>It's annuda Andersonville!
>Oy vey the Rebs know, shuddit dooown
>Empower the Fed to free those poor oppressed slaves who live in mansions without paying rent, goy!
The Eternal Yank
Other urls found in this thread:
>complains about states rights
>proceeds to secede and creates an even more powerful central government
Henry Wirz objectively did absolutely nothing wrong and was an outstanding soldier and human being deserving of a posthumous pardon and MoH
13,000 MORE
>implying southerners aren't the only ones who have a pathetic infatuation with the Civil War
>Convince hundreds of thousands of southerners to fight a war so the richest members of their society can keep an unpaid labor force that served as an inhibition of industrialization
Jesus, I'm from the fucking South but I will never understand this Lost Cause bullshit.
March to the sea best 5 weeks of my life.
Henry Wirz never abused Yankee prisoners but he should have
Daily reminder that the civil war was shitty because it was a civil war, not because of a northern shadow government directing ideology against a southern shadow government
Also daily reminder that the civil war was literally about (the expansion of) slavery (into new US territories that hadn’t achieved statehood).
T. Texas
Slaves had the same quality of life modern middle and lower class Americans have.
Modern middle class Americans don't do unpaid field labor under hellish conditions.
They were fighting for their homes
>Get food and shelter
do it again, marcher sherman
you really wanna play the game Cletus
Further proof that Grant and Sherman should have executed their prisoners.
The confederate mayor lit Atlanta on fire, not Sherman. "she told me Shermans demons burned the town to the ground and then I went outside and admired the fine antebellum homes."
>more powerful central government
Are you an retard
lol, I had forgotten about Andersonville
On a side note. Wasn't this camp in particular a major reason for the Hague Convention?
>Get food and shelter
They usually had to grow their own food and lived in squalid conditions, squalid by the standards of the time.
If you want any more proof that Sherman is the best.
> On the 8th, as I rode along, I found the column turned out of the main road, marching through the fields. Close by, in the corner of a fence, was a group of men standing around a handsome young officer, whose foot had been blown to pieces by a [land mine] planted in the road. He was waiting for a surgeon to amputate his leg, and told me that he was riding along with the rest of his brigade-staff of the Seventeenth Corps, when a [mine] trodden on by his horse had exploded, killing the horse and literally blowing off all the flesh from one of his legs. I saw the terrible wound, and made full inquiry into the facts.
>There had been no resistance at that point, nothing to give warning of danger, and the rebels had planted eight-inch shells in the road, with friction-matches to explode them by being trodden on. This was not war, but murder, and it made me very angry. I immediately ordered a lot of rebel prisoners to be brought from the provost-guard, armed with picks and spades, and made them march in close order along the road, so as to explode their own [mines], or to discover and dig them up. They begged hard, but I reiterated the order, and could hardly help laughing at their stepping so gingerly along the road, where it was supposed sunken [mines] might explode at each step.
From the diary of William Tecumseh Sherman
So extrapolate from that how well a theoretical "guerilla war" against the Union might turn out.
>This was not war, but murder, and it made me very angry. I immediately ordered a lot of rebel prisoners to be brought from the provost-guard, armed with picks and spades, and made them march in close order along the road, so as to explode their own [mines], or to discover and dig them up.
Rebs get fucked.
Sweden, Germany, and Ireland not England, Norway, and Niggers
The ole' "covering all the bases" evasion.
What a great man.
this. I think of Sherman everytime some moron says the confederacy fought the war wrong and should have done an insurgency.
>killing hundreds of thousands of slaves
thanks sherman
They were fighting against their country
Hang them all I say
>Hang them all I say
I think it's too late for that bootlicker
its the slipperly slope, you twats. no states rights, no personal rights, then youre in a coffin, or wish you were. the (((enemy))) has been whittling away your rights for hundreds of years, and hes almost got you where he wants you. keep talking about muh oppression and you will see real oppression in your lifetime when your gun rights are finally gone
>if you're not a traitor you're a bootlicker
oy vey, better salute the flag and support your government goy.
>The south were good boyz who were just trying to fight (((them)))
wow the delusion
he's right, their only sin was not leaving the union earlier. Thomas Jefferson warned them.
>you don't have a choice
>Be born into this cycle of labor and abuse
>But it's ok, we're paying you in food and shelter, why are you complaining so much???
>this practice is barbaric!
>so I will force my enemies to endure it
>I immediately ordered a lot of rebel prisoners to be brought from the provost-guard, armed with picks and spades, and made them march in close order along the road, so as to explode their own [mines], or to discover and dig them up. They begged hard, but I reiterated the order, and could hardly help laughing at their stepping so gingerly along the road, where it was supposed sunken [mines] might explode at each step.
That's barbarian tier
They deserved it. They should have just made them march back and forth and forget the tools to dig them up.
>so I will force my enemies to endure it
Not really, he didn't start using mines himself, he just used rebel prisoners to get rid of rebel-planted mines.
Literally nothing wrong here.
I'm not even saying that, I'm just saying traitors deserve what they get, and they should have gotten more.
>execute every high-level military and political official
>seizure of all plantations and redistribution to freedmen and white yeoman farmers
>promote industrialization of the south
What happens next?
Slaves were better off health wise than white yanks desu.