Hey there, just made this guide for Late Antiquity in case people were interested.
Post any guides or make/request book recommendations.
Hey there, just made this guide for Late Antiquity in case people were interested.
Post any guides or make/request book recommendations.
kys gr**k
Bump for resources, specially latin america history.
Good selection for a overall understanding of major ancient near east powers, except for Assyrians sadly.
The introduction to Andrew Boyle's translation of the History of the World Conqueror by 'Ala-ad-Din 'Ata-Malik Juvaini includes mentions many works on the Mongols including René Grousset's Conqueror Of The World and J. J. Saunders' The History of the Mongol Conquests.
don't have a chart, but i have the thread that Veeky Forumslad made about the congo wars the other day
is it a really good book though?
it's going to take a lot for me to read *cough* sub-saharan african *cough* history
modern african history is honestly pretty interesting stuff
idk about the book, haven't read it, didn't make the thread, i mean I'd believe the guy though
pic related was another good one
nice saved
>Tfw taking a class on Late Antiquity
>tfw WLA is actually one of my textbooks
Fun course desu. If you're looking for some good primary sources look up Ammianus Marcellinus and/or the Lausiac history.
best books on tsarist russia?
>except for Assyrians sadly
what would you recommend for them?
Someome should add total war attila for extra on that list
>no Alexiad
Can you be more specific about Tsarist Russia? Like time period etc. Some good ones on the late Empire would be:
"Economic development of Russia 1905-14" by Miller is a fantastic book on Russia's progression in industry and role in the global market
"Sergei Witte and the industrialization of Russia" by Von Laue goes a bit more into depth how Russia industrialized, but the former has plenty of information by itself.
Military wise then:
"The Russian Army under Nicholas I, 1825-1855" by J.S Curtiss
"The Russian Army in World War I" by W. Ruthereford
and a bit of a mix would be "The Eastern Front 1914-17" by Norman Stone
I've not read too much on them but
>A Companion to Assyria by Eckart Frahm
>A History of the Ancient Near East by Marc Van De Mieroop
Have been the best books covering them for me.
Should add "Constantine and the Conversion of Europe" by A.H.M Jones in there, too.
should add Guy Halsall's 'Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West', he tear Beter H*ather a new asshole
Any recommendations on Spain during the 20th century?
Might as well add Kulikowski's "Rome's Gothic wars, key conflicts in Late Antiquity" as well
Anyone know where to get this online? For being the most popular, comprehensive academic work on the holocaust, it's sure as shit impossible to find unless you're willing to dish out $200 at amazon (which I'm not).
Got a few from that nigga who makes compendiums for guides. Posting all 4 of them I have rn.
What's wrong with Peter Heather
His book on the Goths is fine, but his later work (probably) greatly overestimates the scale of barbarian migrations and their role in causing the fall of the Western empire in order to make a political point about modern immigration to Britain or something.
add Goldsworthy's How Rome Fell and Guy Halsall's Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West.
How can that be overestimated? The germanic migrations were a huge contributor to the fall of Rome.
He overestimates the scale, as in the number of people actually moving in to the empire. We don't really have any archaeological or otherwise evidence for massive hordes of people arriving, which is the pop-culture picture - it was most likely smaller groups, more like armies than whole 'peoples on the move', and there was a more complex process of identity change and negotiation after the end of the empire than just 'barbarians arrive, everyone else fucking dies or smth'
Halsall attributes the fall more to a crisis of elite mismanagement, and greater regionalism and factionalism among local elites. The barbarians were surely important, but its a pretty obscure period of history, and it sucks to see an otherwise pretty good scholar like Heather write misleading things to score political points about immigration
Terrible chart.
Read Ammianus Marcellinus. Also Ward-Perkins and Heather are ideologues
Going by his book Empires and Barbarians, he argues the exact same thing you are promoting in your first paragraph. Did his other books become more political or something?
yeah, he wrote a couple of shitty pop-history articles for some english rags along the lines of 'dirty immigrants caused the fall of rome' that lost him a lot of respect i think, but he's a made man now so he can cash in i suppose
Not the guy you are talking with but yes:
Look up the youtube channel and do the Math
Also a review of his recent work:
“Contradictory evidence, literary and archaeological, is relentlessly excluded because the "better evidence" always supports whatever Heather wants it to: On the one hand, because Goths were so numerous and large a group, their material culture was highly tenacious; on the other hand, because the early Slavs were such a numerous group, their material culture was highly flexible and malleable, far more open to the adoption of foreign modes. Never mind the simplistic assumption that material culture always reflects ethnic identity - impervious to thirty years of theoretical advance.”
Well taking in Gothic and Vandalic migrants definitely didn't help.
these charts
>best books on tsarist russia?
Any particular time period?
There's a bunch on ebay between $6 and 30 bucks.
Any recs on the aztecs and such?
Folio society has a comfy selection of latin american cultures. I haven't read them but their ancient near east were great. Also the covers are great.
never trust anglo authors holy fuck
>not liking Cold War and post-Cold War fuckery
Why no Gibbon? It's a fun read
People should read the actual Classics than this shit
>An author is bad because they're a brit
I bet you don't read much, huh?
Somebody recommended a good book in spanish on Aztec but I didn't write it down. Anybody happen to know any good books on aztec mythology?
are folio society books worth the price, as in, are they good?
Veeky Forums guide to ww1/ww2 when?
>needing a guide for baby tier history
just read whatever one volume comprehensive book there is
then just pick whatever topic interest you most
it's pretty straight forward
I'd say so. And some that are no longer in print are generally cheaper oddly. I got the whole ancient near east (4 books) for $50. The actually physical quality of the books is great, and they look nice. Good for a display on a shelf. If you are budgeting, you can always find the non folio equivalent for cheaper. Just make sure the book is the most current version.
He's asking for good books on the world wars, nothing wrong with that in a book request thread. Especially that topic, it must be filled with a ton of shit books.
Have you checked out this book? This was one of my preferred since nobody really talks about Italy.
Forgot to mention it's part of a trilogy
>Especially that topic, it must be filled with a ton of shit books.
that's true, alright, I'll stop being a cunt
here's a few WW2 books that are good
Antony Beevor - The Second World War (best WW2 overall book that I've read)
Alexander Werth - Russia at War 1941-45
Book on the Eastern Front from the Russian side written by a war correspondent who was there and witnessed shit like Leningrad blockade, Kursk, Stalingrad, Majdanek death camp, Battle of Berlin, etc. Basically he was in the most hot spots.
If anybody has questions of any of these I'll answer them.
This one too, but not this one
Any good books on cities, architecture, and day to day life in general? Can be any time period
sorry, don't know any books on nu-male history
These books are pretty tight. They are a bit pricey, but I luckily found mine in a used bookstore for like 5 bucks
Has some
written by an open sodomite
See above