>geographical determinism is real
Geographical determinism is real
why wouldn't it be?
>environment determines genes via natural selection
>combination of environment and genes (which is environment) determines everything else
Wasn't until horses and large migrations that this stopped being true.
>South & Southeast Asian agriculture and civilization.
>South & Southeast Asian agriculture and civilization.
Vastly inferior to civilizations from more temperate zones.
>chimps are dumber than humans due to DNA
>macaques are dumber than humans due to DNA
>jellyfish are dumber than humans due to DNA
>but surely there is no way in hell human intelligence is completely ruled by DNA at all no way thats like impossible its almost like humans arent even animals that evolved they are just magic beings that were poofed into existence sometime
Look user you anti-racist are dumb, everyone knows the intelligence of an organism is based on how mentally challenging the living area is, thats why primates are the smartest mammalian order on earth because the lack of jaws and the thumbs required them to thinky thinky to live more than just hide and bite like other dumb animals. Elephants are also smart because they are the result of advanced social cognition, constantly organizing their herds and searching for resources made them smart. Humans are smarter than chimps because we are bipedal meaning we cant live in trees anymore so we gotta thinky thinky or its extinction.
African humans are dumb because there is a limit to the average IQ in tropical climates. Around 68 a human can live just fine it doesnt matter if he is a feral sociopath who would rip out your intestines for fun and have no idea how you feel about it either? Because the human is just an animal.
However the more north you go the more mentally challenging the climate becomes forcing the humans to become more impulse regulated and with reduced impulses their critical thinking part of their brains can advance further. This is why blacks are so dumb compared to eurasians in general. Blacks have the intelligence of a white 7 year old yet their impulses are so powerful they can barely use that simple level of intelligence causing african blacks to perform worse than white children in school. This is noticed when you compare blacks to their much dumber cousin the San people.
This is because blacks have more powerful impulses compared to San thats why blacks appear to be dumber than San yet IQ test reveal that blacks are around 12 points higher than San on average.
Is it possible for blacks to ever get smart?
No our common ancestor with negros left africa and took aroud 80,000 years to reach our level of impulse regulation and control. Blacks are doomed to be wild humans forever.
Because it boils down a multitude of complex reasons for the rise and fall of various civilizations (of which geography plays a part, but it's not absolute) into a simple generalization.
>History of men is determined by a single variable
What do you consider "smart"
Have you ever met a black person in real life, user?
I don't believe/care much for the racialist arguments around it but
Explain river valley civilizations
Sure OP.
Obviously the Mediterranean Ocean had nothing at all to do with the development of societies around it
>everything is a social construct and humans have 0 agency
>implying that isn't exactly what materialists believe
They were already eurasians with impulse regulation and critical thinking compared to niggers still in the paleolithic era in terms of brain evolution.
Wtf even is geographical determinism?
But why wouldn't it be true?
It's real, but it's not a primary factor in the progression of societies.
Technology limits it greatly, but then from whence cometh technology? Not the geography, but from the people who create it, then utilize it.
>literal copy paste India
Totally. That's why industrialization could've happened anywhere without coal and iron
That's Angkor Wat you coprophage. It's in Cambodia.
Well, there's a reason why Britain industrialized before France and the Netherlands.