Why is fascism bad?
Why is fascism bad?
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Totalitarianism is alienating.
Obsessing over the aesthetics of violence is a sign of mental and moral deficiencies.
It's too centered on a cult of personality of a person. Not a political figure or title, a person.
>allowing yourself to be cucked by a tyrant because you like the sound of the utopia he promises
is it possible for fascism to exist without perpetual war, like peacetime fascism but the other main tenants are still in tact? And is it possible to be ruled by a dictator or "tyrant" in a manner that isn't cruel or oppressive?
yes and no
You can't center an ideology on violence and aggression and then aim for perpetual peace. It would be a clear contradiction. Now fascism is full of contradiction but that's precisely one of the reasons why it's a short lived phenomenon.
You can be ruled by a dictator that isn't "oppressive", depending on the meaning of oppressive, but that is unlikely to happen in fascism because of how leaders are chosen. People criticize monarchy for the fact that heirs get the throne but that is far better than any other process because it's inevitably more meritocratic as there's at least a chance that the next king is going to be competent. Under fascist or fascist-like regimes, nepotism, interests of third parties inevitably interfere in the choice of the next leader, thereby making sure he's not going to be particularly competent.
And yet Veeky Forums supports and loves antifa. Why do you hate fascism and yet you like antifa?
We love antifa because this is a fascist board.
Different question OP, why do you want by all means to live and a Totalitarian Dictatorship?
Ah the usual Fascist paranoia, like everybody has to love Antifa just because the think Fascism is stupid. As if there is nothing between the shitty extremists.
>You can't center an ideology on violence and aggression and then aim for perpetual peace.
Salazar wasn't a fascist proper so I don't get the point.
Why do you oppose and hate antifa? They are against fascism and authoritarianism. Everyone on Veeky Forums should side with antifa against fascism.
>Base your ideology on "being strong and manly"
>End up as laughing stock of militaries
because they're literally Marxists
>why do you hate fascism and yet you like antifascism?
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, but is wearing an Antiduck shirt.... it's still a duck
Why not? don't fit in your meme definition of fascism?
It triggers (((((pol)))))
I'm sorry i must be imagining the anarco-communist flags and the hammer and sickles
>imagine being stupid enough to believe in horseshoe theory
>take on 3 biggest powers
>completely ruin two of them
stop trying to revise history alliedcuck
>not real fascism
sure thing, pal, as long as your narrative works
If you're aren't a Marxist in 2017 you are by definition alt-right and a fascist. Antifa are the biggest opponents of fascists and if you are not behind antifa and their message of antifascism you are fascist and an alt-right person.
It's not bad.
sounds good, give me some jackboots and my stahlhelm
It's even better, the great fascist leader was a edgy little Marxist himself then he became an edgy little fascist, then he fucked up.
> young Benny got busted in Switzerland for organizing a commie strike in Bern. Chances are the cops did run sledge with him...
Complete collectivism is just as retarded as complete individualism. Granted, one can still maintain a society under total collectivism, but it really fucking sucks. Society should be a balance between collective needs and individual interests (i.e. social contract). I am personally of the opinion that many western countries have become too individualist, but today's fascists are really just blindly reacting to this without considering the implications of totalitarianism.
>antifa isn't commies because their name says anti-fascist
they are literally modeled after an anarcho-communist group
Salazar is objectively not a fascist. Not everything authoritarian and right wing is fascism, you know. If anything, Salazar was a catholic nationalist.
If you're marxist or anti fascist, you're by definition a cuck who should be murdered by the state.
and the radical centrist strike again.
But Salazar regime have a corporatist structure and yes he was a national catholic fascist.
>you have to be on an extreme of the political spectrum to seriously believe in it
>"too much oxygen can kill you, but not breathing also kills you"
>start as marxist
>become a fascist
works fine
I never understood the meme. All political ideologies think other ones are trash, centrists are obviously not unique to this.
Nice analogy spooks, but if by example, you support capitalism then you are a right winger. A centrist would swich to rar right when their precous property is risk. you aren't better then a fasshit
>you support capitalism then you are a right winger.
No you aren't. You are pretty much mainstream and in line with like 95% of population.
The State is what prevents fascism and the alt-right from seizing power. The State ensures that a dictator doesn't seize power which apparently the State has failed us in preventing the raise of fascism in the US under Trump.
This argument is supposed to convince other leftists that centrism is bad I guess, because to most people, this mean fash>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>left
>Movement built on violence
>Relies heavily on cult of personality rather than the rule of law
>Lack of basic freedoms and respect for human rights
>Promotes oligarchic society and general economic inequality
>Heavily built on state supported industries which in turns promotes inefficiency in production and a general lack of competition long-term
>Regressive taxation system, placing burden on lower middle classes
It's this the original photo taken by the swiss the day they arrested him ?
You are thinking the meth-addict.
>Movement built on violence
>Relies heavily on cult of personality rather than the rule of law
nothing wrong with this, also what is "rule of law"
>Lack of basic freedoms and respect for human rights
only Kikes need this
>Promotes oligarchic society and general economic inequality
thats literally just a meme, not wanting full economic equality doesnt mean you support inequality
>Heavily built on state supported industries which in turns promotes inefficiency in production and a general lack of competition long-term
state is the only insitution that can controll industry effectively, only agriculture and minor services should stay in private hands
>>Regressive taxation system
probably yeah, but not all versions of Fascism, i also want to see a source
>Lack of basic freedoms and respect for human rights
only Kikes need this
The very fact we're even freely discussing this on an open forum means you benefit from it. If you hate freedom so much, go to some authoritarian state and enjoy the lack of freedoms then.
>only Kikes need this
Yeah, no. I'd rather not have the state suddenly decide that I'm not entitled to a fair trial and instead kick my door in and murder me for criticizing them.
Also this.
The 6 gorillion innocent Jews who dindu nuffin ;_;
Are you acting like that's not a legitimate argument?
The death of 6 million+ Jews, slavs and other ethnic minorities is a legitimate example of the worst of fascism. In fact it could be argued as the single biggest historical reason why fascism is unpopular today.
As for your "dindu nuffin" portion that's completely correct. The vast majority of the jews who died in fact did literally nothing wrong.
Just use bing translate, im on the phone so cant do much
You misread my post, I was legitimately grieving for the 12 quintillion innocent Chosen Ones who perished at the hands of the wh*te man. This can never happen again, which is why we all need to #punchnazis and #killwhitepepo
No, Nazi Germany ruined fascism
Glad we're on the same page, then. Have you been doing anything to help our country lately?
>A polémica está aberta...
So they don't even sure.
Yes, I've been posting anti-Drumpf memes on Facebook
if you hate the state so much, you can always hang yourself
How predictably edgy.
It's a blog citing the two diferent opinions and their claims, giving a context to those too. Read yourself and make up your own mind
A fasces is a strong bundle of sticks. To create a fasces you pick out the strongest and straightest sticks and you throw away the rest of the sticks. All the broken, short and rotten sticks of different characteristics are thrown away. At the end are left with a strong state but you have thrown away some of the people that need help most.
I would never want to live in a place that viewed me as less then human or a mistake to be corrected. I say this as a person descended from an area owned by a fascist power
What would give that impression? Do you have autism, mental or physical deficiency?
Because it doesn't believe in giving free shit to lazy people, immigrants, and criminals.
shoo /pol/
It's anti-freedom, it's anti-democracy, and it's too extreme
My ancestery is from one of the undesirables.
Which is why Veeky Forums and everyone on this thread should be supporting antifa 100% because they oppose fascists and the Trump-Pence regime. If you are against fascism you should be supporting antifa, silence indicates you are compliant in the spread of fascism.
>horseshoe theory
Anglo Fascism, based on logic not looks
I am against fascism and anything that came from its festering carcass. That includes antifa
>Cool dude agrees with me, bad dude disagrees with me
even worse, desu
While ultimately I would find myself supporting antifascists I find that lately they've embraced ideals that I don't entirely support.
I can't tell you how many times I've witnessed antifascists supporting regulations on free speech because it gives platform to racists. The kind of stuff where they support EU style speech restrictions. That's more fascist than anything.
Book source user?
Antifa is not fascist. There is no such thing as leftist fascists and don't even bring up "but Stalin, but Stalin!" Stalin was a state capitalist and thus he was part of the capitalist patriarchy. The point being, comparing antifa to fascists is a dog whistle for silence on the continual march towards fascism. Go back to the_Donald you alt-right Drumpftard because you don't know nothing about fascism and what antifa really stands for and that is freedom and justice for all. Only altright supporters and Trump supporters would be scared and against antifa.
>nothing wrong with a cult of personality
Until your personality dies and the whole thing collapses like we've seen before.
Why is /pol/ so good at making strawmen?
I never said it was fascist you tardass. But it came about as a response to fascism, so it's just as rotten to me. It'll never be more than some sustained autistic tantrum dreamt up by a self hating mongrel of a german
Because practice makes perfect.
wow are you serious? Like are you a real fucking person with these real opinions and really exist and you really just wrote that out?
Why should they tolerate what they view as the presence of a pernicious alien in the heart of the nation's state?
I have the distinct impression that that's a strawman.
tomorrow we live by mosley and the coming corporate state by Thomas raven note that by corporate he means a workers union not a modern corporation
>what they view
In other words, not necessarily the objective truth.
both can be found online in pdf format. Thomas's book tells how Anglo fascism would work in practice while Mosley's set the ouline
They want to ban anime and degeneracy.
It could be depending on circumstances and specifics of wherever you're from, but if there's no desire for your presence why should you be tolerated within the bounds of the nation's state?