Was MLK really a serial adulterer and father a child out of wedlock? And if so, does that change your opinion of him?
Was MLK really a serial adulterer and father a child out of wedlock? And if so, does that change your opinion of him?
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Probably and no?
you made a thread to tell everyone your political opinion, why not start it on /pol/?
Why the negative assumption? I actually respect the man. He did a lot for civil rights in the United States. Just wanted to discuss an aspect of his life that isn't talked about much. Especially in light of the declassified JFK files.
I've heard the same charges, I'm not positive where the source comes from.
many of the founding fathers were
It hurts more in this case because of his status as a devout man of God and a pastor.
FBI. They kept a close eye on him.
Even if you take away all his transgressions, what was he other than a man of God? The guy could give one hell of a speech, but that's it. There really is nothing more to MLK than that.
He was literally controlled by some communist Jew named Stanley Levison
He was a lawyer.
Citation needed.
His wiki profile doesn't mention a law degree anywhere, and even so, he didn't build his career practicing law.
It does negatively impact my view of him a bit but it's still small compared to everything he helped achieve.
A man of the cloth is held to a higher standard.
yes, and its important to teach this, but not as a way to discredit him or what he fought for, but to teach this generation of outraged faggots that no man is perfect, and even good men have flaws. A bad deed does not erase a good deed, and vice versa
Niggers gonna nig. This doesn't surprise me one bit
I agree. But he did have his flaws. Besides unfaithfulness, he also plagiarized his college dissertation. An acknowledged fact by the university from which he graduated.
>I find it hard to be reverent about the Reverend. Whenever such a thick cloud of sanctimony enshrouds anyone or anything, my guts tell me to reach for the air freshener. Yes, I realize that there used to be segregated drinking fountains and that in some places, poor little black kids couldn’t even buy ice-cream cones from white vendors. But I think it’s time we all conceded that many places in Africa don’t even have drinking water, much less a single flavor of ice cream.
Is that writer being satirical ?
What do you mean by controlled?
It's Jim Goad. He's known to be provocative.
I've never understood this argument. Why should we compare the situation of black Americans to Africans. Their treatment shouldn't be compared to Africans, it should be compared against white Americans.
The difference between African blacks and American blacks is that the latter is actively being fucked over by those with power.
>The difference between African blacks and American blacks is that the latter is actively being fucked over by those with power.
Back in that era africans were colonial owned and fucked over. The American case however has stark differences in it mainly that it's a society that they had colony sequence Bullshit thrown at them in a western nation aka oppressing browns on home soil rather then the much more approved oppression typically done at that time.
>The difference between African blacks and American blacks is that the latter is actively being fucked over by those with power.
Didn't know we live in the 60's
Sorry, meant was.
Yes he was and while that does change my opinion about him as a person, it doesn't change my opinion about the things he stood for
Impossible to say about the adultery charges as most of the sources are user or suspect. FBI 'records' are not reliable from the Hoover era if they deal with any subject that the Director was 'unfriendly' towards.
One thing that makes me think the adultery was legit is that it was one of the first things the FBI threatened him with back in the early 1960s. They told him to stop what he was doing or they were going to go public with his extramarital affairs. Allegedly he had women over the night before he died. Would adultery be consistently associated with him if there wasn't some truth to it? And supposedly he was popular with the ladies.
This. Seems to be what powerful men tend to do.
>MLK is bad because he cheated on his wife!
>Supports Donald Trump
Are you serious? I'm so tired of that name and that face. Was it really necessary to drag him into this discussion?
He was a powerful and influential man, they always attract the ladies. It really doesn't surprise me at all.