>Communism doesn't work.......
Meanwhile in the real world, China is quickly becoming the world's most powerful economy.
>Communism doesn't work.......
Meanwhile in the real world, China is quickly becoming the world's most powerful economy.
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Not real communism.
China has not been "communist" for quite some time now. If Mao were alive today he'd probably shit himself to death.
Perhaps it didn't happen exactly the way he planned, but I doubt Mao would be disappointed with modern China.
China is han fascism, and an example to the west of an imperfect but preferable way of organising society
Yeah, you're right. Mao would be utterly horrified to learn that China is the number 2 economy in the world. This is sarcasm BTW.
Thanks for making that clear for us.
china is fascist ya goof
I wish I was as stupid as you because then I'd wake up tomorrow and it would literally be the best day of my life from learning just so much.
the chinese nationalist part of mao would love it. the communist ideologue part of mao would hate what china has become and probably would purge deng much harder than he did before
Communism and fascism are two sides of the same coin.
>Communism and fascism are two sides of the same coin.
t. horseshoe theory brainlet
Stop memeing they are completely different
Sure but they're both conveniently failed ideologies
>most powerful economy
>trade and currency
China here has a choice. They can either be a massive export-driven economy or they can be an international economy like the United States. See, China has a fixed exchange rate on their currency that they keep low to incentivize exports. However, in order to maintain a fixed exchange rate, they purchase assets on the market to back it up (a bit like a gold standard). In our case, most of their asset purchasing targets Treasuries because no bond market is deep enough to absorb Chinese investment. If the Chinese want to become an international economy and have the Yuan rival the dollar, they will have to let its value float and that creates a situation in which they lose a lot of their competitive advantage.
>Economic inefficiencies
China has a lot of nice metropolitan areas, but so do major European countries and North American countries as well. Just look at Mexico City. When you look at China itself, you realize that there's huge amounts of inefficiency. Roads that go to nowhere, empty housing, etc. Right now, there is enough excess capacity in housing- 200 million empty homes- to meet China's urbanization demands for the next 20 years, and yet the Chinese government keeps building- Why? There isn't a baby boom coming (in fact, the opposite- this gets discussed next) and there isn't an endless supply of Chinese people to move into the cities. They're building these places to keep people employed, but there isn't actual utility to building them. Worse, when you get into the office side of real estate (which is about half the excess real estate in China), there is enough open office space in China to give every man, woman, and child a 5x5 office space (youtube.com
the radical centrist strikes again
like liberalism?
>two different things are the same thing because both didn't work so well
Thats some shit logic there user
>middle income trap
In economics, there is a condition known as the middle income trap. Poor countries have the advantage of offering cheap labor and lax regulatory enforcement, while rich economies offer higher education and better enforcement of the rule of law (i.e. property rights and intellectual property). The middle income trap occurs when a country rises beyond a poor country (i.e. wages are now higher than poor wages and the country is shifting into a more developed phase), but it still lacks many of the advantages of rich countries (rule of law, education). While one could argue China has the education to become a rich economy, there's no case to be made that China has the rule of law or IP protection necessary to become a rich economy. In fact, of the 30 or so countries that have escaped the middle income trap in the past, they all possessed those characteristics. Chinese corruption exists on a massive scale, just look at how state-owned enterprises get loans from the Communist Party with no commercial incentive as a starter.
China is also going to be the first country that becomes old before it becomes rich. Due to the One Child policy in China, the Chinese demographic situation over the next 100 years is absolutely fucked. There is a huge gender imbalance, but worse, there won't be a large enough population to support the number of retirees. The West is experiencing something along these lines, but the West is already a rich country, this has never been experienced in a poor/middle income country like China.
This brings me into the next point on pensions. While most of the elderly in the US are given pensions, China does not have such a system. The growing population of aging people will have two solutions. First, either the youth follow traditional Chinese characteristics and take care of their parents. This might occur and it may not occur depending on the attitudes of the Chinese youth, but if it does, there will be a huge decrease in the amount of consumer spending. Much of the growth we've seen in urban areas in China comes from young people moving into the cities who don't have these family requirements to take care of. The other path the Chinese government has is to establish pensions for the population, but this will soon become unsustainable, a bit like social security in the United States, only much sooner.
Going back to the first point, there's a huge amount of subprime and similar wealth categories circulating the Chinese economy. Around the height of the 2008 recession, these kinds of loans only amounted to about 2% of the US economy, whereas in China, these are more around 7-10% of the economy (it gets mentioned in that Kyle Bass and Jim Chanos video I linked in my first response).
Shouldn't you be in a meeting now Xi?
My posts aren't even getting into the environmental stats on China that are completely fucked. Arable land and clean water will be necessities for the Chinese and their factory building spree has screwed them in the long run. weforum.org
I know you're used to people not pushing back on you too much here but I will call you on your shit. They're not "the same thing" you stupid fucking kike. They're both FAILED ideologies that resulted in millions of deaths. Can you refute that you filthy shit?
Cry me more lolbert
>They're both FAILED ideologies that resulted in millions of deaths. Can you refute that you filthy shit?
Fascism in China hasn't failed it actually ascendant currently
Depending on how the next century plays out it might end up beating out the stagnant western (((liberal democracies)))
>you stupid fucking kike
stop supporting (((capitalism)))
But lolbert is a marxist you absolute nonce
>Fascism in China hasn't failed it actually ascendant currently
State Capitalism =/= Fascism. Try harder.
China is a corporatist, ethno-centric, militaristic one party state that embraces capitalism and private ownership as long as it is in the national interest. What more do you need?
>China is classless, stateless, and propertyless
What they are are very disingenuous socialists, who at this rate don't even pretend to advance Communism
They sold out to Capitalism, and look how well they're doing
oh my bad "comrade"
yes he would, modern china still has sparrows
>China is a corporatist
Really? define corporatism
The dude hated capitalism. Besides consolidating power, it's one of the other reasons he launched the cultural revolution.
More like autocratic capitalism. Which I also support.
Yeah, you know just the ideology that underpins the entire West and made some of the most successful economies in history.
State capitalism isn't the same thing as liberal capitalism.
The dude was also nationalist, to the point that his inauguration of the PRC was based on "China not being humiliated ever again."
Let's not forget that Chinese Communists saw in USSR leadership of the Commie World the same brand of Western Imperialism that they expressedly fought against. One of the factors of the Sino-Soviet Split.
>just the ideology that underpins the entire West and made some of the most successful economies in history.
through coercion and exploitation, yes I know that.
>don't true capitalism
Name one country that got rich without conquest or anything of the nature.
Also, because the Soviets were trying peaceful coexistence and Mao was such an ideologue that he thought that there should be a continuous revolution.
He hated both capitalisms.
China is aiming for a post scarcity economy, then only will real socialism take place.
>also known as corporativism,[1] is the sociopolitical organization of a society by major interest groups, known as corporate groups (as well as syndicates, or guilds) such as agricultural, business, ethnic, labour, military, patronage, or scientific affiliations, on the basis of their common interests.
the fact a "country" got rich is not about conquest, is about exploitation of workers (local or foreign), nationals identities doesn't matter in class struggle.
great posts
>because the Soviets were trying peaceful coexistence.
Lol no.
>Mao was such an ideologue that he thought that there should be a continuous revolution
Because Maoist theory catered to non-industrialized peoples (i.e. Agrarians), whose path towards communism was supposedly longer because they weren't industrialized.
cool, now where is those corporate groups in China?
That image isn't helping your cause.
The problem isn't with belief systems that fall outside the spectrum of currently acceptable political ideas. The problem is with populist extremists who are willing to use violence to seize power and attempt to radically reshape society. History shows that when this happens, usually there's a bunch of murder, followed by the emergence of a new corrupt elite that is as bad as or worse than the previous one.
The far left and the far right share a certain psychology - the psychology of political cultism.
>Stato Da Mar
You do know Venice was famous in Italian medieval/renaissance history not just for its Merchants & Wealth, but also its civic pride and military strength, right?
It was one of the few city states in Italy that didn't rely on Condotierros too much because the Civic Militia was staffed by people who saw glory in both economic & martial pursuits.
Reminder that Socialism with Chinese characteristics is sound theory and once China develops its productive forces to an advanced enough level, socialism will be enacted, to be followed by full communism. Long live chariman Xi who leads us in our fight for a noble proletarian future.
t. Dengist gang
Venice literally had an Empire.
Daily reminder that China now is what Chiang wanted.Mao would be rolling in his grave if he sees China now
and he did it again, tell us more centrist wisdom fellow wageslave.
How long till we get the radical anti-centrist fallacy memes
>once China develops its productive forces to an advanced enough level, socialism will be enacted
Oh sweat summer child
>Mao would be rolling in his grave if he sees China now.
Imagine the possibilities
Soviets had some good points regarding social parasites but I still believe in private ownership.
>China becomes communist
>China's communist policies stifle economic growth
>China's population is dirt fucking poor and struggle to make enough money to live day to day
Meanwhile, in the commieboo's mindset:
>Uhm t-t-that's not REAL communism!!
>Fast forward some 45-60 years later, China finally realizes how bad they fucked up with the whole communism meme and start to loosen regulations and adopt capitalist policies
>China's economy starts to pick up and the people start to live better off
Meanwhile, in the commieboo's mindset:
>Haha! See?! Communism DOES work!! Capitalism b t f o !!!
Why do commies constantly prove themselves to have no clue what they are talking about? It is infuriating
when all you undecided fags take a serious political position and have the balls to defend it
>implying there exist no positions in centrist politics
whatever makes you sleep at night, I guess
Are you a centrist centrist user?
>not at least above an eight order of centrism
looks like you need to ascend higher, plebian
based Nazbol
I remember being 13 maybe 14 and being a commieboo. Mainly because I liked the aesthetic of some of the soviet propaganda (which I can still appreciate some of) and didn't know much more than the "everyone is equal" meme when it came to everything else. I don't think I ever thought of myself a communist (because I was a teenager and barely political) but I do recall believing "oh well if x was done in not the soviet union it would work" which is essentially "real communism has never been tried". Obviously now I know better but it baffles me that there are unironic adults who think this shit is acceptable. And then you have issues like your pic related where people who have lived through the horrors of communist totalitarianism are telling these deficits what they've been through and they jsut ignore it. Yet they unironically will call out far right ideologies out for the same stuff (inb4 horseshoe meme I understand its not that simple but when it comes down to it totalitarianism comes in different colours and I'm not some edgy cunt who thinks either are a good idea)
Correct. Communism doesn't work.