Fiat is a fraud. Especially in countries like Venezuela and India
>While Belfort sees a future for cryptocurrencies, he's concerned with the ability for hackers to steal one's bitcoin.
>He expects a central bank to introduce a cryptocurrency of its own "and that's what will take hold.
kek, what a retard.
>crypto is bad because you can get hacked
what a silly billy
How can a man who made his wealth by essentially defrauding people even say something this retarded
the jew bankers are definitely going to create their own crypto then try to ban all competing cryptos. will it work? that's the real question.
i don't have much faith in normies when it comes to anything. even /pol/ has turned into a pro-neocon shithole. if the banksters can convince everyone that cryptos are evil and that only they can be trusted then we're all in trouble.
I feel like it would be incredibly easy to convince them of this. Crypto already has a really bad rap among the public with its "ties" to money laundering, drugs, and prostitution, and the banks have hardly even begun denigrating it. With a little concerted effort the banks could absolutely destroy crypto, re-market the technology under the sheen of a bank-endorsed product, and use it for their own gain.
As you've seen with China, they can just ban the exchanges and BTC become worthless again, or better, useful only for illegal activities, and not that much because people would prefer anonymous coins like XMR at that point.
Stock in all high history, about to be destroyed by the use of Crypto which reduces the force of the market to get involve in stocks indirectly (hedge funds and banks).
>This is a pyramid! Do not give the other system more momentum please. I don't want to be a billionaire in fiat. I want you to use my hold bags.
Yeah their system is dying, crypto and UN-centralized coins are the future. Stocks will need evolve or die in the process.
>I'm over 50 years old and new technology scares me
listen to dimon for yourselves if you don't believe me.
The man that made millions scamming people out of money has just agreed with the other man who believes a competitor to his current monetary system is nothing more than the equivalent of the tulip craze
Why would anyone take these fucks seriously?
Who would trust this dickhead?
OP you dunce, I think you should reevaluate the legitimacy of where you're getting your news from.
how do you ban ZRX?
btw. the living fraud is talking about bitcoin being a fraud.
I woke up to having this 'news' as a notification on my phone. I have never had news sent to my phone before but google felt this was important enough to let me know about directly.
I hope this garbage wasn't sent to too many other people.
I had the Google app turned off on my phone yet got a notification for this as well. First time ever. What the fuck?
He's just jealous because it's basically what he did but on a bigger level.
I stopped the video 5 seconds in when he said for a crypto to not be a fraud it needs backing by a central govt.. HAHAHAHAH FUNNY JOKES
cant you see that he is trying to get in on BTC? Fucker is late and he knows it, spreads FUD. Trading 101 - do the opposite of what bigwigs tell you to do; if they want to buy, they tell you to sell and visa versa
>trusting this piece of shit
Fucking lmao
dude is a afaggot cocan fucked his brain up and he stole millions of dollars from people and this guy is scared that the Veeky Forums hacker will steal his bitcoin lol get fucked
Oh it gets better lol
>I..I would never buy one because..listen to me.....seriously....they could hack into your phone and take your bitcoins...remember mount gox? Yeah.
That's his fucking argument.
people will fall for this though
The saddest and scariest thing is the fact that none of you try to point out or at least respond in disbelief at this post's anti-semitism. One would think that it is all just edgy memes but one glance and the replies and you lot are actually serious about it.
Jewish presence in the financial world is a sad coincidence that still incites medieval hatred in the minds of deranged people. Replace Jews with Germans and people will be up and about how narrow minded people can be for thinking that the Germans are behind every single problem you face.
This time...I really think they won't.
Jews are so pleb tier it makes me sick. People should fucking Wiki famous protestant German Americans. They have several POTUS, virtually every richest man ever, including Gates and Elon Musk, Einstein (Jewish German technically but its 50/50) Levi's, I mean it goes on and on and yet Germans in America are completely ignored.
wow i am going to save this and use it all the time
thank you
>public figure goes on mainstream media saying Bitcoin is a fraud: "Please let me buy a dip"
>the jew bankers are definitely going to create their own crypto then try to ban all competing cryptos. will it work? that's the real question.
>1900: lets buy cars
>1980: lets ban faxes
>1990: lets ban the internet
>2017: lets ban crypto
This time will sure work
How can bitcoin be a fraud, when the only way to order a tiawanese hooker is to pay in bitcoin?
Bitcoin is making transactions happen that otherwise never would have happened, that means it has value.
Furthermore, the supply of money will steadily increase as the coin becomes more valuable (since it becomes more profitable to mine), thus somewhat regulating the price.
There are certain issues with it:
>mining is a lot of wasted energy and computing power
>although the supply can increase, it won't decrease. So the money supply is self regulating on the upside, but not on the downside
Right now, I'm pretty sure the market is full of speculators though, it's probably overvalued based on it's actual demand
lol stupid boomer thinks bitcoin can he stolen from your phone, thats not how it works unless youre retarded.
Reminder that crypto is the secret Jewish path to NWO. Buy in, because they definitely will too.
Belfort was a fraud.
>has been
Pick all three. Meanwhile he's probably buying this shit up like he did Ludes.
>jp morgan said bitcoin was a fraud
>jp morgan got in trouble for market expolitation, got arrested
>now wall street is repeating the same actions too
I used to think like you, then I took an arrow to the knee.
Judaism is much like Freemasonry. Difficult to get in, but when you are in, you are part of the in-group, and they will do anything to help out another.
These are the loudest to yell anti-semitism, and while you are correct, that saying bad stuff about the Jews is not nice, and overly generalizing, there is a cabal of Jewish people in the banking industry and Silicon Valley.
Jewish presence in the financial world is not a coincidence, just like the large number of Nobel Prize winners from Israel. "Oh, all the Jews ended up in banking and Hollywood, because there was no place anywhere else to make money..." bullshit trope. They ended up there, because there is shitloads of money to be made there. Jews are, on average, more successful than other religions and races. Also at making money. They educate their children very well, both on skills and about how other races hate them and tried to destroy them for centuries and that they have to stick together to survive.
I agree that it turns sour and sad when poor people say that Jews keep them poor, but to deny that Jews have a stronghold on the world's financial dealings is naive at best, obfuscation at worst.
Making money is not evil. But observing and noting that Jews make a lot of money, and wield their power and influence to make more, is not evil either.
This is first level jew awareness, and most people never reach it
>>He expects a central bank to introduce a cryptocurrency of its own "and that's what will take hold.
>kek, what a retard.
No. In fact he's 100% correct.
Did you really think they were gonna let you steer the ship?
>Good goy, don't worry about what we're doing in the finance sector, just keep on consuming
Scammers know scams?
Shut the fuck up jew
I'd kill a jew with my bear hands because I am ripped as fuck
>Appeal to authority fallacy
No user. That is trash talk. Educate yourself.
If the people want something, there is nothing anybody can do about it since they will do it either way. Laws or not.
What are they going to do? Nothing, that's right.
Notable examples:
- Fax laws
- War on drugs
- Piracy
- "Racism"
- Traffic laws
- ...
Literally what the FCK will they do? Charge millions of people with illicit use of non government backed alternative currencies?
The courts will not be able to handle it. If there is too many people DPI g something you can not stop it. It's better to just embrace it and provide guidance where possible.
Meanwhile this dummy probably had shares of Equifax
fuck jordan
user theyre just gonna call you fascist then look at trump and what happens when you try to go against the popular vote also I dont care if shillary won because theyre the same person
Literally owned by a Jew, Loeb Strauss, who changed his name to Levi after moving from Germany to America.
(((Wall street))) can eat my gold plated Bitcoin financed shorts.
>Its merely a coincidence!
pls be trolling
>merely coincidence
yes goym of course it is please tell that to everyone you know
here's a (((you)))