Does anyone else ever feel guilty about dine and dashing?
Does anyone else ever feel guilty about dine and dashing?
I'm not poor.
No because I'm not a worthless piece of shit like faggot op
No, because I'm not a piece of shit thief who should be executed in the street
so this is the noncrypto section of Veeky Forums we've all been missing eh?
times is hard for stockcucks
haha memes
Any veteran dine and dasher wanna explain to me how to best dine and dash? I need to buy shitcoins with the money I'll save.
no, because I don't do that, you little piece of shit :^)
Instead of paying for the meal, you leave.
+1 google plus upvote my guy
if you're planning on dining and dashing to save money why don't you just make your own meals? beans rice and potatoes are cheap as fuck and you can get the rest of your intake with a multivitamin
Try normiebook
>implying normie socialists aren't the biggest thieves of them all
>implying shitcoins arent a ponzi scheme
Capitalism is theft as it is, nothing wrong with enjoying a nice meal on their behalf.
>Capitalism is theft as it is
Fuck off commie, the definition of capitalism is that you own what you produce
Ah yes so much is produced by the restaurant owner paying his employees mere shekels
I'm not a nigger
I read that in the voice and completely forgot what it was, looked it up then kek'd harder than ever before
The employee is in a voluntary contract to sell his labour.
Those who dine and dash deserve to be beaten and thrown in the garbage like the trash they are.
You, a philistine: Dines and dashes
Me, an intellectual: calls the restaurant a few hours after I've eaten there, complains that the food made me severely ill, gets a full refund without breaking the law in any provable way