What kind of personal background does it take to become a Sovietboo? I know they tend to see Germans as their out-group, but who do they see as their in-group?
What kind of personal background does it take to become a Sovietboo? I know they tend to see Germans as their out-group...
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First off just say tankies
That word seems to trigger people here.
Thats more for Stalinists
Be a slavic nazi but don't be so retarded/cucked you're an unironic nazi (which would basically be hating your own genes).
I hate communism, but post-Stalin USSR seems like a fairly comfy place, honestly.
So comfy that you have to put up a wall to keep your own citizens in
Raking beaches and burning fishing boats also helps.
Yeah but there were no good damn niggers!!!!!
Says a person having never lived in the soviet union. Soviets had a decent amount of arabs and africans, especially from the socialist states. Exchange students, workers, diplomats, you name it. In my home city there was a special house block for people from the southern "brotherly states"
>What kind of personal background does it take to become a Sovietboo? I know they tend to see Germans as their out-group, but who do they see as their in-group?
The kind of person who's been greatly disillusioned by the flood of fake spirituality and obscurantism of the right, who has tried to reason and discuss with them and in the end failed.
Thus he is made to conclude that the only way to make an ideologically conformant world is through the force he so long had denounced.
You need to worship Jews, feminists, blacks, and you must also take huge amounts of estrogen everyday
why the left did not rebel? did they fear the autistic warrior?
How the fuck did the Veeky Forums clover end up on these flags? It hurts to be associated with this shit.
weaponized autism
Yeah but that was in the DDR and Hungary not the USSR
>What kind of personal background does it take to become a Sovietboo?
Experiencing free market firsthand in the post-collapsed Russia. Also average discussion with liberal/monarchist/nazi to cement the Sovietbootism.
After that, one is more like to blame NKVD for being too soft on those degenerates.
Why are you leftypol shills so upset that white people don't hate their own race?
Right now, there is no wall. But for some reason, the same people that bitched most about USSR, don't fuck off much?
Maybe, because they were fucking losers in USSR and are fucking losers even now?
>white people don't hate their own race.
Only mongrels "love their own race".
Nationalists love their nations and ethnos.
I just hate LARPers wherever they fall on the autism spectrum
>white people don't hate their own race?
But you are not even white
i don't like the kekistani shit because im notfond of so called right wingers making asses of themselves, when I'm a right winger
also kekistan is chanology tier stupid
>he is a right winger
>he's a J*cobin
BPD single mother. Absent father. IQ 100-117. Public school. No religious upbringing. Raised by the TV. Western.
>implying you can truly appreciate the Soviet Union without being a Stalinist
i dunno, im just a russiaboo in general and i find it amusing that Stalin killed off most of high ranking jews in the communist party
Like all memes originating from Veeky Forums, Kekistan has been permanently tainted by Reddit. You can be pro-nativist and reject normalfag bullshit.
it doesn't help that /pol/ actively welcomes redditors, and calls anyone who criticizes them for doing that as shills
memes in genreal have a life span, and pepe has become threadbare and overused
what is the point of using pepe or anything related to him at this point? is there any reason why he is used other than his likeness?
no, people use his visage because is easily reconcilable
What about Apu?
>anything but a leninist
we need to bastardize him even further
Apu is pepe's equivalent of the intermediate stages between pedobear and spurdo
/pol/ is basically reddit at this point
Thank the lord he died before reddit/9gag/etc could get their hands on him.
well that just comes with fact that he was a Veeky Forums meme when the internet was less ubiquitous in the wider culture
These are the same people who say "class is an identity". Liberals and fascists are two sides of the same coin.
I don't really consider myself a tankie but I sympathize with the old Eastern bloc in general because both of my grandparents were shit kicking peasants who after getting mixed up with the communists during world war ii mostly because of circumstance beyond their control ended up becoming party members and the system ended up being very kind to them.
Your grandparents were lucky, it's unfortunate that >99% of the population under communist rule were forced to wait in city block spanning lines waiting for their weekly bread allowance.
Eh, my grandparents were waiting in line just like everyone else, I still think the system did a lot for overall compared to the life they were leading before the communists came to power.
>muh bread lines
thanks memer
Soviet citizens weren't exactly swimming in foodstuff, even during the Eastern Bloc's economic apex.
My grandmother has a similar story - upward mobility by toeing the party line was greater than before. However, if the only way to get ahead is to regurgitate senseless Marxist dribble, that really doesn't contribute much to the economy, and thus overall welfare is dismal.
>What kind of personal background does it take to become a Sovietboo?
I just played a lot of Red Alert 2 when I was a kid desu.
The only sources detailed enough to matter are from the Soviet Union itself, and they're as trustworthy as a room full of senators with daggers. But you're obviously a tankie trying to trip up anyone who dares question the revolution.
So not sources then.
>However, if the only way to get ahead is to regurgitate senseless Marxist dribble,
My grandparents were true believers, if only for how much and how quickly the system transformed their lives in a positive way. You'd be surprised how many people of that generation truly believed in it and weren't simply reciting empty party approved slogans.
this to some extent, the cynicism didn't really set it for the truly convinced until Khrushchev couldn't deliver
>/pol/ actively welcomes redditors
Get the fuck out.
if you don't believe me go into any /ptg/ thread
It's a great word that describes what brutality commies are capable of to justify their horrid ideology.
it was an anti-fascist protection rampart capitalist pigdog
>all the commies are tankies
Not really but, if that trigger you I am a tankie then.
and it was worth it
High agreeableness and orderliness.
Reagan effect
who is next, pinoshit?
Why do people call them tankies? I always picture some fat bearded 30 year old highly inebriated standing on top of some T-54 and chucking barrels of Heinekan at a huge crowd of pissed off Stalnists for some reason.
>Why do people call them tankies?
Because send the tanks is the ultimate stalinist tactic.
It is rather ironic, east Germany would be one of the most socially right wing countries in Europe if it were still independent
So, cuck mentality.
>getting to triggered at a silly picture
>bitching about mislabeling when you call everyone whos not a communist a nazi