Who went all in on LINK? Will you be holding or selling the FUD?
Who went all in on LINK? Will you be holding or selling the FUD?
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There is no FUD...
There's only shilling.
I want to go more in on LINK but i'm fuckin poor
Does anyone have the link to the presentation these guys gave to the world economic forum?
when was that?
i'm waiting for liqui to buy some
I don't know about a full presentation, but this image is shared on smartcontract.com.
went all in pre-sale. Going to hold for 1-2 years. By then it will have 100x'ed at least once.
this guy gets it
here's a hint:
do a google search on linkedin profiles and play around with certain keywords
not all in, but about half in
Can't find anything? What are you suggesting
What did he mean by this
Large bagholders, dont be fuckin bitches and sell at the first sign of a dip. Grow some iron balls and hold. Dont you fucking ruin this for me, I put $400 into this shit.
>tfw you can see the end game
65k LINK reporting in. I'm in this for the long haul, not selling for at least a year. Not all in though, I'm also in ICX and have other funds to play around with to keep me entertained.
What did he mean by this
>I put $400 into this shit
Im seriously thinking about some LINK but i need to know when it'll go on a major exchange. Im fine buying it on ED but it wont make any real gains until its on an exchange.
You know it's 100% going to happen at some stage. Get in before the news breaks because then the price will go up quickly.
holy fuck thank you user
Can you throw a bone to your slightly more obtuse comrades, here?
Just hold your LINK.
buy the fud, sell the fomo
Where or more over how can I buy? I got 75 dollars I want to get into
>Get in before the news breaks because then the price will go up quickly.
Eh ED is so fucked up that no normie will use it. As long as i buy within a day or two of an exchange announcement i'll be fine. I'll only get fucked if it just shows up on a good exchange w/o any announcement beforehand
I cant invest right now because im waiting on some potential moon missions. I plan to go all in on LINK when i find out its going on an exchange.
Fucked the link up...google it yourself. Shouldnt be clicking links anyways
It's all I have, brokebois gotta pay rent
You could sell your boipussi if you are cute enough
I'm a normie and I don't even know what ED stands for help me make it to the moon and beyonds user
Erectile Dysfunction
Its when your dick doesnt work but its also an exchange that works different than other exchanges.
I actually havent even used it myself; watch youtube tutorials so you dont fuck it up. Its called EtherDelta.
Thanks user, I will go check it, but my dick works well. Also why haven't you used it? Any reason why haven't ?
fuck my asshole user thank you
This coin is GOD confirmed
if you want to try ED, always keep a few bucks in the wallet, for the transaction fees. its a trap a lot of people run into. keep bucks for fees, otherwise you're fucked and not able to do anything, not even withdraw.
>tfw put all my money on link at 0.17
>tfw just sit in class and day dream about being a millionaire
i know it probably wont reach higher than 10 dollars but still
Literally has nothing to do with each other.
Are you fucking retarded?
Linkddd uppp
10 dollars would make me worth a decent 8 figures
Hmm that looks interesting, I will definitely look into it , should I buy tonight or wait a week to see where this is going? Thanks user
What are your guys prediction for LINK?
I wanna invest because i could see an easy 5x in the next couple of weeks. But if they're successful in what they're trying to do $10 isnt even unreasonable in a year from now
use ED with MetaMask. its much easier and also safer, b/c the private key isn't stored in browser cache.
ChainLink is in a dip down right now, i don't think it will boost in the near future. anyway, overall its a good coin, buy whenever you want. good luck.
tell me how to get on this link train? i got my life savings ready for this. how can i dump all my cash into link
An easy 5x in two weeks? Hahaha do you have substantiated information to back this claim up or are you posting pure cancer? I will be happy with x3 by the end of the year and I hold 250k LINKs
Why are you putting your life savings on something that you are too stupid to know how to buy? No wonder it has been pathetically easy to make insane returns on crypto when idiots like this are buying my bags
>5x in the next couple of weeks
not if it stays on etherdelta lol
Thirty cents next week. Fifty after that. At least a dollar before SIBOS. Depends on what exchanges this gets on.
cause gambling is fun. i want to get into cryptocurrency and i'll start with link. i plan to go into monero since illegal activities will always happen and people need all those people stealing bitcoins from exchanges need to be able to go anonymous with their ill-gotten goods.
so far i've learned i need that etherdelta, but where's the best play to buy ethereum coins?
wew lad
Its a pretty hyped ICO. Solid team, one of the main facebook engineers started working for them, partnership with SWIFT.
I dont even have to go by the technology. This is fucking crypto kiddo; Learn how to predict the market. This shitcoin has potential, low market cap and its only being traded on ED.
If this hits an exchange with decent volume its an easy fucking moon.
>ethereum coins
you send bitcoin to this address and it will send eth back at the fixed rate
Why people keep saying its only tradable on ED? I was able to buy some on Mercatox last night.
dont worry lad Veeky Forums is a bunch of meanies. Go coinbase to purchase the bigger currencies like btc or eth
i don't even have bitcoins to send otherwise why would i not know the best place to buy eth? what are the popular places to trade fiat for crypto. i want to get on this link train, hurry
is coinbase the most popular one used by Veeky Forums? nobody is mentioning the place they purchase from. i see coinbase all over the reddit for cryptocurrency,but i only trust Veeky Forums
They want Bittrex or Poloniex. They'll get nada lmao
Because its a shit exchange with a ridiculously low volume?
How much did you buy user? 50 dollars worth?
Their entire buy book is 1.5BTC...like 4x less than i want to buy
I assume Bitfinex or maybe Kraken might be more popular here, Bitfinex is really good but I honestyl think Kraken is annoying as fuck to use. I started with Coinbase and will likely continue with it, especially since I only buy btc and transfer it to Bittrex to trade. Havent made a withdrawal yet, but maybe some serious profit on bittrex. It was real easy to get into too, so I recommend you start there
thank you for the info. i'll look into all those names i appreciate it
>>Get in before the news breaks because then the price will go up quickly.
>Eh ED is so fucked up that no normie will use it. As long as i buy within a day or two of an exchange announcement i'll be fine. I'll only get fucked if it just shows up on a good exchange w/o any announcement beforehand
>I cant invest right now because im waiting on some potential moon missions. I plan to go all in on LINK when i find out its going on an exchange.
It's not that hard, even I figured it out.
Carry on
>Havent made a withdrawal yet
Just a word of advice, dont leave your money on exchanges. Bittrex is imo one of the least sketchy ones, but get in the habit of transferring tokens to wallets.
No point in withdrawing when btc is still going up, I'm gonna keep all my money in crypto until 2018 at least
And yeah I'm storing alot in bittrex so I dont miss the pumps but kinda nervous about it
What happens if you leave it in?
Don't know if I want to be wasting gas money trading it out all the time.
hacks have happened and theres also stories of anons tokens mysteriously disappearing.
Bittrex is fucking huge and apparently it takes weeks for them to even get back to you.
I dont know how true that is. I honestly keep tokens in Binance and Bittrex for a few nights when i have a sell order on something. I probably wouldnt do it if i had tens of thousands worth though.
Wallets are easier than you think once you get used to them. Just double check everything and always be careful when depositing and withdrawing.
If you absolutely most use cuckbase to buy ether, and immediately transfer to real nigga exchanges beware high fees and cancer-inducing waiting periods to get your ether/btc/ltc (unless you link a debit/credit card which isn't a great idea but grants insta buys)
some linkies are literally as retarded as omisetards
some threads are pumping Kyber and shitting on link. we're talking two different coins that solve different problems folks!
I was all in until someone stole most of it yesterday.
I did some research into LINK, and I'll still be in Veeky Forums posting and responding, but I'm pretty much no longer in play.
Not just that.
Kyber has limited application (crypto only) and won't actually have a working product for a long time.
Meanwhile LINK has a working product, was being developed before ETH, has backing from the biggest financial communications network, was mentioned two years ago already in official WEF (!!!) publications, and is about to be showcased to the financial elite of the world at SIBOS.