Screencap it salty nowalts. This growth is long overdue. China FUD is behind us. Tokens have been removed from circulation. Get this, the team physically CALLED all token holders to verify their refunds. Announcements coming soon. Large Korean exchanges on horizon. Strap in lads
$10 by next week
i heard it will be on 9 exchanges by EOY
>tfw i never doubted walton or abby through the crash
i have been rewarded for my faith
And Korean television stations which regularly host crypto segments have spoken extensively about Walton.
LMAO that is the team u guys are investing in?
Robin Williams urself
Are you delusional or just stupid? People just x4'd their investment and you're still talking shit?
I guess you hate money
3 girls, just sold 100k
Ok I believe now where do I buy it
No Walts BTFO
enjoy; u guys literaly put money into an interns team. dont u think weird they say they backed by samsung vp and all and the guys barely said a word and weve seen his face in one picture.
open CS 101 on coursera and cry
I went from 10k portfolio to 40k portfolio in one fucking month. Praise walton and pls 400k now
another one, you must be trolling. PEOPLE HAVE x4'd THEIR MONEY.
If that is not a good investment i dont know what is, you must be one of them ripple holders trying to cope with your bags by shitting in threads of real coins that make people money.
stay jelly pajeet
I ONLY invest in companies that have a business (made much more than x4 with omg sorry bro)
i lived in korea and china half of my life. im telling u this is a scam so enjoy ur p&d while it lasts but expect hundreds of pink wojacks by december
yeye and I fucked your mother now go collect some bottles
literal fuck tard just explain me the llink between rfid and blockhain?
its like if i was selling you an umbrella to fly from the effeil tower fucking moron
WTC have customers you fucking pleb
Wojaks or not i just made 20k on WTC. Does it really matter that you made more than x4 on omg? That train has left, and the next train was/and still is WTC. How can you deny that making more than x4 on omg and then x4 on wtc is better than just making x6 or whatever you made on omg.
Dont you understand that you are simply arguing against making money, its ridiculous. I just cant grasp your mentality. Live in korea or wherever it doesnt take a genious to see that this coin has the potential to minimum go to 5$ simply due to market cap and speculation. And probably higher based on what they develop
what the fuck is this going to dip or what?
>Dont you understand that you are simply arguing against making money, its ridiculous. I just cant grasp your mentality. Live in korea or wherever it doesnt take a genious to see that this coin has the potential to minimum go to 5$ simply due to market cap and speculation. And probably higher based on what they develop
Im not saying you wont make money in short term, im saying it is a scam, the company does not exist, literaly 10 interns chinks with low resumes (literaly got a bachelor in it thats all) , rfid on blockchain LOL.
so yeah you made money on WTC like you can make on roulette. get out while you can cauz it is a scam and it will dump to 0. meanwhile OMG will not.
I've said it a thousand times and i will say it 10 thousand more.
Septwolves is to WTC as Omise is to OMG
go try the website LOL:
it started already enjoy your bagggggggggs
i have a master thesis in rfid and im quite knowledgable about data and machine learning and know a bit enough about blockchain to be 100% sure it is a scam bro
I would post lies like this too if I wanted to stock up before it hit $10
10 minutes of research debunks your claims
Holy shit you're that dude from yesterday that spammed the thread when we corrected from 90k. We hit 100k just a couple of minutes ago btw.
Look I hold OMG too but it isn't the only token on the market. I think you're too emotionally attached.
works fine
> wants to buy the dip
> dip is literally happening right now
> will be $5 in 8 hours
Lol not a dump. You newfags learn to ride the waves maaaaaan, just accumulated 352 more WTC off that rip.
ok bro.lets play a game
try to find any of those guys on linkedin or baidu
i looked in chinese name and english name and let me tell you something.
so ok ull tell me they are chinese they not using linkedin and baidu is cryptic and they might not be on there.
then explain to me how i couldnt find the korean vp of samsung on any korean website (the most digitalized country on earth) and barely a few korean websites mention wtc.
oh and the guy supposed to graduate the uni of minesota LOOOOOOOL.
i guess you called to check right?
i did. there is no one graduating from there with any of his names (korean, english or chink)
and this continues bro!
the guy worked at bell labs and in usa for decades and yet no trace of him and not even his profile on linkedin (decades in usa bro) LOOOOOOOOL
what a great team of engineers, look the picture br those people have around 30 year old max. still u see on your reddit 12 years xp, 10 year xp + MBA + master degree. im no good at math bro but that would put any normal person in their early 50s.
Walts BTFO
I convinced myself it was a scam a month back solely based on the name and the insane shilling on biz. But here I am with serious FOMO.
I seriously hope you manage to FUD a few idiots before I stack on WTC this week.
Nice appeal to authority. However, I know you're a lying sack of shit
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Join me for a technical discussion of this coin:
How can someone so beautiful be so sad?
It just automates the recording of information. Like a shipping container's location, storage, and transfer from factory to warehouse to shipping to truck transport to delivery. That would all be recorded automatically on a blockchain. The advantage is time and incorruptibility. You have a tamper proof record of what happened when. You can add in payment for said services and goods.
Are you that faggot that kept spamming walton threads when it dropped to like 2.80? lmao