What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
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Too handsome for his own good.
He lived in a bubble detached from the real world.
not being bulletproof
I always thought he was a well educated man, just misguided with "muh divine right", along with his reluctance to rule.
Not going full Stalin on liberal/socialist asses
Should've stacked those bonuses some more
giving a shit about Serbs when he already just fought of revolution.
There are many ways to be "educated".
He suffered from two closely-associated mental illnesses, commonly known as 'Militarism' (the uniform he is wearing in OP picture is a symptom) & 'Imperialism'.
True. He was simply inept.
That uniform would stop any hand gun chambering of the time.
Being at the rear end of a system of government that was dying for the last 50-70 years. Not having the brains to realize his way of life was dying. You know, being a conservative?
Simply eric
Not slaughtering every last S*cialist/B*lshevik
He had a pretty severe PR problem by the time 1917 rolled around. Should have hired an agent to help him manage his public image.
Should have stripped all the jews of citizenship to prevent the bolshevist putsch in 1917
You do understand that it weren't bolsheviks who dethroned him?
Imagine middle class office plankton with tyrannical wife ruling over the empire.
That's pretty much Nicky
Just look at that beard & moustache.
He's one arm tattoo away from working as a chef on a vegan food truck.
Fucking hipster.
He didn’t build arctic ports to create a large northern fleet
Incompetence. He never trained for the job because he was never meant to have it.
Wouldn't matter. Lenin was in exile in Germany for his bullshit, and at the onset of WW1 Germany offered to return Lenin to Russia with guns and money in exchange for keeping Russia out of WW1, and it worked to devastating effect.
He was just a shitty Tsar that actually believed he was chosen by god
t. finn
no him and his court was indeed very detached from the turmoil in their land
believed he was chosen by God himself and didn't have an heir cause his only son could literally die from a papercut
Not him but it was the bolsheviks killed him
He could have been invited back like Charles II was
By telling everyone the Duma was non binding and removing the peasant vote fully rather than continuing the weighted vote, also dismissing Stolypin and Witte despite them being the Bismarck of their time
>he was never meant to have it.
He was, though. He just didn't want it.
He actually did have a dragon tattoo though.
> (OP)
Switzerland. Not Germany
He was in the way of progress. The death of Him and his Family opened Russia to modernization.
King George V or Nicholas ii
Nicholas did nothing to impede "modernization." Russia was already rapidly industrializing from 1900 - 1913. That's the entire reason why Germany declared war in 1914....they were terrified that Russia was becoming too strong, and that if they didn't do something fast, Russia would be unstoppable.
Being too nice
>Russia was already rapidly industrializing from 1900 - 1913. That's the entire reason why Germany declared war in 1914
Shut up you fucking idiot
brilliant argument.
Young and inexperienced when the throne was thrust upon him. Had a shy and withdrawn personality and was deeply conservative, rendering him unable to respond with appropriate action to the crises of his time. SAD!
Yes, that was the entire reason. As early as 1912, the General Staff had been saying that something had to be done about Russia, and fast.
He is fucking handsome though.
He was a product of inbreeding that listened to his generals and then out of fucking nowhere gave the crown to his brother who said fuck no instead to his hemophiliac son who would serve as a rallying puppet. So the february revolution failed and the ensuing chaos was the perfect backdrop for the october coup.
He was also a ruthless tyrant who led a completely underdeveloped "world power" and played with diamond eggs while his populace starved to death (look at Ryepin's paintings for a clearer picture). In fact he was one of the rare royal inbreds who got his just desserts.
Fun fact: girls wore their diamonds sewn in their gowns so when reds started stabbing them with bayonets it took some time to penetrate.
This was a common theme among the royals of the era. Serbian king Alexander (killed in Marseille) also had a gigantic tattoo across his chest. Eagle or dragon, I forgot.
The Soviet Union was incredibly imperialistic faggot. Kys.
The girls were shot in the head, they weren't bayoneted. The part about the diamonds being sewn into their corsets is true, but that's something that was discovered after they were already dead.
too much vodka, look at that shit faced sonaturd
>they weren't bayoneted
Yes, they were
Also, anybody here speak russian? Can someone translate what nicky is saying?