Economists insist capitalism is always better than socialism. If this is the case, why did the fall of communism totally devastate Eastern European societies?
Economists insist capitalism is always better than socialism. If this is the case...
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Because they aren't capitalist. They mostly still run socialist economies with limited free market participation. Also many of their governments are extremely corrupt - you cannot have economic freedom without political freedom
50 years of Communism is what devastated Eastern Europe, thats why it did fall in the first place. Now they are lagging behind in human and economical development.
Russia isn't Europe, not even Eastern Europe.
Quality of life indicators declined after the introduction of capitalism you mongoloid
Not real capitalism
>quality of live indicators declined right after the USSR crashes with no survivors
>it certainly must be capitalisms fault!
Why does their devastation matter? They didn't have freedom and then they did, it is a moral good, their devastation is of no concern.
Marxism doesn't work. Communism doesn't work. Socialism doesn't work.
wasnt that way in ex-yu tho, it was a shitty system but it was a system, we even had a kind of sort of economic boom in the 70is, then the 90is happened and our entire economy got basically trashed and sold for scrap, it was purposefull and intentional, like a hostile takeover, it destroyed us and fucked us up for generations to come
Only reason Yugo had limited economic prosperity was because they played the Soviets and Americans off each other and as a result received huge investment and aid from both
The fall of the soviet union happened in 1991 user and not 1986.
>fall of communism totally devestaded eastern europe
Meanwhile in real life Eastern Europe has never experienced such economic growth and improvements in the quality of life since the inter-war era.
Even funnier is when you cherry picked Russia that's the worst off regarding life expectancy (and the dip they experienced) and even they surpassed the life expectancy during the best years of communism.
>I make up things
Top lmao
t. retarded yugonostalgic
It is! Because capitalism caused these problems!
Because major shakeups of any system will be detrimental in the short period.
Yea man, eastern europe is doing so great that the entirety of the prostitutes in western europe is from eastern europe.
Lol capitalism
>commodity production
>wage labor
>private ownership
>not capitalism
Libertarians are pathetic
Freedom means absolutely nothing if you're an unemployed heroin addict and your sister gets fucked by twelve men a day just to survive
Tell that to an Eastern Euro and they'll laugh in your face
This. How did it take this long to be said?
Nice source with that poll
Capitalists BTFO
>muh Why can't capitalism INSTANTLY fix the mess Socialism created
It's a pretty well known survey. Most demographics who lived under European socialism are nostalgic.
Really caught Western liberals off-guard at the time and they still haven't found a way to explain it.
>1990: capitalism is so much better than socialism, everyone's lives will be so much better when we convert
>1995: any day now it'll happen I promise just look at America, the whole world would have their living standard if they just embraced capitalism, just be patient
>2015: Russia is still poor because of sanctions which can't be helped but hey look now we have the internet, ignore the fact that you will get poisoned for criticizing the president its still better than getting thrown in the gulag amirite
>2018 Russia isn't real capitalism
So just the old fucks that had any opportunity to improve themselves in childhood stolen from them by the socialist state, got it
Just because transition to capitalism was pulled off horribly doesn't mean socialism worked like clockwork.
t. Yugoslav
Mess was mainly cause by transition to capitalism. Which, again, was pulled off horribly.
I think Eastern Euros are learning that lack of development and a weak culture of political accountability makes any form of economic and political organization difficult. Communism was better than what existed before or immediately after but still had many problems. Today's capitalism is either a little bit better or a little bit worse, but still plagued by most of the same issues that blighted the socialist period.
>I think Eastern Euros are learning
this is where you fucked up
>have shit planning
>base entire economy on producing goods there is no demand for
>papa russia is kill
>stop making shit no one wants
>entire economy collapses
t. Władisław Polskiewiczki
>political doctrine leads to societal collapse
>societal collapse triggers chain-fall on all indicators of development.
>somehow this means the political doctrine is the cure to the effects of the social collapse it created.
wew, that is some logical leap, m'lad
Because if Russia and its former territories were handed over to honest reformers, it would be less possible to keep them weak and stupid. This ain't about economics, it's about geopolitics.
>why does the economy collapse when you completely reform your entire society overnight
>economic boom of the 70s
Myth. Yugoslavia was a net importer of grain by the 70s despite employing 90% of its adult male population in agriculture. How pathetic can one state be?
The two spikes in life expectancy correlate with Gorbachev's and Putin's anti-alcoholism campaigns. Russians literally drink themselves to death when they have nothing to live for as a nation.