What are the historic reasons the European Club Med (Spain, Portugal, Italy, France) economically so underdeveloped compared to northern Europe? Is it simply Catholicism that hindered economic and social progress?
What are the historic reasons the European Club Med (Spain, Portugal, Italy...
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France most definitely isn't underdeveloped compared to northern Europe, and neither are Belgium and the catholic part of Germany.
There's no unified explanation, each country is a case of its own.
Italy for example simply suffered from being disunited and dominated by foreign powers. They were only able to start industrializing after unification, and then they were hampered by their utter lack of mineral resources.
On the other hand you have countries like Norway and Sweden that were never particularly advanced until the first hit the oil jackpot and the second reaped the benefits of being spared the devastation of world war two, so really, it's retarded to just group countries like you did.
Nordic countries are basically commodities economies plus a shit tone of public workers.The only countries that are more economically develop than the countries you mention are Germany,the Netherlands,Belgium and Switzerland (which is not northern but for the sake of it I will give it to you).
Germany is an industrial powerful at first due its cheap coal and protectionism.Later on the Marshall plan and ordoliberalist policies reinvented German manufacturing.
Belgium was the first country to industrialize in continental Europe thanks to the UK.It has declined a lot since then and its economy boomed again with all the Eurocrats.
The Netherlands is just the logistical center of northern Europe containing its more important ports which led to a lot of industries settling there.
Switzerland has been the fiscal haven of Europe for ages which created a really strong financial sector which is crucial to develop an economy.
The rest of northern countries are much worse than their southern counterparts.Italy and Spain have more manufacturing % wise than any northern country excluding the ones I named and on top of that are developing a really strong service economy around tourism. France's economy is pretty fucking developed.And Portugal is just catching up.They will be like Spain in a couple of years.
Before you bring the UK they are on par with France in every metric so it is just dumb to claim their economy is more develop than France specially when the UK's economy relies on being a huge fiscal haven through proxy fiscal havens like the jershey islands,Gibraltar,the Caiman islands and so on.
So your question is dumb as fuck overall.
>France most definitely isn't underdeveloped compared to northern Europe,
But France is one constant economic crisis and Germany's de facto bitch in the EU.
>France is one constant economic crisis
So is Japan. Are you gonna call it underdeveloped compared to China and Korea?
>Germany's de facto bitch in the EU
France is not Blue Banana region, it is more peripheral to the European economic center of gravity but they aren't underdeveloped.
Dramatically overestimating their own capabilities and trying to compete with Germany on equal terms (Euro) is responsible for their current ruinous state of economy and political impotence.
The Catholic parts of Germany are literally the richest parts.
Which has a lot to do with the WW2 and who was Marshall plan and who not, Bavaria was an agrarian state before.
Switzerland, unaffected by wars shows that mostly Protestant regions prospered during Industrialization.
>wales is part of the Blue Banana
>Ile-de-France isn't
>Reality doesn't conform with my chauvinistic world views
>Ile-de-France GDP per capita
71,126 USD$
>Wales GDP
18,002 British pounds
Either way the wealthiest regions in France outside Ile-de-France are the ones in the alps which are not included in the blue meme.
Industry and commerce was concentrated to northern Italy post unification. Naples was the most prominent Italian City after Rome. Also the church owned most of the land until land reforms in the 1870s which moved a bunch of Wops to the US.
And now you maybe want to look up what Blue Banan means, why Ile de france is not in it and why you just made yourself look like a complete idiot.
>Frenchy gets triggerd by Blue Banana
>Blue banana was invented by a Frenchy
Wales is sparcely populated.The Blue banana makes little sense.It was a meme that dumbass like yourself believe anything.Almost all the wealthiest regions in Europe are outside of it excluding London
>blue banana
>still relevant
And now you maybe want to look up what Blue Banan means, why Ile de france is not in it and why you just made yourself look like a complete idiot.
All wrong.
Industry was concentrated specifically in the north-west, with the north east pretty blatantly ignored until fascism.
Naples was the most populous, but Milan was the most prominent italian city.
And the land was mostly owned by aristocrats who kept the land as latifund, not the church itself.
Ile-de-France has $71k per capita for the same reason DC has $180k per capita, it has nothing to do with industrialization or development
The Church owned most of the land in the south until it was distributed to private entities (aristocrats) forcing people to emigrate.
>north west
>still north
>Be German
>raised to be a Germophobe (kek)
>Visit a Belgian university friend in her hometown Brussels
>none of the three toilets in her home have sinks in them
>the house is somewhat older, built in the 1920s/30s or so.
>only sinks are in kitchen and a separate shower/bath room.
>ask her why, where are you supposed to wash your hands?
>she tilts her head to the side as if to ponder the first time she's ever been asked this, a few seconds of silence go by
>you know... I never thought about that. We just don't automatically wash our hands after using the toilet. If I need to, I just use the kitchen sink.
>try to avoid shaking anyone's hand in Belgium from then on
>The Church owned most of the land in the south
Proofs pls.
I think it was a Wikipedia article that stated that but I can’t find it :(
Better work ethos because less absolutist monarchies. Check Italy for reference, North full of city republics is an economic powerhouse, absolutist South is a poverty zone.
>try to avoid shaking anyone's hand in Belgium from then on
Doorknobs are already covered in far worse crap, so you're just being a huge pussy
>but I can’t find it
Because either it doesn't exist or you misunderstood it.
The church itself was never a big landowner. Individual abbeys or bishoprics held a fair amount of land in feudal times, but not the church itself.
The papal states were pretty much divvied up between 200 some aristocratic families landwise, and the same for the south (completely different aristocracy tho).
Post unification land reforms took the land OUT of aristocratic hands to be sold to the mezzadri who farmed it or to agricultural companies looking to intensively exploit it.
The break up was set up in a way that aristos would manage to make much of a living from the land anyway, too small allotments meant it was more profitable to just sell.
>Individual abbeys or bishoprics held a fair amount of land in feudal times, but not the church itself.
Individual abbeys or bishoprics make up the church. And the clerics did hold up to 1/3 of all land in medieval times.
Ile-de-France is not just Paris.It contains like 99% of the French multinationals and its the only region in France above France's gdp per capita average.Wales is one of the least developed regions in western Europe
>Individual abbeys or bishoprics make up the church.
In the same way as individual aristocrats made up kingdoms.
You are very severely overstating the control the church had over those institutions. You wouldn't say that the neapolitan monarchy owned all the land just because the aristocracy owned it, would you?
Wales was one of the centers of Industrialization in Europe, Ile de France wasn't. Thats why Lorraine and Alsace are in the Banana and Paris isn't.
Deal with it and stop being a brainlet.
This is like a reverse
Semantics don't change facts, 1/3 of the land was owned by members of the Church and it doesn't matter much how much central control there was.
>Semantics don't change facts, 1/3 of the land was owned by members of the Church and it doesn't matter much how much central control there was.
Sorry, was meant for you
Portuguese are actually the least annoying, least noisy and least smelly of all the Club Med's. I'd even go as far and consider them fit neighbors for white people.
We wash our hands regulary you dirty kafir
Pulling shit out of your ass doesn't equal facts friend, that one third figure is completely unsourced, and don't you dare pull up shit from the middle ages either. The period of landowning bishoprics ended centuries before the italian land reforms, and abbeys made up a pretty small percentage of holdings. Neither was ever much of a thing in the south, as the monarchy had a contentious relationship with the church for much of its history.
Heh, even turks wash their hands after touching a turk.
Fact, the Catholic Church was the biggest land owner in Europe prior to the Protestant Revormation.
Unirocally this, and they're the only ones in that group that have passable English
That map is anachronistic and doesn't even concern actual landownership. It shows areas where bishoprics were temporal powers and delineates the border of medieval archbishoprics in Italy, which means jackfuckingshit since dioceses aren't based on landholding at all.
This map fucked me up man, the Netherlands are almost the size of England on it
Only Venice was a Republic, some others like Florence and Genoa were city states but weren’t Democratic by any means. Nigtard
>netherlands 50%
Fucking degenerates
Face it, Leopold, you barbarians aren't people and should've never been allowed to have your own country
Meanwhile in reality, your country is just the French's bordello
Meant for you
>Almost everyone in Bosnia and Turkey washes their hands
>Only a slight majority do everywhere else
Sorry, I can't hear you over the difference in GDP
>my ass
Good thing you’re leveling the playing by not reproducing and importing the entire Third World then. We’re set to catch up to you population wise before the end of the century, even with immigration taken into account. Your country, your culture, your people will be dead. Not like we’ll be much better, mind you, but at least the last thing we’ll see before being run over by a truck of peace are the smoldering ruins of Germania, it’s death ruled a suicide.
>the blue banana
>coal furnaces and heavy industry
they do it because they wipe their ass with their bare hands
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the blue banana isn't a real world object, you can still be economically successful outside of it
>ignoring why the blue banana was made
>ignoring the fact there are new versions of the blue banana that include france
I don`t think you know how bidets work.
>t. butthurt Frenchies
what skews the map the most is the "soap" in the requirements
kektus,me too im not washed my hands ,im from Gante
Germanys bitch is poland
t. retard who doesn't realize that the guy who created the blue banana created it for the sole purpose of criticizing France
T. still butthurt Frenchy
Portuguese industry was ruined by political incompetent commies that took gibs from the EU to not produce. The marine industry went from being one of the most developed to being shit. In the 70's Portugal had 100+ vessels in the merchant navy, now it has about 10. All towns used to have factories for consumer goods, the EU open economy ruined them and we just import all the shit we need while not having anything to export since Portugal is resource poor. Basically bad politicians allowed the EU to ruin our economy for gibs which they then used for reelection.
a big black banana would better represent europe desu senpai
Thats just capitalism at work, not the work of "incompetent commies", lol.
Competent leadership wouldnt have let it happen, so yes, its because of incompetent commies.
Because they are inferior people
This is what you wanted to hear by creating this thread, right?
Commies haven´t been on power until now, even tough they acted as a subversive force.. The problem was socialists it always was
Know your enemies user
The only truly inferior people in the OP are the Dutch, a filthy breed of people. I'm no racist but I think we all hate the Dutch. Anyone here who doesn't hate them?
Go to bed, Phillip II