Im telling you guys its like buying BTC at 1$. 5000x in 3 years guaranteed. We are all gonna make it bros.
Im telling you guys its like buying BTC at 1$. 5000x in 3 years guaranteed. We are all gonna make it bros
Who is that soy male?
You should be banned for a post like this
Lord Sergey, the Skelly Crusher
Do not insult the Son of Man
No idea who that is
Oh okay, I have like 50k in LINK.
I love the project and i am invested.
BUT WHY would a decentralized oracle network be worth several million dollar or even a 1B? It makes no sense, and i don't wanna destroy your deluded lambo dreams.
All the other coins at the top are either old boys in the market or solely based hype coins.
Chainlink wont be anything of that. Because the devs don't care about hype nor marketing.
Sure, we might see another x2 x3, but IMO no way this will got x10 or even x100
Probably so we can avoid fiascos like the equifax hack and the etherdelta hack.
Fuck Sir Gay and fuck white people
LINK is going to beat what XRP is trying to do.
Sweet, just bought 100k LNK thanks
Xrp wants to replace swift
Link partnered with it
sell ur tokens before Oct 16, you have been warned, what is expected to happen will not happen
One more reason for LINK to not skyrocket.
Depends, this shit right now is so hard to value.
By guaranteed you mean you'll sign a promissory note that I draw up?
>One more reason for LINK to not skyrocket.
they're partnered with the company that has been the biggest player in the game for like half a century, how is this a negative?
Because one of the goals of blockchain is trying to get rid of the use case from the biggest partner of chainlink?
Swift is trying to survive and is searching for the next level. We will see how this turns out.
I'm glad retards like you exist to lose your money to me
lol yeah ok mr. anarchist.
are you in this for the fedora tipping or to make fucking money? because 99.9% of investors want the latter.
That is like claiming big ass companies based around fossil fuels won't gobble up renewable resource based companies and tech to stay entrenched as the king of the game.
it's not in any major exchanges - how can I buy it
You don't, this is one of the most promising if not the most promising ICO of all time, but the retards don't know how to market or have it propagate.
I see it dying a slow death in EtherDelta even with Sibos/CLS memes.
You are better off finding another smart contract ICO that has a better marketing team.
yup. you literally cannot buy it
in to weeks link is presenting a demo in one of the biggest banking events (around 7k banking representatives will be there
>there will not be any hype or marketing
get out kid
>don't seem the understand the concept of telling someone not to buy something to telling someone they cannot buy something.
Stay retarded user
It'll go up, but not to BTC levels. At best it will pull an ETH. But more likely a NEO.
Sergy will save us all
How long would it take?
They've been developing this for over 3 years now so its pretty close to release. I saw some anons mention it will be ready by Q4 2017/Q1 2018
Depends on the timeframe really. If they actually get a working product we are literally millionaires. Speculation alone will push it to OMG levels once it hits a proper exchange
got like 567 Chainlink, this better serve me well..Kinda nervous because of all the people shilling it. They must have high expectiations and if chainlink dosent deliver it'll tank in price. Seen many coins people buy up and speculate that it WILL go to this higher price but when I check a month later its in the shitter
you know what sucks? their silence, they don't say shit ever
If ChainLink actually partners with SWIFT this coin will unironically be $50 per two months after it happens.
>things that will never happen
I'm nervous too, but at the same time I really believe that this is the next big thing. I'm risking a SHIT load on chainlink, but it will all be worth it and relatively quickly at that. Just remember that the conference is coming up I bet its going to rocket after. I've watched sergey present and he is the farthest thing from an awkward sperg.
$16bn market cap.
Sounds reasonable.
It does sound reasonable. Look at the caps of ETH, XRP, and LTC
>5000 * $0.19 = $950
>mfw just over 1k LINK would make you a millionaire
>mfw 1k LINK is little boy tier
Idk I want to believe OP. I really want to believe in 3 years I'll be sweating about what color I should get my lambo in.
I'm holding forever but man it won't be ez if it really moons
yeah, we would all love for that to happen, but do you really think they'll partner with SWIFT? probably unreasonable; they're probably more of a pet project
It does if it kills ripple.
Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful
I bet half of you haven't read the whitepaper, nor done any significant research.
But at least you meme stuff Like ripple killer and oracle problem solved.
what do you mean? this post is scaring me, please explain. also I just relized chainlink is high riskl high reward
It's not scary, it's just a Warren Buffet quote. There's wisdom to it, by the way. For example I bought a shit ton of coins during the china fud, XRP went as low as $0.14 and so did BAT. So I'm already up a lot on both of those, and also ETH.
Nothing just do your own research and ask yourself if a decentralized oracle network could be worth this unrealistic numbers in every thread.
and then ask yourself if something as completely useless as ethereum classic should still be worth over 1 billion dollars
and then realize that none of these numbers make sense anyway, and were all gonna make it
the problem applying that quote here, is half are fearful and half are greedy, 1 post is yay links, next its sell all links...
honestly, if they do succeed, and that's a BIG if, then it will go up like crazy, but it's also a pretty big risk. What makes it even more risky than some other larger shitcoins is that they have zero marketing and zero communication. Meaning, it will never go up unless something actually happens vs other shitcoins just accomplishing this through marketing.
>trying to survive
Oracles are literally the only thing that will make blockchain tech useful instead of vaporware shit. So much shit you could enhance in the real world with blockchain but there's no way to get that abstract data to the chain, until we get futuristic AI the only reliable way is through the oracles.
This is the stepping stone from "hey I can buy drugs with this shit" to actually remaking industries. I'm not saying LINK will be $50 or some stupid shit, I'm only saying they're going to be one of the first ones to tackle this industry.
Do your research, does NEM,XRP,BCH,DASH,NEO,ETC,BCC, etc offer anything to the world? They don't, these are the bubbles.
>does XRP offer anything to the world
Yeah it's literally LINK's competitor except they already have clients lol
You're forgetting that ChainLink plays a role with every other major Blockchain out there as well, this project does not rely on the SWIFT network.
This makes me want to take all my money out of LINK.
They replaced it with that ugly ass shit.
The Facebook chief of engineering is an official advisor to the devs of this project. This means the developers are a single handshake away from Zuckerberg and an entire coterie of tech billionaires, not to mention other influential people.
I think betting against LINK is retarded
Think of LINK as the plug-in needed by swift and other financial institutions in order not to be replaced by XRP and other blockchain technologies.
you kind of sound like a faggot, sorry
LINK will be the plug in for every major blockchain and institution that wants to be on the blockchain.
That is the entire purpose and they will pay with LINK to use that highway.
You are confusing Ripple and XRP, two different things. Do your research
>mfw it feels good to be even just a humble linklet
its a coinmarketcap bug
XRP is called Ripple you nignog
linklets btfo
Either you are a brainlet or a newfag, either way lurk more and come back in 3 months
can you even fucking read hahahahahahha
>1) Ripple, the company, offers banks a software called Ripple Connect which uses InterLedger Protocol (ILP) to transfer $$ between banks with a minimal fee because it doesn't have to get transferred 2-3 times into different fiats or service fees. It simply needs to get converted once. This software DOES NOT USE XRP. XRP is an option but right now banks are not choosing it because it's new and because of its volatility.
>2) XRP is a cryptocurrency that exists outside of Ripple Connect that is high in liquidity and has fast transactions.
Now please go back to /pol/ or /rk9/
I understand it's a little confusing, especially to brainlets such as yourself, but Ripple is both the name of the company, and the coin.
Oh thank fuck I was about to get on the slack and abuse them because that thing is hideous
Yes of course you know better than Adrian Hope Bailie- Chief Standards Officer at Ripple that explains the differences in the video I linked.
When will this hit a major exchange?
Their marketing is fucking shit, but i see the potential for at least $1.
hahahaha sure thing, brainlet. Have fun with your "XRP" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Marketing isn't even fucking NEAR their top priorities.
They are focusing on the technology and preparing for the SIBOS event. This is bigger than you and me, user. Fuck any smalltime gainz Veeky Forumstards are looking for...this is going to revolutionize crypto as a whole.
>this is going to revolutionize crypto as a whole.
I dont care about that, i just want quick gains.
I want to buy, but everything about this looks like shit. No slack, shitty twitter with a different name, etc.
Why is there so much delusion surrounding LINK? Yes, it's a great project, but no it's not going to bring about the singularity or anything. Posts like this normally just make me want to sell, but this coin is different because I know there's enough demand to at least give it a decent spike once it hits exchanges.
The people who are more involved in their own work, than sharing it with others and socializing about it are generally the ones with a better product.
Marketing comes after, once they have made a solid product that actually has uses and sells.
Has Link been added to other exchanges beside Etherdelta?
When is Sergey speaking at the conference? I can't find anything about him or Chainlink on the SIBOS conference program
It's fake. Sell before the news hits tomorrow.
i bought btc at 1500 6 mouths ago tho there is no way im waiting 3 years
Here you go, you absolute dunce.
What happens if SWIFT outright acquires the company? Seems like it could happen if it gathers enough professional interest out of SIBOS. Would we all become rich?
Yes, if SWIFT implements ChainLink protocol as is realizing that decentralized oracles might be the real deal.
Then you have mainstream acceptance then SWIFT can do a dick measuring contest with Ripple.