>Soviet Union wasn't real communism
Soviet Union wasn't real communism
It wasn't though. It was somewhat similar to what Marx wrote down, but not exactly.
he is so funny and pathetic at the same time, i just cant stop watching that
>Be Varg
>Live in a tinshack in the middle of nowhere
>Have a literally autistic wife half his age
>Have 5 equally autistic children
>Doesn't even speak the language of the country that kindly took his refugee ass
>Spend his graying years spewing absolute nosensical claims on a van and uploading it to youtube
>Where over 80% of his audience is composed by edgy, misguided teenagers
>Literally starving because doesn't know shit about farming (still blames the jews and "soil erotion")
>Never worked a day of his life, is probably on welfare and spends his free time LARPing as viking in his shitty Dungeons and Dragons rip-off universe
So this is the power of the nordic race.
It's true tho, soviet russia was State Capitalism
>Communism, a utopian final synthesis of class conflict, is impossible to attain because it's against human nature. "It's a nice theory (is it?!) but impossible in practice".
>Communism has been achieved in over half the world. The USSR abolished the state, and class-conflict, fulfilling what Marx prophesied, the US destroyed this classless-statist dystopian-utopia and liberated the East with Capitalist Democracy.
You may respond "straw man", but I know many educated Capitalists and anti-communists that have held variations of these opinions with no dissonance.
his wife isnt ugly
he's trying to attain total self-sufficiency via permaculture, not traditional farming
>not having an loyal wife half your age
autistic or not, she's pretty qt
>autistic wife half his age
god i wish i were him
>>Communism, a utopian final synthesis of class conflict, is impossible to attain because it's against human nature. "It's a nice theory (is it?!) but impossible in practice".
People always say it's against human nature, but never explain why.
>The USSR abolished the state
you forget the part where he straight up murdered a guy?
If people think the USSR is communism they must believe that.
of course it wasn't communism, it was socialism
Shh, now you'll attract the retarded dane/swede who will argue that he killed him in self defense with 70 stabs to the back!
>relatively successful musician living the high life in france with a loving wife and cute kids
vs you
>annoying shitskin namefag on anime imageboard
t. not varg
Hes...F a s t.
Soviet Union wasn't real communism
whoa...how did varg become that fast?
>literally who has been living in a hut and receiving welfare from the state while preaching against lazy and violent idiot immigrants when he is one himself
>makes a living by shilling his stupid game and his autistic wife psuedo-history books on amazon.com all the while bitching about capitalism is some evil jewish plot
It wasn't. Real communism has never been achieved on a large scale. It will probably never happen either.
Communism is stateless by definition you idiot