Why is it accepted to be a communist but if you say you are a nazi people will look at you funny?
Didn't the nazi's only want to improve the world?
Why is it accepted to be a communist but if you say you are a nazi people will look at you funny?
Didn't the nazi's only want to improve the world?
>Why is it accepted to be a communist
it actually isn't
Half the professors in academia are openly communist
Communism has goals that, at least in theory, most people can respect: equality, the end of poverty and exploitation, etc. so people can look past how shitty things turned out. The evils of Nazism are baked into the core of the ideology, so it doesn't get any benefit of the doubt.
>Why is it accepted to be a communist
Dohoho are you retarded? Get out more, what you see on the internet is not how the entire world is. These venezuelans I live nextdoor to siad they'd skin anyone who they heard praising communism.
sure thing mah man
The pleb despises nazis, the patrician Veeky Forumstorian despises both
Epic meme.
>source: my ass
Luckily not in former USSR.
Who are the Marxists in business?
>Move along, goy, nothing to see here.
Number of Marxists in academia has declined severely since the late 1960s as Marxist theory was generally discredited. Just keep in mind:
1. one can be a leftist without being a Marxist
2. one can be anti-Marxist without being right-wing
Honestly yeah super curious
idk I know japanese business curriculums used to include at least some of Marx's capital, marxism wasn't really "political" in the sense that we take it there.
>Why is it accepted to be a communist but if you say you are a nazi people will look at you funny?
Because people look at autistic people in funny way?
Communism, on paper at least, appears inclusive while National Socialism does not. Communism isn't really accepted publicly either.
Serious question here, do you happen to suffer from autism?
the source is the study conducted by Gross and Simmons, you brainlet
jewish propoganda
Communism doesn't immediately mean "kill everybody I don't like" but somehow always ended up just like that.
>the jews promote communism!
>Israel had no relations with any communist state except romania
>The only non-muslim states that don't have relations with Israel (Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba) are communist
It's pretty stunning how similar the two groups are, huh?
Also, I can speak for my age (25) we just don't have the same animosity towards communism as nazis. It does not mean we like them. I also have a feeling that the whole 'Red Scare' made people have a little more sympathy for commies, desu.
define improve
also the nazis kills were deliberate
the commies were famines due to incompetence when dealing with the kulaks
True in my experience. Had this bitch try to tell me Tyler the Creator is racist against blacks.
That has literally nothing to do with communism.
No, just a funny example of her stupidity. She openly called herself a "marxist" though.
Neither are actually accepted in mainstream society. Communism by and large is still treated as a joke by most normies while most people see Nazim as a legitimate threat. What you see today is the product of the internet and closed circles dwelling among their own thought without much of the public's knowledge. Only now all this shit is starting to spill out into the mainstream. I can only speak to personal experience but most folk here don't want any kind of revolution or ethnostate bullshit. They just wanna live their lives in peace and make sure the government are doing their fucking jobs.
Outside of social science departments of campus sympathy for communists is vastly overblown. If you try to argue for Pol Pot or Kim Il-Sung in 2017 you're going to get shouted down.
That being said, the difference in the "social stigma" difference is due to a few issues though:
-Outside of part of Germany Communism was never implemented in a western state, unlike nazism.
-The West never fought a truly devastating war with communism, unlike nazism. I hate the term "orientalism" but it's true that the West (which dominates world culture/media/academia) views these things through its own lense, where nazism was always the bloodier and direct threat.
-About 90% of the ~100 million deaths caused by Communism are from economic mismanagement and stubbornness that resulted in famine, not from direct slaughter unlike the Nazi's. Stalin's gulags "only" killed around a million people over a 15 year period vs. 11 million in German camps over a 6 year period. This gives great argumentative powers for defenders of communism without restoring to flat-out lying/retard arguments like neo-nazi's and holocaust denial. The crimes of Nazism are far easier to display for all to see.
-That Communism was inconsistent and implemented in different ways throughout the world. To compare Tito's Yugoslavia in the 60s to Pol Pot is ridiculous. All communism is oppressive but few reach the levels of Nazi Germany, really only Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, and North Korea.
-The message of Communism, on paper, appeals to our modern society better. It may trigger /pol/, but people are less racist and nationalist than they used to be and this trend has continued throughout the last century. It preaches equality and appeals to envy. This is more enticing for the masses than Nazism's exclusive message of racial supremacy, genocide, and overt totalitarian as opposed to disguised totalitarianism.
But of course this is all more complicated than simply "jews did it".
Most university students I've met don't know who Pol Pot or Mao are. Most even get mixed up between the World Wars. Your analysis is true for anyone who's interested in history, though.
Because the Nazi's directly systematically killed people, you idiot. Why are people so desensitized to killing these days? Fucking cushy first world lives.
that's not a citation
It's almost like Marx invented Sociology.
>The West never fought a truly devastating war with communism, unlike nazism
Poland fought the communists in 1920.
>-Outside of part of Germany Communism was never implemented in a western state, unlike nazism.
You mean like in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary?
Go to bed, Grzegorz.
Most of this is just normal stormweenie nonsense, megalamonia, and retardation, but I got a particular kick out of
>German scientists and engineers abducted in Operation Paperlip were useful for the ATOM BOMB program
>Paperclip launched: July 20, 1945
>Trinity test : July 16, 1945.
>post an image with a citation in itself
I'm sorry, do you want an oxford reference or a harvard reference in the image screencap of some guy's longform essay?
Which is exceptionally funny, considering that only Estonia made it better due to gibs from Scandinavia.
> you say you are a nazi people will look at you funny
Because a xenopatriot sucking krauts cock (or worse - american mongrel of german descent) claiming he is a nationalist is a very funny thing.
This basically.
>It may trigger /pol/, but people are less racist and nationalist than they used to be and this trend has continued throughout the last century. I
I'd say that people are more redpilled on the whole "free" aspect of free market. As well as the whole sham of proclaimed "white" or "national" brotherhood.
They are not less racist or nationalist - they just don't blindly believe everyone on top just because he is white/has same nationality.
>Poland and Hungary are Western.
Nazism was fueled by Social Comparison Theory, Social Dominance Theory, Irrational Phobias, Scapegoating, Self Serving Biases, Self Service Fallacies, Intellectual Dishonesty, Confirmation Bias, etc.
So no, Nazis did not want to make the world a better place.
They wanted to murder, steal and engage in narcissistic hysteria.
You're buying into the narcissistic hysteria part.
Don't do that.
Communists are also pretty monstrous, but their intent by the public was a Utopia for everyone.
They just keep giving power to assholes that make them promises.
This is why Communism self contradicts and implodes.
They delcare no classism, but want to give all the power to people that make them promises.
You know the funniest part? That was one of things that made reds win civil war in russia.
"Nationalists" and "monarchists" were so busy sucking anglo and french cocks, whining for intervention by everyone, even Czechs, that fucking COMMIES in comparison turned out more nationalistic.
Despite having internationalism as their ideology, yes.
That and, right-leaning folks being so adjusted to having "losers" in society to point fingers and patting each other in the back for being "superior" to them, be it a caste, class, or group, to the point that they genuinely wonder, why those losers are not happy. And honestly can't even understand why "bydlo" revolts against them.
>pOlAnD iS wEsTeRn GuIs
Are we liberty minded in Veeky Forums or we attempting to achieve true neutrality?
Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary are not Western.
>Why is it accepted to be a communist
In what fucking world? Communism was the biggest scare post-WW2, Communism today is seen as a failed idea only exposed by insane people.
>nazi people will look at you funny?
Why is this even a fucking question, are you serious? Are you a white supremacist alt-right guy?
We live in an era of unprecedented freedom and diversity. You want to eliminate that in the name of skin color. Why wouldn't the people you want to eliminate, and all the other normal white people who can get along with other races, not be okay with this?
>Didn't the nazi's only want to improve the world?
If we shot the head of every 60+ year old person not working and living off of welfare/social security we would improve the world. Doesn't mean you do it.
>Communism today is seen as a failed idea only exposed by insane people.
>muh freedums
stupid lolberts LMAO
Give me a modern, successful country that is highly influential to global politics that doesn't look down upon communism by the majority of their government and people.
No, not liberal socialism. Communism.
you don't even know what this word mean lolbert.
I'm waiting for an answer.
Nazis werent racist.
Ok brainet, the answer is: none, communism is a stateless, classless and money less stage. what are you looking for is socialism.
Here's your reply.
Good job buddy. Now, do you realize why I asked the question in the first place, and how my first statement that every country in our globalized world considers communism insane and unworkable, is not false?
Hint: you think you are being clever when you're retarded.
>our globalized world considers communism insane and unworkable, is not false?
But you don't OWN nothing classcuck, but is ok, I know your boss will reward your efforts.
Yeah? You mean to say the house that I fully paid off isn't my own? And the car that I fully paid off isn't my own either?
Even then that's not the point of the statement, you mentally handicapped weapons grade autism retard. You live in a globalized world interwoven by very complicated markets and a societies with classes all around. You do not live in a classless community. You do not live in a stateless community. You use money to purchase your food and the internet you are currently using (Or rather, the mother who puts on your clothes every morning does while you shitpost on the internet despite knowing nothing).
You're an idiot. Please stop posting.
Ah, you stupid lolbert, don't you still don't understand? it isn't about your personal property, is about all the "progress" of "your" global society which is just a produce of all the exploitation of all the workers and many of them don't enjoy your global paradise but they still need to work to survive. Meanwhile, you can enjoy all the bread crumbs your bosses give to you.
Read Marx retard.
Ahh yes exploitation. The Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, North Korea, South American countries didn't fall in to exploiting the people. All of them are just waiting for the eventual time when all the government will fall in itself and every man in power shall willingly give up their power and wealth so we can live in a nice commune. No no, it just happened that these countries had corrupt people!
You are so fucking stupid it hurts. This isn't even a discussion on philosophy if communism is ideal over capitalism. It's a literal fact, you inbred dipshit, that all modern countries including the one you live in have decided communism doesn't work and isn't accepted.
>Why is it accepted to be a communist but if you say you are a nazi people will look at you funny?
This is a false statement whether you like communism or not. No one in the modern world accepts communism. I would love to see you walk around your neighborhood and ask the normal person if they want communism. Please see how they would act.
It's also hilarious hearing a guy on the internet make fun of my personal property while his mommy pays everything for him and he hasn't done a single thing to contribute to his community while still speaking for communism. It's okay, five years from now, assuming your parents are sick of your shit and kick you out, and you have to face the real world, you'll be cringing at your former current self.
>It preaches equality and appeals to envy
Nice edge, but communism is still an option and your profit chasing paradise is already destroying itself and the planet. Lolberts and others porky apologists like you are incurable.
>No one in the modern world accepts communism.
If that helps you to sleep in the night, ok.
> It's okay, five years from now, assuming your parents are sick of your shit and kick you out, and you have to face the real world, you'll be cringing at your former current self.
ah, what a typical lolbert you are.
>communism is still an option
>Didn't the nazi's only want to improve the world?
no they mostly wanted to get in wars for shits and giggles
>yes kids, Stalin and Mao executed 100 billion people because they were cis white men
>Peace, veganism and safe spaces
yes anime poster, it is. and you can't stop it.
>i'm a civic nationalist
>these things are MINE haha..ha
>please dont take them these are all I have!
Most hip hop artists will put white girls in higher regard then black women
I am not saying they weren't massive dicks, but nazism does not equate racism. Mondern day neo-nazism? Absolutely. WW2-era nazism as a fascist movement? No. It only seeks to "eradicate those who wish to destroy or undermine the great aryan nation", which in their eyes happens to be slavs and jews basically.
>why is it accepted to be a communist
What country are you from user?
That's their personal taste, not a deep belief that the genes are superior. I get what you're saying, but if that's how racism works, /pol/ is a jap supremacy board.
>everyone will have equality because the fruits of the labuor from person X will be enjoyed by person Y
>this means that whatever you do, you will never be more or less successful than another person even if yoy should put in 10 times the effort he does into your job
>Hurr but the pan-slavist retards told me that slavs were seen as subhuman by da nutzeehs
>D-dats why they literally gave them military awards and medals too! Yeah h-hehe.
>Those half a million russians and other eastern europeans fighting for the axis in auxiliary units were totally seen as subhuman and trusted with weapons because of that
That if anything only strengthens my original point about how they weren't racist
people are lazy, and/or recognize that capitalism or actually-existing capitalism has a lot of shortcomings.
Communism or whatever therefor has an avenue of appeal as it's about making a more fair and generous world. regardless if it's also got the tendency (at least with lenin-inspired branches) to create a tolitarian/despotic regime.
>Why is it accepted to be a communist
Clearly you don't live in America.
...Or, more likely, are just yet another delusional /pol/ poster.
communism is feudalism fool
Maybe on reddit where you're from it is
this bothered me enough to annotate it
>hire someone
>they agree to work for me
>as in work in a way in which the product of such work is mine
>they work with my tools and materials
>but i'm not entitled to the earnings of it because communism
really blew my shindig
The communist too wanted to improve the world. But even (((me))) think that it is more acceptable to be a nazi than a stalinist/maoist/leninist/marxist etc, the only communist that are acceptable are anarchist ones (not the antifa fags that are the feces of this world) but the ones like Owen or Fourier that do their community in peace and ask nothing from others(though they are not communist they are utopian socialist). The thing is that nazi imply hate for innocents in the theory too and communist imply hate too but for the bourgeoisie that is not innocent to most of the world. I don't think it is acceptable to be in the upper cases of the political compass, individual liberties ftw
Are you even trying?
>der nazis were actually refugee welcoming leftie cucks
because the nazis lost, fucking losers
This man gets it
>but people are less racist and nationalist than they used to be
gee i wonder fucking why
thanks pol
Are you trying to imply that people being less racist is a bad thing?
>Didn't the nazi's only want to improve the world?
No, they wanted to seize living space for the German people and make Germany a world superpower, even if it took mass murder on an enormous scale.
The far-left and far-right are both authoritarian collectivists who use violence and mass murder to achieve their goals. They should both be stopped at all costs.
Sounds like Murica and Russia.
>Social Sciences
>17.6% Marxist
To be a moderate archaeologist is suffering
>look at all these drawings we made
>we wuz technologically superior n shiet