Historically, At what point did capitalism go from “selling things for profit” to “commercialize everything, profit over people, sacrifice your culture and values to muh market forces, muh GDP” aka neoliberal hell?
Historically, At what point did capitalism go from “selling things for profit” to “commercialize everything...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Mistaking commerce for capitalism
3/10 see me after class.
Once people realized profit could be made from commercializing everything
>sacrifice your culture and values to muh market forces
ur the kind of idiot that rambles on about free-market capitalism while only buying GM cars because you wanna "buy American"
Probably since the beginning. Mass production and destruction of culture goes hand in hand and is the reason so much of the world wears blue jeans, t shirts, and sneakers the world over everywhere you go..
since you injected your cultural marxist boogeyman meme into it
>at what point did the river go from "trickle down the mountain" to "flood the plains, raze villages and float everything into the sea"
it just naturally followed its course
Genetically modified cars?
General Motors my European friend
So the atomization of society and imposition of an artificial global consumer culture is an inevitable result of capitalism?
Capitalism is inherently nihilistic. It has no concern for anything outside of mere economic exchange. You're mistaking the preexisting traditional social, ethnic and religious ties as former aspects of capitalism simply because early capitalism was able to work within those existing confines. But capitalism only operated within those confines because it had to. A trader in the 18th century was profitable by adapting his business to work within the society he existed.
Even while traders wore the mantle of their culture, the internal logic of mass production capitalism though would incessantly wear away at the arbitrary authority of everything that stood in the way of the liberty of accruing capital and commercial exchange--past practices, ethnic prejudices, social & religious privilege.
>entire world wears blue jeans, watches American movies, listens to American movies, eats McDonald’s, uses an iPhone
It took me 25 years to realize the Muslims are right about the west being the great Satan
>people will unironically think this is a positive thing
Global consumer culture is a result of the internet and I don't understand what is artificial about it. You seem to think the new world order is imposing a culture on you, instead of realizing the world is full of self-interested individuals with desires and needs that change over time.
>absolutely ignoring the role media and corporations play in influencing people
They literally push this shit on you until it becomes normalized and cool. What do you think advertising is? You honestly think everyone loves rap when they first hear it?
more like
>watch American movies
>listen to British music
>eat Italian food
>watch Japanese anime
>drive German cars
Muslims just wish the world was eating Turkish Kebab and praying to an Arabian god. They are just pissed that literally no one is signing up for their version of globalism
More like “if you don’t join the neoliberal secular democratic world system we’ll sanction, bomb and invade you”
Kebab is popular as hell, so is Allah all things considered.
mA brother
I think advertising is a way for a business to gain consumers and obviously bigger corporations will have more influence, just like richer people have more influence than poor people.
and don't talk shit on hip-hop, its the greatest American cultural invetion since jazz. You just hate it cuz its made by black entertainers. They are modern day poets telling stories of their lives.
>inb4 Kanye/Drake/twerking is hip-hop and that's why girls don't like me
>its the greatest American cultural invetion since jazz
>inside the mind of a niggerlover
So their lives are drugs, sex, money, parties, the club, gang warfare?
What a delightful, substantive art form. Truly up there with Mozart and Tchaikovsky.
>You honestly think everyone loves rap when they first hear it?
>I don't like this thing so it's bad
Not an argument famalam
Adorno was autistic why are you posting quotes by him?
because he is the "cultural marxist"
>I like it so it’s great
Still waiting for yours
Adorno is trash
nice contribution, pol is that way
Yes, for a lot of them it is. There is also a lot of positive hip-hop music. Do you believe music should only be about happy things? Classical music doesn't have lyrics, so that comparison is a stretch.
>Adorno is trash
For (you) reactionary fag
getting called a reactionary and niggerlover in the same thread
You'll be waiting for a while because I'm not making an argument. I think think you're autistic for basing your argument on emotion.
Nazis keep claiming that international socialism and capitalism are just the same while their national socialism is somehow an improvement. Young people believe they're unique and smart because they criticize the masses for buying iPhones. Deep as Antifa.
Evola's support for "alternative" lead to him becoming an invalid.
>actually I'm a anarcho-transhumano-monarchist who is totally opposed to capitalism
They one in the same. Progress is realizing that we have to remove niggers from our society :^)
Because commies and fascist hate liberals
I just love it when frustrated aristocrats bother to bitch so thorougly about the world they have lost and will never regain
hahahahahahaah Thanks for the laughs.
Evola was apolitical, you're a pseud
Since day 1
Commodification - 13th century
Industrialisation - 18th century
Financialisation - 20th century
You do realize that Mozart thought scatological humor was fucking hilarious, right?
>implying he wasn't a superfascist
>It took me 25 years to realize the Muslims are right about the west being the great Satan
Industrial society isn't "the West" any more than Agricultural society is "the Fertile Crescent". It started there but it's an inevitable part of human development. Industrial societies will outcompete agrarian ones barring some kind of Prime Directive.
Expecting Agrarian worldviews to survive the move to Industrial society is like expecting Hunter-Gatherer worldviews to survive the transition to Agrarian. It was never going to happen.
So now we're in a kind of Limbo, Industry has destroyed the tribal lifeways of the past without replacing them. It could be that Industrial society is just too young, and that traditions will solidify as they are selected for by the industrial environment, succesful memes will coalesce into new traditions that will solidify into a real industrial cultural complex and unsuccesful ones will be forgotten. It could be that the Industrial environment is too fast paced and dynamic that it will not permit anything to "stick".
Either way, Muslims are just as fucked as the rest of us.
Pic unrelated
>They literally push this shit on you until it becomes normalized and cool.
No they don't. They offer it and we lap it up.
>What do you think advertising is?
A dictionary of narcissism. Advertising tells us Product (X) means quality (Y), so you go out and buy X to signal how Y you are.
>You honestly think everyone loves rap when they first hear it?
They might not love rap but they love signalling how cool they are for listening to it. True of all music tastes, you don't get off the hook because you listen to Classical or "The best bits of everything" or whatever the new contrarian taste is. Contrarian is an identity just like everything else.
I remember I read that intellectual Bolsheviks like Bukharin and Rykov tried to convince Stalin in late 1920s to let small and medium businesses open inside the USSR since total zero-private businesses are unreasonable. Capitalism can work best if all businesses are small to medium, but this view is unsustainable too since like kingdoms, businesses will never say enough, and you can't punish someone who's making too much just because he is too good or too lucky
>It started there but it's an inevitable part of human development
Inb4 someone accuses me of whig history, yes obviously it's not actually inevitable, society could also have stagnated or collapsed or been uplifted by aliens
That's what capitalism has always been about. In the 1800's after capitalism was invented, the corporations that got to the top quickly exploited their workers and it took several government reforms to get it to the condition it is now. The current condition of corporations in America like Wal-mart destroying local shops Microsoft shipping jobs off to the Indians, and Mcdonald's causing obesity, isn't anything truly new. It's just how the system is. Capitalism is a system that reflects how life is.
>but it's morally wrong to exploit people!
It is but in nature, a lion that eats a sheep isn't doing anything morally wrong, that's just its nature. There's also other economic chances out there you can use to get yourself profit that isn't negative toward everybody else specifically.
Inevitable? More like desired
Why would such a thing be desired?
Blue jeans, popular movies, popular music, fast food and so on are GLOBAL culture, not american culture. American culture is putting peanuts in Coca Cola bottles or whatever the fuck you apes do.
There is a difference between global culture and american culture. It should be obvious.
>So the atomization of society
A result of the destruction of agrarian society. Probably inevitable
>and imposition
wasn't "imposed" unless by imposed you simply mean established
>of an artificial
not any more or less artificial than any other culture
result of improved transport and communications, not necessarily captalism/industrialisation
>consumer culture is an inevitable result of capitalism?
Consumer culture is definitely an inevitable result of capitalism.
american "culture" is globalist and capitalist
So is practically every culture
no amerimutt, your "culture" is just corporation garbage, you can´t separate american "culture" to capitalism and globalism
It's important to remember that capitalism is not culture. Capitalism is a force that's greater than the sum of its parts, it belongs to no one but itself. Capitalism serves the capital, which doesn't bode well for us humans.
Because it increases profits
Not him but while modern hip-hop has turned to shit because shit is what sells, there's quality music in the genre that is either about other things or addresses those you are talking about in a negative way.
Also, the bastardization of hip-hop due to greed is something that people are well aware of but don't necessarily like or see as real music, though there are millions of people that, for whatever reason, do actually enjoy hearing Black Guy With Ridiculous Name #537 rap about how much money he has and pronouncing everything horribly because he can't write shit but still wants to rhyme "ring" with "chain".
Define american culture and I will define the ways your culture is consumerist
But of course, people who whine about reversing the current state of capitalism are crying over spilled milk
Read Society of the Spectacle
American culture is scat
Globalism is cancer no matter the brand of it.
economies of scale exist and are good though? the problem is that they can rent-seek but that's an argument for attacking rent-seeking, not attacking monopoly
>when did neo-liberalism become capitalism
Maybe under Reagan and Thatcher when those politics became mainstream and applied
The 1980s.
Just after WWI, when England started to become Americanised.
The problem is not capitalism but Americanism. Capitalism is only a problem to the extent that it goes hand-in-hand with Americanism.
Blue jeans, popular movies, popular music, fast food and so on