There is literaly nothing wrong with Fascism
Depends which brand of fascism
Falangism, Classical fascism and Integralism is fine
National Socialism and Legionarism is for faggots.
the argentinian kind was the worst
It's no morachy.
>zero external debt
pick one
What's Legionarism?
R*manian fascism
t. David Abrahamescu
>tfw Brazil could have been saved if it wasnt for that faggot Vargas
Fascists are useful tools for keeping away commies in a country that is not socioeconomically inclined towards bourgeois democracy. However they are still tyrants with everything that comes with that.
pretty much this. fascism is for losers and their only excuse is "at least we are not Marxist"
Why do you think Perón was a fascist?
Bashing commies is nothing wrong.
Yes, but thats pretty much all fascists are good for. It's like assholes beating up assholes.
So do you lolberts not support "fascism" ever? people like you only worship the free market.
I don't like the state holding me at gun point and telling me what to do
Peron was a run of the mill autocrat--he wasn't a fascist.
>So do you lolberts not support "fascism" ever?
because its a shitty failed system that only autistic 20 year olds with no friends support out of emotional edgy outrage
>because its a shitty failed system that only autistic 20 year olds with no friends support out of emotional edgy outrage
Just like the very lolberts
>making an appeal to emotion when your harebrained meme ideology (which you dont even understand) isnt respected
reminder that all modern economic models are based on people from libertarian thought, be it Mises or Hayek.
My problem with Fascism is three fold:
Firstly I dislike its Autocratic layout with a cult of personality figure at the helm whom is held in a far higher esteem than other political figures. I think democracies are more stable and peaceful in the international system.
Secondly I dislike Fascism and even more so Nazisms obsession with hierarchy, people are unequal yes but I think we should have equality in opportunity which is meritocratic rather than a system where by inequality is institutionalized on arbitrary factors such as Nationality, Gender, or Race.
Finally and most importantly I despise Fascism's disdain for individuality. Fascism has the most pessimistic view of human nature and rejects rationalism arguing that people are sheep ho need a strong leader to guide them. Individuality is a key component of society as it allows for expression, art, and culture to flourish, the defining characteristics of great civilizations, but under Fascism this would be seriously hindered.
Tbqh I feel as though I am in the minority of people on Veeky Forums as I actually really like the French Revolution, Democracy, Human rights, and moderate Liberalism. Sry I am a cuck and not a Fascismo or "technocratic gramscianist post positivist anarcho monarchist"
>Mfw we actually live in the best timeline
I like you
>He doesn't want to pay my welfare but i cant say his ideology is racist because people know it aint, so i will just call them autists
And that is how nazis are born
>all modern economic models are based on people from libertarian thought, be it Mises or Hayek.
really? we don't live already in a crony capitalist hellhole?
>Secondly I dislike Fascism and even more so Nazisms obsession with hierarchy, people are unequal yes but I think we should have equality in opportunity which is meritocratic rather than a system where by inequality is institutionalized on arbitrary factors such as Nationality, Gender, or Race.
This. Its the most glaring problem of hypocrisy in fascism. The admition that people arent equal, which is true, but then the establishment of retarded laws that activly prevent the best person from getting the job. If they actually did believe women or blacks or whatever were too inferior for a certain position, then they would have no problem at all allowing them to attempt to get that position in a meritocracy
And also concerning your second point, they usually preach some form of "we are the best race/people/ect" yet then the government will treat its people like stupid animals and control every aspect of their lives. If you truly believed in some aryan master race, wouldnt you grant these people the freedom to do as they please? Why would you have to give them such rigid laws with such extreme punishments?
>Implying spic politicians have any kind of ideology beyond kleptocracy and nepotism.
>hates crony capitalism
*shoots u*
>Mfw we actually live in the best timeline
what about eastern roman empire... seems like the most comfy era and place to live in
>racism = fascism
>nazism=fascism argument again
american libertards
>Cucks: the empire
>crony capitalism= fascism
At least you and the commies have something in common
>the meme
based Veeky Forums
>corporatism isnt crony capitalism
how delusional are you user?
Barely a fascist, more similar to leftist nationalists like Sukarno and Nasser than Hitler or Codreanu.
Which countries did Peron invade? Which segments of the population did Peron determine to be undesirable and try to eliminate? When did Peron seek to oppress the working classes to the benefit of the elite?
People only call him a fascist because he admired the mobilization and aesthetics of some fascist movements during the 1930s, but so did many other third world leaders seeking to build a political order distinct from the Western liberal tradition.
Never even mentioned fascism Paco
I believe I wouldn't live from 476. untill 1456.
Once again, read about it before you talk by memes
Tbqh m8 the 21st century is comfy af especially if you are western:
>No massive wars and wars that do happen are low intensity
>Medicine better than ever
>Food/drink is better than ever
>Goods are cheaper than ever
>Education better than ever
>Media and technology better than ever
>Recreational activities better than ever
>Nations cooperate so much more than fight
>More people than ever being lifted out of poverty
>Not having to do battle with ayyy's for survival of planet
>Can travel the world with ease and see loads of awesome places quickly and affordably
The list goes on
Our biggest problems are the world is getting hot, all this trade and super viruses could lead to a nasty pandemic, wealth distribution, and terrorism (and tbqh terrorism isn't really that much of a threat as it over exposure in the media ect).
Will be interesting to see how the 21st century plays out but in comparison to the 20th century this might be the time to live lads, will be cool to see how China's "socialism" will impact the world or be impacted by it.
We're all gonna make it lads :)
to be fair, in the case of Mussolini's italy, for example, corporatism became in practice corporatocracy.
>My meme ideology is better this other meme ideology.
collectivists are cancer
>Medicine better than ever
>Food/drink is better than ever
>Goods are cheaper than ever
>Education better than ever
>Media and technology better than ever
>Recreational activities better than ever
>Can travel the world with ease and see loads of awesome places quickly and affordably
>all these accessible for all
>especially if you are western
>More people than ever being lifted out of poverty
World is far form perfect but in comparison to any other time in history 21st century is comfy and the idea that these things are not applicable to all peoples can be applied to every time in history ever with equal effect.
except now you usually have to work 10+ hours a day and are in debt most of your life... not really compfy. back then you really didn't care for shit... join army and rape what you want, take best food, see nice new lands... or be a farmer and produce carrots and chill. Now you have to grow nad grow and never stop and just chill. if you're eastern roman you're way OP... have greek, egyptian and mesopotamian land, culture and knowledge of rome, greece and egypt... everybody else barely knows how to speak.
>aryan master race = fascism
>romanticizing totalitarianism
You guys are way too fucking sheltered.
There are many situations worse than a strong central government. Libyans and Syrians, for instance, now learn that terror via warbands is substantially worse than terror via an authoritarian president.
What the fuck? How is that an excuse? "Yeah but there are worse things" is now an excuse to want an oppressive dictatorship in your country that, I fucking guarantee, is stable?
>>Medicine better than ever
So are deseases, thanks to the filthy cesspoll that are modern cities more contagious too
>>Food/drink is better than ever
Lol no
>>Goods are cheaper than ever
At the cost of wages and cheap third world exploitation
>>Education better than ever
No, it became more acessible but not better
>>Media and technology better than ever
Media no, technology yes
>>Recreational activities better than ever
Relative, there is many good shit out there to be seen, but most of it doesnt rival great artists of the xviii, xix, xx centuries, on the other hand many people whose recreational activities is jacking off and/or smoking weed or clubing and PUA
>>Can travel the world with ease and see loads of awesome places quickly and affordably
You could do that before, what changed was the safety in doing so
>>all these accessible for all
At the expense of the tax payer, the sad little man that pays it all but is always the last to suck on gov tit, if he ever does
You moron it was those dictatorships that kept order, that's how it was justifiable
Forgot to add, no wars (untill they do happen and more bloody than ever) but non stop terrorist attacks targeting civilians
>Juan Peron
His populist policies only worked briefly and only fucked up Argentina's economy in the long-run with excessive amount of money spent on inefficient state industries and large social transfer payments.
In some situations there's not really a choice. Soviet Russia and Putin's Russia are both incalculably better than the nightmare that was the 90s, just like communist China and the Qing Empire were far more habitable societies than the chaos of the early 20th century.
Stability is the greatest marker for quality of life, because when a society is stable the necessary systems (food distribution, law enforcement, healthcare) are able to operate. When a society is fragmented and disordered, these systems can't.
Liberal democracy has historically been the best framework for managing these systems and also upholding human rights. Unfortunately, liberal democracy can give way to civil war or other forms of unrest when there's not a strong tradition of stable governance and a burgeoning middle class. The histories of Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East show that such a transition more often than not hurts the people living there.
Is this an antifa board? Come on, be honest.
what does antifa even mean
It's just a couple thousand 20-somethings who plan protests over discord