Was 2nd amendment a mistake?
Was 2nd amendment a mistake?
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No, the 14th amendment was the mistake and caused the supreme court to go full retard on interpreting the constitution. There was a time when the majority of the bill of rights only applied to the US congress.
>the 14th amendment was a mistake
Never heard this one
I sure do wish my state could torture me just for parking on the wrong side of the road!!
move to a different state
>just move to a different state bro
Moving isn't that fucking easy mate.
And what's stopping the next state from doing the same thing without 14th Amendment?
If none of the states believe in an issue what makes you think the federal government would?
No, but the modern conditions that spawned atomization, alienization and caused a glut of mental illnesses are.
No, well organized militias should be armed.
Was OP’s conception a mistake?
Mass shooting is never a thing in Europe
t. BASED NatBol
big pharma isnt nearly as cancerous in europe as it is here
How could you stop some idiots to think they will get attention for killng people?
killing them first, with your own gun.
By making it so that no one does pay attention to shootings?
Get elected president and then have a sex scandal every time there's a mass shooting.
Only if you think about humanity in the span of your own life. This is a history board though, and historically there are many reason for the populace to arm itself against government tyranny.
What do you guys think about the fact that there were actually more mass shootings that happened in the 90s? I am just curious as to why that was? (they are deadlier today, but that doesn't mean there are more). 1991 and 1999 were the years for the max number of shootings
Yeah man, unlike the safe haven of Mexico where guns are banned the US is a barbaric wasteland of gun totting hillbillies.
Why do mass shooting only seem to happen in the United States?
I'm not trolling, I honestly don't hear about them anywhere else. What makes America special?
no, gun's are pretty sweet
>One single mass shooting brings it to the top of the list
It was a pretty fucking deadly shooting. Vegas wasn't even as bad.
Grunge faggots declaring war on the system.
How are euros brought up to hate guns? Do they teach it in school or what?
So can you explain why most other 1st World Nations with gun bans only end up having spree killers using knives or at worse their own car?
I mean if guns are so easy to obtain regardless of legality, why are these other nations spree killers unable to obtain guns for their mass killings?
>with gun bans
France would like to have a word with you, fella.
guns are inherently american, therefore euros can't stand them.
>inb4 le 56% face
Yep it was a mistake and now you poopy pants Republicans are now seeing what has happened this year. What's that smell? Oh no nothing but the Republicans making poopies in their depends
So you are saying say mass shootings are more dependent on the culture? Why do you think there was another uptick in 2012?
also, I will say that I suspect that 2017 will probably be another spike on this graph when it is included, but maybe not.
I know, but it still shows how statistics can be skewed. While horrific, it is still a single incident and doesn't really show a trend of mass shootings in Norway.
>his: politically incorrect
Frequency, you say?
Most of Europe has access to firearms
quick translation from the local gov website pertaining to the acquisition of weapons
>aged 18 years
>there are no 'considerations pertaining to public order' (criminal record)
>the owner of the weapon will not abuse it, store it incorrectly/unprofessionally or leave it to a third person who is not authorized to own firearms
>a justified reason (hunting, sports, safety)
>completed doctors examination
>completed a test on weapon handling (at a commission named by the interior ministry)
>Every individual, while filling out the listed requirements, can attain a weapons permit for a maximum of 5 pieces of hunting or sports weaponry.
>Despite fulfilling the listed requirement, a weapons permit is not handed to individuals which exercised their right of conscientious objection (regarding military service)
>Weapons permits are handed out for the following period: hunting and sports weaponry-20 years, defense weaponry-10 years.
tl;dr I can buy a Yugo copy of the MG-42 (Zastava M53) for ~700€, pic related
>a justified reason
what reason allows you to purchase an M53?
Sport shooting. That's literally a picture from a local gun store, its selling for 770€ right now. Maybe a Sten fancies you more?
Shit, man. It's not limited to semi auto is it?
Fully automatic weapons are illegal without a special collectors permit and even then is limited to certain weapons.
What's the point of getting an MG 42 ripoff if you can't even fire it full auto though?
>dude lets arrange the data so that we don't look so shit haha
What a pathetic attempt.
Don't ask me, I wouldn't know. That being said you can get a fully automatic one (both the MG42 and the rip off is on the list of weapons allowed to be collected), you just need a collectors permit and go trough a lot of bullshit.
You're a pathetic attempt
Are you retarded?
>haha I'm just going to listen to mainstream media sources instead of looking at the data myself
>top countries except for Norway are third world countries and the first world country that lets its people keep guns at home
Really makes me think
>I see what I want to see so that I may re-affirm my world view and make up 'exceptions' when needed
Fun fact: Germany is the country with one of the highest gun ownership in Europe. Let me see your mental gymnastics now.
it made sense in the age of revolution as a firm check and balance against the re-institution of monarchy but it continues to lose relevance as the years tick by
Okay. Where are all the shootings?
That doesn't conflict with my greentext at all especially when Switzerland teaches everyone to use guns and IIRC makes them keep it
Nah but America's Mental Health institutions are pretty fucking shitty.
It very much conflicts when you claim having guns at home means mass shootings, if you aligned that data with gun ownership you'd find it hard to explain why Germany, with twice the gun ownership per capita, has less mass shooting than Belgium by more than a factor of 10 and why Austria, with nearly identical gun ownership to Germany, is likewise above it by a significant amount
Its even more hilarious when you realize that Switzerland has less guns per capita in private ownership than Germany.
>It very much conflicts when you claim having guns at home means mass shootings
Maybe my wording wasn't clear but Switzerland has mandatory conscription and makes people keep their guns
Maybe you're retarded and don't know jack shit what you're talking about? That seems far more likely considering...you know jack shit what you're talking about. I suggest a quick visit to the fucking wikipedia page about the gun laws in Switzerland.
In it's current form it's completely useless for it's initial intended purpose. Too easy for crazies to go terrorist in a church, and too difficult for an armed populace to overthrow the government. Completely ineffectual for either purpose as is
Not an argument
>and too difficult for an armed populace to overthrow the government.
Why do you think that?
Because AR-15's can't shoot down UAV's and tanks numbnuts
somewhat easy to hide from or hack and disable
There are plenty of modern examples of successful guerrilla and paramilitary groups overthrowing governments.
Maybe you can have your fighter jets or tanks break down doors, confiscate weapons and police neighborhoods then. Tanks nad fighter jets can also maintain their airports and vehicle repair shops, produce ammunition for them and protect the family member who fly in them. I'm sure that will work out great :)
>those first world countries that let people keep guns at home still have a far below-average murder rate overall
Really makes me think
How is that supposed to be an argument?
LARP is when you pretend UAV's and Tanks can stop armed resistance. There's a reason 'boots on the ground' is a phrase so often heard. At the end of the day its your infantryman who has to break down doors, sit at checkpoints and vet people.
>insurgents in 'major city X'?
>just bomb it and send tanks lmao
Welcome to Grozny
>be US
>see shit in Vietnam
>just send planes and bomb the fuckers lmao
>oh shit they're attacking our air bases
>well just send a few thousand marines to protect them
>10 years later
>wtf how do we have 50 thousand dead and 300 thousand wounded
historically no.
It has helped to maintain that peoples individuals freedoms are protected from the power of the state in that the state has managed to not approach full authoritarianism though it is slowly creeping over the years.
not history
I'm from Serbia and I can recall a total of one major mass shooting in that period. Source this shit.
Velica Ivanca and Kanjiza (or however you spell it).
The former which was preformed with a handgun and caused 14 deaths, and the latter which was preformed with a hunting rifle and caused 6 deaths, I might add.
Yes, the 2nd Amendment stopped being upheld many years ago as it is unworkable. It doesn't say anything about guns or firearms, it says "arms" i.e. all weapons of war and at the time it was written it included artillery and cannons - the most powerful weapons of war at the time. By almost unanimous consent and pretty much without challenge the US government doesn't allow the people to own surface to air missiles or nerve gas etc.
>surface to air missiles
I can legally own stinger missiles if I get my class 3, but I see what you're saying.
>t. has never read any of the SCOTUS dicta on 2nd amendment cases.
Keep AND bear brainlet. 2nd amendment only refers to handheld stuff.