wtf I hate rasputin now
Wtf I hate rasputin now
Other urls found in this thread:
>things that never happened - the cartoon
anastasia looks retarded
Rasputin was a big guy
Why is Rasputin brown?
Daily reminder that Don Bluth's most famous movie prior to Anastasia is literal Jewish propaganda that advocates for America to be overrun with filthy immigrants and mud races.
Who is Rasputin and what did he do
>he didn’t like an American tail
An American Tail is a vehicle for promoting thinly veiled Jewish Marxist ideals and throwing open our great nation's gates to trespassers. Irish harps, who do a job for a nickel what a nigger does for a dime and a white man used to get a quarter for.
Because he's evil.
Nice bait
Name one thing they've contributed.
>inb4 votes
Votes, you say? They vote how the archbishop tells them, and who tells the archbishop? Their king in the pointy hat what sits on his throne in Rome.
So in this movie Rasputin is organizing a white Russian coup instead of getting killled for being against a white russian coup?
wtf i hate the patriarchy now
Have you never seen it? Rasputin is a wizard who tries to murder the royal family but they get saved by a magic bat. Literally zero mention of communism.
The assassination attempt against him in 1914 was carefully planned to coincide with the assassination of the Inspector-General Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo.
>being a namefag
for what purpose?
My father gave his life, making this country what it is. Murdered by the British with all of his men on the 25th of July, anno domini, 1814. Do you think I'm going to help you befoul his legacy, by giving this country over to them, what's had no hand in the fighting for it? Why? Because they come off a boat crawling with lice and begging you for soup?!
Bill was a hypocrite and a coward.
For what purpose though? Why would you go to an anonymous website and purposely and entirely of your own free will assume a name so as to differentiate yourself from others?
And then it turned out the old lady claiming to be Anastasia wasn't actually her LMAO
>Attacks Priest Vallon when his back is turned
>Attacks Monk McGinn when his back is turned
And he had the audacity to be offended when Amsterdam tried to assassinate him.
So people get to filter you.
guy who befriended romanov family (russian royalty) to heal their sick child, and a lot of people thought he was a sorcerer which fueled distrust for the romanov family and sped up the revolution
>unironically quoting Bill The Butcher
You're a faggot no matter what the board.
>expecting historical accuracy from children's movies
The depiction of the Greek gods in Hercules is triggering as fuck unless you shut off the part of your brain that knows how they were depicted in real life.
>hating on An American Tail
for what purpose?
He's a lich.
Mystic charlatan who claimed who was indicative of the degeneracy of the Romanovs of the time. Many rumors (most of them not true) about things he may or may not have done such as sleeping with the sisters. Still pretty shit overall though. OTMAA didn't deserve their fate.
It's pretty ironic because Rasputin was a supporter of the monarchy
You do realize that Nathan Bedford Forrest hated the racist shitstain the KKK became, tried to disband it, resigned when he realized that was futile, and advocated for equal treatment of blacks, right?
>Imma big nose Christopher Columbus with a little wood worm friend going to America to save some pixie booty from the swarm king.
Why not? Every LARPer should namefag so I can automatically ignore anything they post.
I saw the movie for the first time recently. I sided with Bill until Monk McGinn. What a fucking hypocrite.
So you will ignore this post :(?
For the Queen.
and yet you still replied
Hello G.
Disney history thread?
Anastasia isn't a Disney movie
The saddest (and innacurate) thing about this movie is the ending when this Nordic Englishman decided to race-mix. (((Propaganda))) at it's best.
>Nordic Englishman
The saddest (and inaccurate) thing is you, mate.
What was Danelaw
At least he was portrayed as a Nordic (blond, blue-eyed and stuff), dunno about the historical person IRL he was based on.
A foreign army ruling 1/4 of the island for a while.
What does this have to do with slum beggars being sailors and puritans running away from european filth centuries later?
They were both of the same race, at least predominantly.
Christian communist who established Jamestown, starved the population to death, and then decided to be a greedy european merchant anyways. Despite the fact that all the people specifically left Europe to escape from money and capital, and to be honest chirstians and share everything.
Doesn't look like nazi propaganda on his monument...
... which is based on this portrait.
Ok thanks. He looks quite wide-faced on this statue, so maybe IRL he wasn't a Nordic. Anyway it doesn't change than it this jewish propaganda movie he was depicted as such.
He is depicted as the ideal of the american man.
German, russian, even italian propaganda use the same image of a man.
Protip: go to Norway even, the most pristine part of the "aryan nordic race" domain, most people aren't tall, blue eyed and blond. Brown hair is the most popular.
>He is depicted as the ideal of the american man.
German, russian, even italian propaganda use the same image of a man.
Here I agree, Nordic race is the ideal White subtype.
>Protip: go to Norway even, the most pristine part of the "aryan nordic race" domain, most people aren't tall, blue eyed and blond. Brown hair is the most popular.
They are overwhelmingly blond, but mostly dark blond or ash blond, both these hair colours are recognized as Nordic tones though. And they are tall, in fact much taller than med shitskins. In Norway the various regions often have completely diffrent Nordic or even Cro-Magnon subtypes, so it's hard to generalize how an average Norwegian looks like.
>They are overwhelmingly blond, but mostly dark blond or ash blond
I mean, if you define blond to mean "not black", then yeah, a lot of europeans are blond.
Get your cromagnon ass to Norway, retard. Stop talking about shit you read on /pol and go empirically observe the real world, so you can be cured.
Nordic tones: A to Q (light, ash and dark blond) and V to VI (reddish blond).
Some wise people already did it for me.Trondelag province is full of Nordics altered by CM features called "Tronders". Osterdal valley is full of classic Nordics called "Osterdal types". Some isolated mountains also have population of so called "Tydal", Cro-Magnon dark pigmented type. Obviously Finmark, because of Finnic influence, is predominantly Lappid and Baltid.
>Nordic tones: A to Q (light, ash and dark blond) and V to VI (reddish blond).
People who aren't obsessed with what kind of elf subrace they are just call that brown.
This probably confuses you, as you consider brown to be something else entirely.
>People who aren't obsessed with what kind of elf subrace they are just call that brown.
In other words: ignorants.
>I've never been to Norway, let me tell you about Norway :)
I've lived in Norway, let me tell you about Norway: Most people have brown hair.
Go to Norway. Empirical truth, proven by your own senses. Go look at it, instead of looking at pseudo scientific blogposts.
In other words: people who are aware genetics exists as a field of science, and it has surpassed and replaced the racial theory of the 20th century. It went the way of alchemy when chemistry was developed as a discipline.
I'm sorry that I don't care about which side of which river my 20x great-granparents were born on
>Most people have brown hair.
Which hair tones predominantly, and in what province had you been?
If they are so interested in "genetics" they should know what types of hair can you inherit if you have two light hair alleles.
On your stupid industrial colors picture M to T are brown.
>light hair
I like how you dropped "blond". I like to imagine it caused you great pain to realize you are wrong, but truly you'll probably go back to blond in the next thread you ruin with your autism.
Various anthropologists had diffrent tone scale, some recognize O to Q as brown, but the most of them include M and N for it's blondish look. Also it's not stupid, it was created by people with higher knowledge on the topic than you.
In genetics term "light" is more favourable, I try to be accurate.
I was going to say how shit 90's kid cartoons were, but then I remembered we have the emoji movie.
No way
Is this legit?
So the guy who paid a lot of money for it was told.
But many of the original Jamestown settlers were well-to-do young men, but had been left out of the family inheritance, so they went to the New World expecting there to be plentiful amounts of gold and silver everywhere. The colony was also financed by a joint stock company, whose goal was profit. The religious motivation was there for some, but the colonies purpose was for profit, which is why it picked up tobacco so early on.
In the original concept for the film, the antagonist wasn't Rasputin but a communist official sent to hunt down Anastasia.
Then when Fox said they didn't like that, they changed it to be Rasputin because he was a historical figure. But he wasn't a zombie, just really good at dark magic and hiding, since Bartok finds him years later in a shack and tells him Anastasia is alive. This version of Rasputin was a lot more darkly comedic, and towards the end of the film when he's trying to kill Anastasia he's stomping on her fingers to get her to let go and fall to her death while saying, "This little piggy missed the firing squad.... this little piggy died screaming..."
Fox, uh, obviously didn't go for that one. Hence the zombie Rasputin in the final film.
And for the stage musical adaptation of Bluth's Anastasia that's on Broadway right now, they brought back the original concept of the antagonist being a communist officer. He's just younger and likes Anya so he's torn between his affection for a street sweeper he feels protective over and the grand duchess that needs to be cold in the ground.
>Jewish Marxist ideals
>the communist are literally the bad guys and are the reason the jew mice leave russia in the first place
why is the alt-right so retarded and ruled by emotion?
>the communist are literally the bad guys and are the reason the jew mice leave russia in the first place
An American Tail is set in the late-Reconstruction Era, that's 50 years prior to the rise of the Soviet Union
>getting this worked up about a movie about jewish mice and Cossack cats
user there are far more important things to get angry about.
oh yeah that's a legit geoduck
shiny too
shit, thats true. Been so long since I've seen it could have sworn the mice get BTFO by Bolshevik cats at the beginning
Besides being job creators, and public servants, and teachers, and doctors, and generally successful productive members of society at a greater rate than even other whites? I don’t know. What have southern billies given us besides slavery, race mixing, and obesity?
I wonder how his living relatives feel about him being made into a cartoon villain?
Probably thought it was tasteless/tacky, I'd imagine. His last surviving child, Maria, died in the 1970s. She had children and grandchildren before her death though.
>Maria told her grandchildren that her father taught her to be generous, even in times when she was in need herself. Rasputin said she should never leave home with empty pockets, but should always have something to give to the poor. Her granddaughter Laurence Huot-Solovieff, the daughter of Maria's daughter Tatyana, recalled in 2005 that according to Maria, their infamous great-grandfather was a "simple man with a big heart and strong spiritual power, who loved Russia, God, and the Tsar."
>Bolshevik cat
Those are Cossacks (military-oriented communities who served the Russian Empire maintaining order) actually. Despite the common perception that they were the frequent perpetrators of pogroms, a lot of Cossacks are actually of partial Jewish descent. Because of their ties to the Tsarist government, the Cossacks were themselves subjected to genocidal slaughter when the Soviet Union came to power and largely destroyed as a cultural and political force.
>He's just younger and likes Anya so he's torn between his affection for a street sweeper he feels protective over and the grand duchess that needs to be cold in the ground.
You could always hire a white man and pay him quarter.
Oh wait, you can't. Because you "white people" can't fucking hold yourself off from doing Jewish practices and fuck over your own people even if it blows up in your faces.
Ted Turner
could someone shadman that girl in the middle holding that amulet?
That's Anastasia Romanov (not the most accurate depiction of her though)
Also, make her pregnant so it runs with the pregnant Anne Frank theme on this board
yfw Nicky was a real sailor
>Tsar Nikolas had read Pierre Loti's Madame Butterfly before arriving in Nagasaki, and in imitation of Loti had a dragon tattooed on his right arm on May 4 1891 in a painful operation that took 7 hours, from 9 PM to 4 AM.
Any pics of the tat?
>ropaganda that advocates for America to be overrun with filthy mice.
How do they do Bartok on stage?
Also, he was almost killed by a samurai, not clear why. Probably bc a woman.
>He was attacked by Tsuda Sanzō (1855–1891), one of his escorting policemen, who swung at the Tsesarevich's face with a sabre. The quick action of Nicholas's cousin, Prince George of Greece and Denmark, who parried the second blow with his cane, saved his life.
>Tsuda then attempted to flee, but two rickshaw drivers in Nicholas's entourage chased him down and pulled him to the ground. Nicholas was left with a 9 centimeter long scar on the right side of his forehead, but his wound was not life-threatening.
Anastasia is practically bourgeois propaganda. It glorifies 'those innocent Russian nobles' and demonizes the communists and for whatever fucking reason, Rasputin. I get the general boomer shit about the communists, but why fucking Rasputin? Was some exiled butthurt Tsarist involved with production or something?
>tfw Nicky didn't die then and there so George Alexandrovich could take the throne
This really is the worst fucking timeline.
Imagine being so hated that your own people try to kill you constantly yet also be so inept at security that they are allowed to just keep trying.
>demonizes the communists and for whatever fucking reason
>The bodies of the Romanovs and their servants were loaded onto a Fiat truck equipped with a 60 HP engine, with a cargo area 6 × 10 feet in size. Heavily laden, the vehicle struggled for nine miles on boggy road to reach the Koptyaki forest. Yurovsky was furious when he discovered that the drunkard Ermakov had brought only one shovel for the burial. About half a mile further on, near crossing no. 185 on the line serving the Verkh-Isetsk works, 25 men working for Ermakov were waiting with horses and light carts. These men were all intoxicated and they were outraged that the prisoners were not brought to them alive. They expected to be part of the lynch mob, and were hoping to abuse the women before killing them. Yurovsky maintained control of the situation with great difficulty, eventually getting Ermakov's men to shift some of the bodies from the truck onto the carts. A few of Ermakov's men pawed the female bodies for diamonds hidden in their undergarments, two of whom fingered Alexandra's genitals. Yurovsky ordered them at gunpoint to back off, dismissing the two who had groped the tsarina's corpse and any others he had caught looting
You tankies really are pieces of shit you know that right?