bohemia.
If not that then perhaps Guadalcanal or some battle in the Pacific theater of WWII.
>mfw you are Jesus resurrected
Talk with da vinchi/Tesla
I would go back to the day of the Battle of Gaugamela, set up on a distant hill with binoculars and a camera, and watch/record the whole thing. Then when I get back home I take the recording and put it up on youtube and play it off as a re-enactment or a digital project.
I'm not bout to fuck with the past
Can you speak Italian? Why would they want to speak with a creepy foreigner?
Isn't very historical but Tokyo 1999 New Years Eve, in time for the change and some time after
I would like to have a conversation with Blaise Pascal
>no mentions of constantinople
Probably in 1170 at its peak, when the Komnenoi Dynasty was closing to an end.
God that city must have been absolutely gorgeous.
0AD? You mean the year 1 I hope
You're beautiful, user.
Anyway I'd go back to Easter to wait for Jesus to come out of his tomb.
They didn't say you would die. Just that it lasts only 12 hours.
I'd go watch the Battle of Kursk if I could do that without getting shot/drafted/drafted and then shot
This sounds cute X3.
I kind of like the idea of keeping safe by staying in modern times. I might want to go to the early 90s though to see what it was like before I was born..
"The main streets are very wide and very straight; some of these are on the land, but the rest and all the smaller ones are half on land, half canals where they paddle their canoes.All the streets have openings in places so that the water may pass from one canal to another. Over all these openings, and some of them are very wide, there are bridges. . . . There are, in all districts of this great city, many temples or houses for their idols. They are all very beautiful buildings. . . . Amongst these temples there is one, the principal one, whose great size and magnificence no human tongue could describe, for it is so large that within the precincts, which are surrounded by very high wall, a town of some five hundred inhabitants could easily be built. All round inside this wall there are very elegant quarters with very large rooms and corridors where their priests live. There are as many as forty towers, all of which are so high that in the case of the largest there are fifty steps leading up to the main part of it and the most important of these towers is higher than that of the cathedral of Seville. . . ."
I'd go aboard the Soviet Foxtrot-class submarine B-59 during the cuban missile crisis and listen to the crew captains debate whether or not to fire off a nuclear warhead
Probably take in the sites and sounds of Babylon during Alexander's military procession.
I think that'd be pretty comfy.
Nice user