>tfw I told all you morons to stop selling your precious coins for mere pennies on shitty exchanges like Etherdelta and to listen when I say that you should be waiting for real exchanges
Can't you see I was trying to help you?
You idiots called me a shill when I said not to use Etherdelta. Apologize
You can still use this shit site, it's individuals who got hacked, not the entire site. If this exploit was on a centralized exchange it would be another gox.
Yeah, no.
I knew this would happen to people on Veeky Forums and tried to help but you people told me I was an idiot and Etherdelta would be as big as Gdax.
I was right.
you must be retarded
listen to this could have happened to literally any exchange that someone was already logged into
No it couldn't, other exchanges are way more secure than etherdelta
>Don't use a site because external links can harm you
Just stop going to potentially malicious links.
>What is Mt. Gox?
So how did the hack work? You had to be logged in at the time that you used a phishing link or something?
javascript + social engineering can work wonders partner
check >this exploit could be executed on a number of exchanges
basically javascript was injected into the browser when the victim visited a link (which looked like a tumblr link) since the user was already logged in to etherdelta, the code script didnt have to authenticate so it was able to automate the process of withdrawing the funds from the victims account
The problem isn't with EtherDelta, it's with clicking random links on Veeky Forums like an idiot
>mfw never keep my coins on ED smartcontract
just withdraw when done trading fucking poorfags
Yeah... This is why I trade on ED like a doctor treats a plague victim.
In and fucking out, don't touch anything and clean up after
I stand corrected
Tried to warn you Veeky Forums.
same, i make my transactions and transfer out every single coin, never leave anything on ED.
No it can't because other exchanges don't leave user input unsanitized or expose user keys lmao
Well, they make you leave a little ETH lol
>What is Mt. Gox?
literally a magic the gathering card exchange website that the owner turned into a crypto exchange with zero security
yah, i clicked that script too, but no problem. i run ED on localhost and with a private node and MetaMask. i would like to run my own order book server too because its fucking slow, but this is pretty much the only part of ED that is not decentralised, it doesn't even has an API. hope they will change that.
EtherDelta is awesome, just be careful and have some minimum standard for safety, means noscript.
How else are we supposed to trade scam coins no other exchange would touch like link?
More like Mt. Nerd, am I right?
>clicking on links
it's your fault you lost shit if you clicked on something m8
The place where my 10 BTC went to die.
>Clicking tumblr links
XSS is a vulnerability that should have stopped existing on sensitive websites like 12 fucking years ago. How retarded are the developers that they couldn't patch literally one of the first exploits a young hacker learns. Fuck etherdelta
Should rebrand it "Mississippi Delta", it's what comes to mind when I think of the place desu