also what's up with blacks claiming to be every civilization.
Is Misinformation worse than Ignorance?
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They hate themselves more than any other apologetic white liberal.
You just aren't woke on the 4biddenknowledge, op.
>implying we know that New Worlders were representationalists rather than idealists at first
Short Answer: Identity Politics.
Long Answer:
It's Ego Reactivity.
- They were oppressed
- Now they have to regain Ego to feel validated
- Therefore they use Confirmation Bias to claim Specialness
* Same reason why religious people claim moral superiority
* Same reason politards claims the other side is irrational (Social Comparison Theory is part of Identity Politics)
* Same reason people do shooting or volunteer (recognition)
People's self-value is often determined by their outer value to others. So they have to gain recognition.
This is obvious.
Like super obvious.
It's the same reason trolls troll (destabilize others to look superior) and why I come here to show off my education.
>what's up with blacks
why are you talking like them?
Wounded nationalism/racialism, curdled in-group bias and a thirst for power. After all, if black people are the TRUE and HONEST rulers of X nation/continent, then it's current non-black inhabitants must be lying, evil usurpers, so it's morally acceptable to say and do whatever you want towards them. This kind of idpol (any stripe) is easy to understand once you see it as giving the believer permission to publically masturbate to their genocidal fantasies.
The African ones seem to be fairly stable, but you won't find a more self hating group than African Americans or half white half black Europeans. Their entire identity is as a novelty to western culture, and Africans see them as mongrels.
>yfw african-americans must shed the burden of the ego and spooks to achieve nationhood.
Eh, it's only really the nation of Islam and they're nutjobs.
Firstly, the overwhelming majority of black Americans couldn't give a damn about history beyond their slavery. Secondly, I have personally witnessed black classmates of mine claim that Jesus was black because the Gospels said that Jesus had curly hair and skin like heated bronze or something.
Pretty sure the first people to claim Olmec were negroid did so as they claimed Aztecs and Incas as caucasoid.
>out of africa theory
>also what's up with blacks claiming to be every civilization
I only ever see cherry picked examples from Veeky Forums.
fuck whit pi'po
we wuz kangz
That's a hot brain girl there user. I want to fuck that bitch up.
>s Misinformation worse than Ignorance?
yes. With ignorance, you can always fix it simply with actual information. Misinformation causes people to think they already know something and then they wont look to correct themselves, or worse, the misinforation is so conspiracy theory bullshit, the person thinks they "know the truth!" and will violently and emotionally lash out at anyone who corrects them, even saying they are paid agents of the conspiracy. See black we wuzian supremacist, alt-right, 9/11 truthers, flat earthers, creationist ect.
out of context but yes, desinformation is worse than ignorance, because ignorance is a constant state and you rely on what you can know, if you think you know but its actualy bullshit, that can hurt you, in the long run, worse than ignorance can, because its a lie, and lies are toxic and dangerous, because the whole organism runs on information, and our minds sure as fuck do, and desinformation screws up the whole system, and teaches and conditions it to run on lies, and makes it incapable of telling lies apart, which means one becomes a liar, and all that is bad
This, the most you ever see is the Egypt shit and maybe the black Israelite thing. I'm certain most of the WE WUZ posts are falseflags
Shieeet nigga word fuck da poleez
Serious question, Is it fair no say african americans in United States have nothing to do with Egypt as they were taken from another region?
Or there were some enslave din Egypt?
No, african slaves owned by arabs were castrated and owned alredy
Regarding the Olmecs and their colossal heads, those are not "Black" features.
- We know the colossal heads are portraits, and each one represent different people (yes, sculptures can be portraits).
- Those features Afrocentrists call Negroid features, are actually Jaguarized faces.
- You can see the same stylized faces all over Olmec pottery, jade pieces, etc
- You can also see people with Jaguarized features next to normal looking Amerindians.
- Usually the Jaguarized people is a chief, royal, shamans, human sacrifices, and so on. People related to their gods, religion, etc.
- This is related to their water Jaguar deity, which alongside their feathered snake god, represent the oldest proto versions of the Mesoamerican gods.
- Basically, it represents someone whom for whatever reason has a "magic" or divine purpose.
Hope I helped.
Having worked in quite a few African countries, can confirm. They know who they are, what happened, accept their condition and the smarter and more dilligent ones try to improve it. So, regular people. Poor as fuck, sure, but still. It's the semiliterate expats and slave descendents that play the /pol/ game. Because, like /pol/, they are losers.
Slaves bought from Arabs may have been egyptian, but why do that when you can buy from a merchant of your nation in the height of mercantilism
But 'isolated' tribes in the amazons are related to Spanish people just because you need 1 person to fugg an outsider to gain other genes. So a copt fugging a moor who fucks a benin isn't that hard to see. Also halie Salsia of Mali also probably took some egyptian slaves on his hijj
>Is Misinformation worse than Ignorance?
Of course. For example, God is true (not false) but it is nothing like what the Abrahamics describe.
That's why lying is a sin.
Then you don't interact with blacks.
Always the people who didn't have to go to school with them and didn't have to work with them.
9/10 blacks have victim and gibs mentality. The ones who don't are just called Uncle Toms.
fuck whyte peepol
>Is Misinformation worse than Ignorance
This is in itsel a meme
future anthropologist may very well study today's african american struggle to find an identity, as misinfo such as this is in itself a sociological phenomena, just like the romans wewuzism directed at troyans
>Wounded nationalism/racialism, curdled in-group bias and a thirst for power. After all, if black people are the TRUE and HONEST rulers of X nation/continent, then it's current non-black inhabitants must be lying, evil usurpers, so it's morally acceptable to say and do whatever you want towards them. This kind of idpol (any stripe) is easy to understand once you see it as giving the believer permission to publically masturbate to their genocidal fantasies.
I think you are equivocally equating an identitarian processes with diehard nationalism
that really is the issue.
I don't work with any Kangs or Israelites but this one girl believes blacks are the true native Americans and the whole slave import thing is made up.
Apparently it's so whitey can deny them their natural land rights and make them feel like cucks or some shit like that
Misinformation Only applies to americans
because your government is shit
Asia is better.. can't beat that
( Americans will think Asia is just chinese,japanese,gooks)
hahaha stupid Americans didn't even know geography
thank you, user