Daily reminder that bitcoin is tulip mania 2.0

Daily reminder that bitcoin is tulip mania 2.0

if this picture happens, I dont have a daughter.

Tulip mania was based on price speculation alone. No funtional cases existed
Crypto is based a lot on speculation but it has a ton of use cases in big ways.
Even if generally crypto bursts, everybody will be using some form of blockchain soon.


Horrible hairline.

>caring about the color of the dick in my daughter's vagina.

Because we won't accept sub-human grandkids, nor will we raise them when he ends up in jail or shot during a liquor store robbery.

lmao, can't get enough of anons collecting these photos to piss off /pol/

gg..ggguys its same as tulips you´re all ggonna lose your money!
bbitcoin will lose all value!

>Race is only about the color of skin.
>What is biology

>lmao, i'm from reddit

Your daughters kid will be a brainlet who gets himself killed after you spending 19 years putting money into him!


A huge portion of teenage white girls prefer or only like black men.

please get that nigger scum off of the ivory goddess KThnxBai

because they like "danger" who the fuck wants danger when youre pregnant with a AIDs ridden nigger and he runs away for another girl.

all these are kids, this is some fucked up shit.

mods wtf?
that's a sexually suggestive image of bestiality, that's fucked up senpai. non Veeky Forums related and NSFW

Or they are just attracted to black men only.

Nice excuses though.

Made up bullshit. Only the future single moms dated nogs in high school, and we all knew who they were.

> race-baiting on Veeky Forums

go back to /pol/

Why are you so triggered over love?

This thread is nothing but /pol/ bait. Complete waste of time.

I'm not triggered. Other people can make poor life choices as much as they wish. I won't have that filth in my gene pool though.

we need more active mods desu

this makes me want to rape her hnnng

I've been on tinder for a while now and almost every single mom has a black kid. It's not even like we have that many niglets in my country. I usually swipe right on all woman and had a couple of them start a chat. Always get a good laugh out of calling them out. noone wants these woman, they know they fucked up sooner or later.

>I'm not triggered. Other people can make poor life choices as much as they wish. I won't have that filth in my gene pool though.

Would your ancestors be proud of you if they found out that you cared unironically about the gene pool, something that is entirely outside of yourself and worthless.

This is why you should learn your childrens (if you make a mistake to make some) to be racist.

Yeah, its a speculative bubble but at least it's harmless.

Property here (Australia) goes for $1M+ with boomers hording huge portfolios chanting that you can't lose on property, it doubles every 7 years, while young family's are totally crushed by either mega mortgages or astronomical (by historical standards) rents. All thanks to fiat and our financial system/government.

Don't invest in crypto if you're not comfortable with the risk.

>Would your ancestors be proud of you if they found out that you cared unironically about the gene pool, something that is entirely outside of yourself and worthless
They would actually, and how the fuck can you call the genepool worthless?

racemixing isn't a new phenomenon

yeah its called raping conquered peoples

Your ancestors are your gene pool, and tradition dictates that they would be concerned about your future offspring and their genetic makeup, which is why at least back in the day, your bloodline was of central importance. Racemixing is essentially cutting off your bloodline to die because you're introducing foreign genes into the mix that probably dont belong there.

If you racemix as a white man or woman you will be genetically closer to any random white child than your own kids. There is just no good reason to do it.

>literal retards and manlets vs black guys
Wow, tough one


daily reminder that MBRS will be worth $10 by this time next year

i'm mixed and cucks like you will be the first to go DOTR

my daughter is too intelligent to date lower IQs

pic related, it's the 6th highest IQ in the world and my future son-in-law

I'm mixed too, but you would never be able to tell.

Cool, now since he is so clever ask him to explain averages to you

You know btc is booming when nocoiners make daily salt threads.

Whats this cuck shit

Take it to /pol/ or /gif/

>caring about what degree you get
>caring about what stocks you invest in
>caring about what house you buy

Jesus Christ you fruit loop, having a coalburner for a daughter is about the worse financial calamity to befall a man. I've actually never met a halfrican whose father was still in his life. Enjoy paying out the ass and raising that kid for your slut daughter while all your friends are enjoying their retirement. I honestly feel bad for all the dumbass dad who fell for the social justice me.

maybe you didn't get my point
women don't date people with lower IQs than them

>women don't date people with lower IQs than them
lol wut

Because men are smarter

>research scientist women with a ghetto boyfriend

>Alpha Chinks cuck illiterate, broke ass Niggers
>Niggers cuck beta white pussies.
>Beta white boys cry themselves to sleep watching bbc porn.

It's the new circle of life. Bow down to your new Chinegro masters.

>>Alpha Chinks cuck illiterate, broke ass Niggers
>>Niggers cuck beta white pussies.
>>Beta white boys cry themselves to sleep watching bbc porn.

Nigresses love the BYC

>>Alpha Chinks cuck illiterate, broke ass Niggers
>>Niggers cuck beta white pussies.
>>Beta white boys cry themselves to sleep watching bbc porn.

"Bow down to your new master, niggers."
"yesum massa"

>>Alpha Chinks cuck illiterate, broke ass Niggers
>>Niggers cuck beta white pussies.
>>Beta white boys cry themselves to sleep watching bbc porn.

What's that Nigresses? Your women want to make beautiful, smart, super strong & fast super babies?

Can do!

Uh yeah, they do. Women love brutality, aggression, snark, and dominance. It's the lizard brain. The traits that make for a conventionally "good man" are a turn off for them.

why doesnt this shithole have any mods

daddy issues

>What's that Nigresses? Your women want to make beautiful, smart, super strong & fast super babies?
>Can do!

it's literally /g/ runoff and has been a containment board since it's inception

Because you're a nigger

>What's that Nigresses? Your women want to make beautiful, smart, super strong & fast super babies?
>Can do!!

>What's that Nigresses? Your women want to make beautiful, smart, super strong & fast super babies?
>Can do!!!

>waa waa please someone save me from my hurt feelings

literally go take a walk and get attacked by a pack of geese



this is a lot better than in op's pic. that guy's a thug,while this seems to be a nice dark skinned friend



Statistically incorrect


Amen. People that truly believe Blacks are just like Whites aside from "skin color" should be exiled to an African nation.

It is fucked up. That is what kikes like MTV Sumner Redstone planned.

>muh tulip mania

Kill yourself nigger lover.



Raus, kike.

This. My daughter burns the coal, she pays the toll. No, she's not living at home past 18. No, we will not take care of any mutant half-niglets. She had plenty of warnings.

Gas me, redneck bitch.

Can someone red pill me on this.. do these threads exist to create a cuckold fetish in people (I've had one I admit in the past) to make them stop being aggressive and white, and to step aside for multiculturalism so the jews and have everything? Is that the gist of it?

Also I've been on biz like 13 times now and I'm not rich yet, what gives.

basically you're a cuck goy and kys, that sums it up

This pic looks better for a few reasons

The first pic has the black man in a sexually suggestive pose in a dominant position

The second pic has him holding her by her thighs (not her ass), their waists are not actually making contact so it's more of a genuine carry than a sex position, her head is substantially above his and his head is more into her chest which creates more of a sense of intimacy and familiarity instead of looking like he's about to drug and fuck a 14 year old white bitch and send it to his gangbanger friends like the first pic

I had nothing better to do than type this

TULIP ya say?

Can one of you cucks tell me if coinmamma is safe or not