Just when you thought leftists couldn't be any more retarded...
Just when you thought leftists couldn't be any more retarded
>fascism is far right
>fascism is actually radical centrism
The theory checks out.
le countermeme to horseshoe theory!!
fuck, i hate when leftists make shit like this and think they're being clever.
Pretty sure it's just a meme
what this tells me is that leftists have a "UR WITH US OR UR AGENST US!!1!1!" mentality
more at 11
>the "far left" is directly left of centrism
>fascism = national socialism
when will this meme die
it baited OP to make a thread though :^)
Way more reflective of what actually happened historically.
Stupid centrist
None of you retards actually understand it. It's not even down to political opinion.
History shows that centrist parties will ally with the traditionalist far right in order to maintain the status quo.
But couldn't a radical centrist technically also partake in extremism, simply not of either left, or right-wing nature?
Far right >>>>>>>>>>>>>> far left
t. centrist
wouldn't it end up like an L then? a fish hook implies that moderate right parties are much farther from either centrists or the far right than they are with each other
>he is a centrist
Nah you are just another reacionary
Do we have BBC theory?
>"History shows!"
Marxist history is a disgrace to the form and should be banned from this board for being a perversion to true history.
Is that pic supposed to prove your point? Reminder that Nazi Germany and USSR cooperated with each other taking over parts of Eastern Europe.
>Retards actually getting BAITED by a literal fucking FISH HOOK
You can't make this shit up.
You can be a radical centrist.
If you are smart enough.
Shut up don't ruin this thread for me
>"History shows!"
In hindsight, we had numerous opportunities to stop Hitler. In foresight, we also had numerous opportunities to stop Hitler.
>Make fun of leftist stupidity
>lol baited xD!!1
Close, but not true
>wait kim jong un and saddam hussein dindu nuffin dont attack them
You faggots would have said attacking Hitler before WW2 is American Imperialism
>history shows that centrist parties will ally with the traditionalist far right in order to maintain the status quo
Are you talking about germany? Because the fucking far left parties in germany would rather see hitler in power than the people who were in power at the time.
>tfw New Zealand Labour is working with far right nationlist party to form a coalition against center-right
It's almost as if leftists hate centrists and the status quo so much that they would work with fash just to spite them
[citation needed]
and no, saying "it happened in germany!" is not good enough. Germany was an extreme example.
I know the person who made this, it was literally a joke
>in hindsight, we had numerous opportunities to stop hitler
they threw his ass in jail and it didn't really help all that much.
>they threw his ass in jail and it didn't really help all that much.
Their big mistake was letting him back out.
>radical reactionaries who scapegoat minorities entering into a tenuous political alliance with an entrenched business elite who reluctantly tolerate their autism for the sake of furthering their financial agenda
Now where have we seen that, before?
>history shows Marxists are bad at politicking and alienate everybody who isn't the same flavor of socialist as they are
>this is obviously everybody else's fault
Wait, so the business elites are radical centrists now?
centrism is a fancy way of saying that you support the status quo.
And most of those business leaders are quite moderate on social issues and downright liberal on immigration
>centrism is a fancy way of saying that you support the status quo
No, it's a fancy way of saying that you don't have particularly strong feelings for either end of the spectrum. If you favored the status quo than you would be a conservative, not a centrist.
>and most of those business leaders are quite moderate on social issues
most of those business leaders don't give a shit about social issues beyond what makes them the most amount of money
>youtube.com/Sargon Of Akkad
IS this speaking economically of politically? Because as far as society goes, fascists are on the right. Period. Economically most strains of fascism are corporatist, and while you could argue that corporatism is "centrist", honestly corporatism can be either right of left (see: syndicalism, and feudalism). So yeah this is bullshit.
>No, it's a fancy way of saying that you don't have particularly strong feelings for either end of the spectrum. If you favored the status quo than you would be a conservative, not a centrist.
Nonsense, you can be a conservative/centrist/liberal who doesn't put that much thought into their political beliefs, and you can be a liberal who supports the status quo (what do you think Hillary Clinton voters are?) and you can be a principled centrist who objects to the extremes of left or right wing thinking.
>most of those business leaders don't give a shit about social issues beyond what makes them the most amount of money
And that's what makes them moderate: they shut down the far-right wingers who want fewer gays, women's rights, and/or immigrants because ultimately they've learned how to profit from social liberalism. Whether its principle or pragmatism, it still makes them "centrist" overall, even as they support fewer taxes and regulation.