Do you jerk off?

Do you jerk off?

we are the NOFAP marines and we are NOT fucking fapping

Every day.

Nope, running numbers instead


I'm jerking off right now ;)


jerking off caused the mortgage crisis bro. I guess you want crypto to crash and burn

Too much actually. I tried doing this nofap thing but I seriously can't go a day without fapping at least once.

It doesn't sound like the world's most serious problem, but it actually does kinda concern me, like I should have the discipline not to fap for a week if I want to.

Yes, two or three times a day. I didn't even know that was abnormal until recently. And yes I DO have a girlfriend but nothing can top my beautiful masterful hands

too much, too many cute traps getting posted here

Oh shit, I'm sorry


Sorry for what? Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks. Especially since they're such good size and all.

you lose hair if you fap too much. Its already happenning to me after fapping daily for the past 4 years

Wait what are you doing

Just eat your vitamins, you gotta replenish the zinc and magnesium and other precious juice metals that you rub out.

Either that, or shoot it into your mouth ;)

I almost choked on a grape you fucks

You have no idea what you're talking about. Your vitamins or minerals don't do jack shit. You lose your hair if your follicles are sensitive to DHT, that's it: it's all genetics.

Havent fapped in 2 weeks. Used to watch ebony solo and whack twice a day at least. My life is so much better. More confidence

Serious guys dont fap ever

I've been fapping like a madman since I was in kindergarten and I've got thick, long hair that every woman would love to have. If fapping would cause me to go bald, I would have have looked like Sir Patrick Stewart by the time I entered highschool.

DHT theory got debunked pretty hard in the book 'Hair like a fox'

I don't fap much because I take finasteride to prevcent my hair from falling out which makes ur dick not work as well so i need to be sensitive for my girlfriend or else she will think im not attracted to her

Yes I touch myself to you, OP


What's the point of having hair if your dick doesn't work properly?


Mastrubation releases DHT. Some peoples hair follicules are sensitive to that shit and they start falling out. Idk but I'm young and I've been jacking off 1-2 times a day for the past 4-5 years and my hair is starting to thin all over my head and burning sensation , redness and flaking appeared 2 years ago. I now havent fapped for 2 weeks and everything is going better. Less hair fall, less-no burning sensation, less redness and less flaking. Idk man...

idk because it makes me more attractive then i would be without it so my girlfriend wants to fuck me more. i make up for my half powered dick by not fapping. i think i found a happy medium

Does sex release DHT also?

Have you read the book?

This is stupid, everyone knows that jacking off increases hair growth, that's why it makes hair grow on the palms of your hands

You're an idiot, please stop talking.

I recently started nofap. I'm on day 18 and my life is genuinely the best it's ever been. By far. Feels fucking magic man.

How did it get debunked ? What causes hair fall and defuse hair loss then ? How can we treat it and get our hair back ?? Teach me please since hair fall is the reason I sunk in depression. I know its sad but for young guy like me already thinning A LOT is pretty devastating. Tried many natural treatments and a lot of other stuff nothing works. I even tried putting onions on my head ffs for a whole week since the internet was suggesting it in many articles but nothing... If anyone has any idea how to treat hair loss in general you will literally change a lot of peoples lives here.

Top Kek he hasn't read the book and claims to know what wasn't written in it

Can you grow facial hair?

If so, just fucking bic your head smooth dude. It's a badass look.

But if no facial hair, people think cancer boy or Buddhist monk

I take 200mg of Zoloft for depresssion.

I take 0.5mg testosterone shot twice a week for low testosterone levels.

Zoloft makes dick not work.

Testosterone makes dick work.

Girlfriend could care less about sex and is never interested.

I'm always horny.

My life is a zero-sum game.

I can't remember, its been ages since I've read it. The book is on my kindle, give me a minute and I'll try and post an excerpt.

>? How can we treat it and get our hair back ?? Teach me please since hair fall is the
It's simple bro.

Rub Rogaine on thinning areas twice a day, once in morning, once at night

Take finasteride 1mg a day

Keep hair


Ur fucked it doesnt work like that. the only solution is surgery.

Or wait a few years and there will probably be a pill that makes it regrow. People are working hard on this. Big industry $$$

Don't take finasteride, it stops you from producing your own testosterone and you will end up needing TRT

When I've had a stressful day.

If I have like a fulfilling day or I'm super busy all day, I'm usually so tired at night I just go straight to sleep. I like those days.

Please do ! This has destroyed my life so far. There are much worse problems out there and I can agree with that but my confidence and the low amounts of social life that I had before is completely destroyed because of this fucking hair falling not to mention other things :( Funny how we managed to do so much amazing things through out the years but still no cure for hair loss gtfo.


From al the stuff i read online extreme dick problems are very extremely rare. Lots of people take that stuff and most of the bad stuff you read online is selection bias because people with positive experiences tend to not post about it online

Im not even sure if my half sensitive dick is because of finasteride or thick condoms

top kek. A book by some nobody who's only argument is that the mechanics of hairloss are not 100% understood and therefore his own theory might be correct. Bullshit. Why does fin work? huh? Go drink your herbal tea.

Finasteride is the only thing that's able to slow it down. It blocks the conversion from testosterone into DHT. There's also a stronger version called dutasteride. Minox promotes growth, but it's pretty much useless without finasteride.
There's nothing else. Nothing else works right now. Don't waste your time with these natural cures, it'll only break your heart.

Usually every day, and if I miss one day I will usually 2x the following day. I have a gf and even days we have seks I'll rub one out.

I don't know if I like the side effects that much but I see what you mean. I'm not balding like only on 1 side like many people do I have difuse hair loss (thinning) which means that I lose hair all over my head but the sides are normal like they should be. My scalp is also red and a bit flaky idk why but derm said it is dermatitis but i highly doubt that since that doesnt cause hair loss.

I really hope they will make something like that but I doubt it. We made so much progress on the medical field, tech etc... but still not a cure for hair loss which has destroyed so many peoples confidence and social skills/lifes.

Chapter 3 The Androgen Hypothesis "Castration at early ages affords a reliable form of therapy, but one in which the cure is worse than the disease." —Dr. James B. Hamilton In 1942 Dr. James B. Hamilton changed the course of hair loss research with his groundbreaking study in a group of 104 men who failed to mature sexually (i.e., eunuchs or eunachoids).1 Both young and old, the men were unified by testicular insufficiency, which Dr. Hamilton found to give rise to three anomalies: 1.A lack of balding and retention of all scalp hair. 2.Less sebaceous gland activity, compared to normal men of comparable age, that resulted in a reduced oiliness of the face, hair, and scalp and a complete lack of acne. 3.Dandruff that was either absent or present in such small amounts such that only a few white flakes could be brushed off from the scalp. In stark contrast, mature young men of the same age had copious amounts of dandruff. Faced with the obvious correlation between castration and hair retention, Dr. Hamilton administered "male" hormone injections (i.e., testosterone propionate) to men who were not bald.


Upon receiving these injections, those with a family history of baldness experienced a pronounced loss of hair; however, halting the treatment ceased all further hair loss. In castrates who received the same injections without interruption, not only was hair loss induced, but it also continued unabated. A discrepancy that arose from these experiments as to the role of testosterone in hair loss was that the amount of testosterone that was required to induce baldness in the castrates did not exceed the amounts secreted by the testes of the average young, healthy male with hair. No matter how strong the inherited physiological state, hair loss would not result if "inciting agents," which Hamilton believed to be “male” androgens, were missing. This was evidenced by old eunuchs who were castrated prior to sexual maturation that retained their prepubertal hairlines and “luxuriant scalp hair”. Thirty-two years after Dr. Hamilton's experiments with the eunuchs came a discovery that not only led to a set of cultural stereotypes about baldness, but also to a drug that for some men would alter the course of their lives forever.

I'm trying to become a crypto monk who gives up all worldly desires and possession in return for massive gains

The DHT Connection In 1974, Dr. Julianne Imperato-McGinley, an endocrinologist at Cornell, travelled to the Dominican Republic to observe a remote mountain village with a population of male pseudohermaphrodites called the Guevedoces (“penis at 12 years”).2 Appearing sexually ambiguous at birth, the Guevedoces were raised as girls. But during puberty, they developed external genitalia, increased muscle mass, and deep voices. Similar to Dr. Hamilton’s eunuchs, the Guevedoces were conspicuously free of pattern baldness and acne. The affected males were found to have normal plasma testosterone concentrations, but were deficient in dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative of testosterone. Upon further research, Dr. Imperato-McGinely’s group ended up discovering the first inherited disorder of steroid hormone metabolism, a deficiency of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme (5-AR) that converts testosterone into DHT. Because the Guevedoces had normal levels of testosterone in their blood, Dr. Imperato-McGinely’s group surmised that DHT, rather than testosterone, had to be responsible for bringing about baldness. Regardless of the implications of Imperato-McGinley's research, it wouldn't have mattered much in the grand scheme of things.

cba with all this copy pasting, books called hair like a fox by Danny Roddy

I've actually experienced a sharp decline in my libido after discovering crypto

I think the fantasy reward center in my brain just rewired for it


How does this debunk anything?

Total bullshit. Fuck off with your fear mongering.

Underrated post.
How do I get prescribed testy?

the third time today.

Yet, still feel empty inside

daddy gave you good advice

Occasionally. Used to a lot more when I was a teen virgin fag. It's comfier not having to rely on wanking to 'feel better'.
Tl;dr stop jacking off and go fuck some bitches.