How did they do it?
How did they do it?
Whites are inherently better than you
some steppenigger randomly invented a spoked wheel chariot by accident
eurangutan pestilence
Through the power of the BIG AFROasiatic GOD
>that tiny enclave between Spain and France
What's that?
B*sque country
I've been wondering, why they just adapted "orang utan", not even bother to change it.
Basque Country. Basque is one of the only non-Indo-European languages in Europe, along with Hungarian, Estonian, Finnish, Chuvash, Bashkir, Tatar, and (if you count them) the Caucasus languages.
domestication of horses, probably also inclusive clan structures based on clientelism that integrated outsiders into the culture as clients in addition to a ritual importance of language performance and epic poetry in religion.
much later colonialist expansion because of superior weapon technology and resistance to disease.
The Nordic race is simply superior in all dimensions, this is why the Nordid-made Chad Indo-European languages are the most popular, and swarthy virgin-tongues are pathetic.
By being one of the only 4 times people have invented written language.
If you language can be written down and information communicated without relying on the human brain, it's going to displace whatever language that was there before.
The other 3 forms of writing are Ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian Cuneiform, and Chinese characters. 2 of them doesn't exist anymore, and the last one accounts for about a quarter of the world's population.
Forgot picrel: The original Nordic phenotype of Indo-European Aryans.
Nords are mostly I1, not R1b or R1a like the Indo-Europeans were. I’m sorry to tell you that your only Aryan ancestors were the wives of Indo-Europeans cucked by I1 hunter-gatherers.
nordics have no genetic relationship to IEs
dumb larper
Wrong. Written language is just a lame semitic inventions. The Aryans achieved all of this because of their Nordic race and Noble blood. They invented the literal wunderwaffe of late neolithic - a chariot, and used it to cuck the swarthy races like mediterreneans or dravidians. They knew nature better than anyone, and this is why a white-skinned, cold-eyed, golden haired Nordic man created all the Indo-European civilizations.
By "Nordics" I mean properly skulled golden-haired, cold-eyed, white-skinned folk in general, not just and only Scandinavians.
Chariots and boats.
it means "hairy man" so they can't call it that
Is that line stretching across russia for real? Does anybody even live there?
Actually it mean "jungleman".
*drinks milk* *rides a chariot* *marries off daughter with a dowry*
heh, nothin personnel kid....
They're the real Europeans, everyone else is just squatting in rightful Basque clay
Horses, spoked wheels, the composite bow, lactase persistence, killer divine pantheons, javelins, sweet bronze (later steel) weapons, and the chariot.
What a completely worthless map, it tells you nothing. 2-25?
>bronze weapons
Near Easterners and Aegeans had it before IE people
>composite bow
Invented indipendently in many parts of the world
Not a PIE invention either
Maybe, it's a debate whether They or the Botai culture first domesticated it
>spooked wheel
Only advantage
Written language was first invented by Sumerian, you are an utter idiot
modern nords are mostly r1b and r1a, not I1. if you are referring to the pre-Indo-European inhabitants of scandinavia you're right, but the 'nords' in the general sense of a scandinavian thats not true. they're heavily yamnaya too, most related people to the original Indo-Europeans are Nordic peoples(including Finns surprisingly, this may be due to high population turnover and small population to begin with, easy to outbreed?) and of courses northeastern europeans lie ukrainians, russians, lithuanians, etc.
Why "Indo-European" and not just "Indian"? Europeans just copied us, they don't get to be in the name. These are Indian languages
massive migration then colonialism
>tfw we will never reconquer Anatolia or the tarim basin and make I-E whole again
Someone call the cockroach exterminator.
Wrong. We Nordids conquered swarthy dravidiam subhumans and this is why you speak in a Nordid-made language pajeet.
Defetist bullshit. You undersetimate the pure cold-eyed Nordic man.
Fuck off.
Every Nordic country has more combined R1a + R1b than I1
>Near Easterners and Aegeans had it before IE people
Near East was IE Nordic back then faggot, and Aegeans got them for Nordics via trade.
Wrong. Mongoloids got them from Scythian Nordics.
>Not a PIE invention either
Celtic Nordic invention
>Maybe, it's a debate whether They or the Botai culture first domesticated it
It's clear that the Nordic man as a naturally great natural scientist and ruler subjagated horses for his own use. No debate whatsoever.
>Only advantage
Wrong.Wheel and wagons are also clearly a Nordid invention. The earliest cart picture from Bronocice predates Maesopotamian use of a wheel.
Ahhh okay, I'm sorry. Then it was also a Nordid invention.
Do you know what part of the world this Nordic race developed during the Paleolithic?
Most likely Russia. What is your point?
>this is what pooshits really believe
Out of India is dead, Ukraine was confirmed as their homeland.
This. It has never been taken seriously and now it had been fully abandon by any real scientist. All Pajeets ever had to support this fairytale was shitty interpretation of Rig Veda.
>Near East was IE Nordic
IE doesn't mean Nordic, and no, it wasn't.
I don't know about steel, but iron was first discovered in the Near East, then South Europe and only much later by Celts
>IE doesn't mean Nordic, and no, it wasn't.
Nordic was the main race of the original Proto-Indo-Europeans, and have you ever heard of Hittites and Mitanni?
>I don't know about steel, but iron was first discovered in the Near East, then South Europe and only much later by Celts
Steel was created first by either the Nordic Celts or Nordic Indo-European Anatolians.
>and have you ever heard of Hittites and Mitanni?
Yes, and both came to the Near East 1000 years or more after Near Easterners discovered bronze in 3200 bc, and Mitanni were Hurrian speakers with maybe some small IE speaking elites.
Not to mention Hittites were probably something like 90% Near Easterners and 10% or less steppe, like that bronze age samples from Anatolia
>Steel was created first by either the Nordic Celts or Nordic Indo-European Anatolians.
Iron was first discovered in Anatolia around 2000 bc, in Pre Hittite towns that were Hattic, non Indoeuropean, celts didn't discover iron until 9th century bc and it probably was introduced by South Europeans who already had it since the 13th century bc thanks to the interactions they had with the Eastern Mediterraneans.
Actually I've found that Bronze wasn't invented by either Nordics or Medshits, but by Dinaric Vinca culture people. So the whole discussion was pointless.
>Iron was first discovered in Anatolia around 2000 bc, in Pre Hittite towns that were Hattic
There were no non-IEs in Anatolia in that time. Which towns?
*actually there were
But still, which towns?
> but by Dinaric Vinca culture people
Vinca didn't have bronze, they were among the first to smelt copper, and even in that regard, they were not the very first, Near Easterners in Anatolia, Mesopotamia and the Levant had copper smelting before them,
>There were no non-IEs in Anatolia in that time. Which towns?
Hattusa itself, the Hittite capital, was a Hattian city before the Hittites settled it, the Hattians were pre IEs.