Is it safe to say that fascism is essentially all about unity?
Is it safe to say that fascism is essentially all about unity?
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Hitler ruined fascism as an ideology.
Marxist have no trouble distancing themselves from the USSR or any socialist regime since they all hate each other anyway.
leftypol get more shit from r/socialism than /pol/
I mean fascism is collectivist nationalism, so...
Why the fuck is Max Stirner there?
He is a leftypol "pet" for Muh spooks memes
lurk more
that's a generalization, but unity (or, more accurately imo, totality) within the framework of a nation-state is a major feature of fascism
>Lurk more
How about you read more, nigger.
So they haven't read his works at all? He shits on commies and says the right to one's property is if he knows how to take it and defend it.
they like cherrypick some of his quotes for memes and baiting /pol/.
pretty much. stirner is a just a meme now. "le spook may may xDDDDD". reminds me of nietzsche and the "le god is dead nihilism" of early internet atheists.
we generally call it "totalitarianism"
Is Stirner worth reading? I was thinking of reading Ego and His Own since it's free on Project Gutenberg but I keep thinking it's just a meme philosophy. Is it?
No, it's all about control
If are edgy and/or anarcho egoist, Stirner is for you
>So they haven't read his works at all?
You're not as well read as you think. He explains plainly in Stirner's critics that he's not opposed to socialism (or really, any ideal for that matter), only socialism held as sacred.
Stirner's really a pretty decent philosopher. I consider his concept of egoism closer to Sartre's notion of living in good faith with your radical freedom than what most associate with egoism.
>So they haven't read his works at all? He shits on commies and says the right to one's property is if he knows how to take it and defend it.
he literally said the workers shoudl assert ownership of their labour and throw off the bosses
You can't "ruin" an ideology you fucking retard. Holy fuck this is the stupidest thing I've read all month and people like you make it impossible to have an actual discussion on anything remotely political here.
How so? today most of the people cant avoid thinking in anti semitism and white supremacy when they heard about fascism. Nazism=fascism is a popular meme.
>Public opinion doesn't exist
An ideology is as it is. Public opinions toward an ideology can change but in essence does not change the core tenets of what that ideology is.
Nuclear energy is still a fantastic alternative to many extant energy production methods but public opinons has in recent memory and in the past been against it. It does not change what Nuclear energy is or the consensus amongst many scientists and environmentally aware people that it is still a perfectly decent alternative as an energy source.
he didn't ruin the ideology
his enemies just forced a heavy social stigma on it
What people think about fascism is irrelevant when discussing what it is about
Are you sure user? I mean, trump is a fascist for many people, how do you can have a serious discussion with all the memes surround fascism?
Its emotional appeal is generally about national unity at the expense of everything else (human rights, peace, equality, etc.)
>the good of the collective whole is an emotional appeal
No, it is quite logical, especially in a crisis.. but you are correct in saying that fascists put their group/collective above anything else. It is totalitarian by nature, which makes it pretty shitty if your personal desires don't line up with the collective.
>Fascism about unity
Fascism isn't some magical ideology that is somehow unique from all other forms of authoritarianism. Fascism only works by identifying an enemy that the society can latch on to, which typically means constantly dividing people so as to have a constant source of antagonism.
Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Immigrants, Kulaks, etc etc.
Fascism is about insecurity.
When one feels threatened what does one do? You beef up your attitude, defenses, etc. You stop having dialogue and resort to zero-sum thinking. You want to appear strong and confident.
>t. the insecure
and who will protect your freedoms? yourself? the state?
Fascism is about aesthetics. More specifically, the aestheticization of politics. The ideology, governance, the state, merge into a singular entity. Politics becomes performance art. The leader supplants himself as the figure of worship within the society.
Fascism is inherently tied to violence in numerous ways- both in its origins, and its end game. There would be no Nazis without the Friekorps. And there would be no Friekorps without World War 1.
If you want to insight into the origins of fascism, read "Male Fantasies". If you want insight into how it operates within a society and convinces millions of men to pick up a rifle and then die in a foreign land, just watch Star Ship Troopers. Terrible movie, but decent insight into the optimism within Germany that lasted into 1940.
>Fascism is about aesthetics
It's kind of interesting how fascism indeed does focus very much on appearance.
The laughable conditions and hurt pride of Germany was the biggest factor in their rise.
Fascism is a metaphysical parasitism that seeks to destroy the force of variation in the fundamental creative method of variation/chaos, selection/order, and synthesis/reproduction/persistence. The resulting method is selection, reproduction, selection, reproduction in an endless loop, which is social Darwinianism, and the reason why fascism is intrinsically genocidal (ALL forces of variation must be stopped, experiential, cultural, and biological.) Fascism is incest abstracted to all reality, most especially social and human reality. One of the expressions of fascism is the God of Christianity, which is a metaphysically incestuous idea, the father fucking himself with Mary as a surrogate womb to give birth to...himself. Christianity spent bloody centuries trying to eliminate all variation that was not of itself, going to the ends of the world to do so. God is the anthropomorphic mascot of this trans-dimensional informational parasitism that has enslaved the entire world, the "unity" of which you speak comes after division after bloody division with no replenishment, until the "end of history" is reached with the death of change, and thus omnicide. This parasitism has created the tools to fulfill its destiny of apocalypse (A self-fulfilling Christian prophecy) and as a force upon human consciousness it must eventually use it.
The only real revolution there can be is the liberation of minds from the shackles of fascism. It will take all of humanity to do so, unity against this ancient foe, the source of all violence, is what is needed. The only possible weapons are questioning and reason, because combined they cause variation in ideas and experiences that is the undoing of fascism.
Memetic Entities:
Absolute garbage
>Talking about fascism
>literally can't stop talking about nazis
>Muh horseshoe theory
Becaus Nazi fascism is was different from Italian fascism, and came about under different circumstances. Regardless, both are boiled down to aesthetics.
What you seem to be calling "aesthetics" I would call "religion." I'm not saying this to be edgy and equate most religions with fascism. Some religions are better than other religions and some are really bad. Fascism in particular is one of those really bad ones.
As an antitheist I think that religions are a net negative but given the wide amount of very terrible atheistic religions in the modern era I am not sure it is possible to get rid of religion entirely (it may be a biological tendency to some extent) and think that if we throw away our current religions we may just end up with worse ones.
Now. Some might accuse me of being a tad religious myself. I probably do have at least some blind-spots where I am a little religious but hope to be as little religious as possible.
I would also argue that Marxist-Leninism in particular has a strongly religious character.
- Collectivism is not necessarily religious
- Concepts of socialism are not necessarily religious
- Marxism has religious characteristics
- Marxist-Leninism is very religious
- Stalinism is a full blown personality cult
its about sex, organised violence, and group cohesion
its a manifestation of those human patterns that organise a social unit into a efficient structure thats ready to mobilise for war, basicaly it assumes a state of constant mobilisation in a long war where all internal conflict is suspended and supressed and society is modeled as a domminance hierarchy with a absolute alpha on top, which can even be just a military or parastatal thing, its like a exchange, a individual gives submission so he gets to domminate trough being part of a organised collective that runs society answering to no one and gives no fucks, function and obedience are emphasised, meaning youre not supposed to be disfunctional in any way or youre a problem and if you disobey you are being disfunctional, both cases you get purged
Literally highschool tier reasoning, and I already referenced the leader supplanting the previous God in the society.
Religious devotion to a leader is older than sin. It's older than the Bronze Age. Fascism is inherently modern by design. It is so much more than leader worship. Leader worship alone does not explain what happened in World War II.
Highschool intellectual heavyweight over here
1. I never said that fascism wasn't old as fuck.
2. There were a bunch of genocides and empires in the past. WWII differs in technology only.
>I never said that fascism wasn't old as fuck.
Gonna do you a favor and assume this is a typo, because if you unironically think fascism is anything but a purely modern phenomenon you may be the least intelligent man on this website right now
>WWII differs in technology only.
And technology is a crucial aspect of fascism. There would be no fascism without modern industry.
As individuals, not as a fixed idea of some idiotic collective, that is oppressive in its inflexibility regarding the needs and desire of an individual, as soon as one cannot opt-out, in that, they are either associated with such an ideal and an ideology by inference, or once engaging with it, trapped in that they cannot manipulate it to their own will.
He was not opposed to socialism in its conception for it is merely an idea, its implementation however, in that it necessarily needs to be a 'spook' for it to tangibly have any meaning in the world, makes it not tenable as a position for a Stirnian egoist, even further, if one is a psychological-egoist, then communism, in its act of placing primacy on that which is outside the individual, is an untenable position.
Oswald Mosley take on fascism
By not having a discussion with literal retards that clearly have no knowledge of the subject or any intention of forming an educated opinion
Someone needs to make an RTS game with this aesthetic
so why you are in Veeky Forums?