Turns out ODN is a scam... people thought only 20 million coins... actually basically 100 million coins...

Turns out ODN is a scam... people thought only 20 million coins... actually basically 100 million coins... so much for making any money on this coin... feel bad for people who bought it. You remain forever poor.

feels good man, I almost spend 10K on this but I changed my mind

smart man. You are going to make it. IOC is the only coin that matters in messenging. DIONS bro.

ODN is a garbage scam coin. Once it hits exchanges, sell it asap, get rid of it. Its fucking worthless.

I regret participating in this ico

Try and get some gains... but dump that shit. Also... they tried to get on cryptopia but failed... there blockchain wasn't set up right... fucking fail

it'll most likely be sub 10 cents when it hits exchange.

How many coins do you have I will buy them from you.

I shilled against this using the whitepaper and the ODN ICO circlejerk was so busy beating one and other off they ignored the fact they were buying 1/5th of the project at an extremely inflated price and there are/were many (COMPLETELY FREE) competitors.


Dumb motherfuckers couldn't smell a scam when it was punching them in the face.

- t. user who warned you by copy-pasting sections of the whitepaper

all you had to do was invest in IOC... its all you had to do... you know the people that actually are doing this right... not the cheap scam knock off.

Learn to read retards. Its clearly in whitepaper rhat now its around 89mil and maximum supply gonna be 120 in 4-5 years. Still comfy but I will joind you in fud to buy more

I didn't even shill IOC in the ODN threads. Just warned people to be cautious of ODN. No working project, promised to commence development soon, warned of the fact that they wouldn't even deliver or would be made irrelevant prior to delivery in the risks section....

No need to shit up the thread with IOC shilling (DYOR). Just warn people on what ODN was.

That said, as people realize they bought bags at a very high price, there might be a reasonable entry on ODN at some point in the future. Not here.

i just got banned from ODN slack for telling the truth.

Oh man... the fact that you're trying this hard to FUD makes me ever so happy to be holding these sweet sweet ODN's. Thanks brothers! See you on the moon!

The stupidity begins. If you can't read a whitepaper then you are a retard.

ODN developers came to my house and gang raped me after I said something negative about the platform in Slack.

Fuck this scamcoin!

I rly hope you faggots get many people to sell their shit. I'm not comfy enough with 3 upcomming masternodes, I WANT MORE 4 CHEAP AND THEN MAKE MONEY WITH THIS BITCH

Its me m8. I made this giveaway and this I am slowly fudding around. Stay with smart money anons

> he thinks masternodes will actually happen with ODN HAHAHAHAA this shit won't even hit exchanges

so you think ODN is a scam too

screencaped this and will post it in 6 months regardless of what happens.
Newcoiners are always so impatient, it's crazy

at this point ODN will be 5 cents a coin. GTFO.

I fucking remember you. You parked your ass in an ODN thread for hours shilling IOC and spreading FUD out of your asshole
How did that FinTech competition work out for you?

nope. Just want to buy more from weakhands. Buy fud, sell fomo user

Listen nigger, I'm not that annoying motherfucker who shills anything in other threads. I FUD shill threads, not redirect shilling to other shitcoins.

Enjoy your bags and good luck. I hope the dev commences development soon.

oh look, people are FUDing another great coin in an attempt to buy cheap just like with LINK

ODN A GREAT COIN HAHAHA shitty messenger... okay... cause wtf is that good for... lets pay to send text 2000 wants there idea back


still garb... can't wait to see you fags selling it for 7 cents a pop

I was planning on buying 10k worth. This thread convinced me to buy 20k worth.

We've seen this song and dance on ChainLink already.

I'm not holding any ODN. I'm just pointing out you're a retard.

send your ODN to those address listed in pic if you hate ODN. Those people will keep it safe for you.

Did they use condom?
Did they cum inside of you?
Did they use lube?
Did you feel their penis touching your shit?
Did you feel female during the rape?

Hmm gonna chime in here, did some dev work for them, they promised x y and z and never even dmed me back, also the devs are basically clueless, might end up taking off if they get their shit together but I wouldn't hold my breath

the devs don't understand how anything works... literal garbage... Syscoin is better than this piece of shit.


They're not really devs lol certainly not Blockchain devs at least

all team looks like 40yrs old virgins with autism. I trust them with technology. All great tech are developed by such autistic guys that work in their basement for 2 years on this

they don't know anything even Joel said this from IOC and he super Chad bro.

Literally anyone can go to their Slack and see every single claim here is fake

nah ODN is scam coin...

Who is the girl in your picture?
Would fuck.
