ITT: Times when the good guys objectively lost
ITT: Times when the good guys objectively lost
britbongs did everything wrong
OP said where the GOOD guys lost
Why other than American love for German uniforms and steel industry?
Franco-Prussian war of course.
Hehe hey guys look at my original and creative post. Praise kek.
Good and bad is subjective m8.
I miss Carthage everyday
I guess someone shouldn't have allowed for Holstein to become a hotbed of revolutionaries and crime!
Then why are you in this thread?
>Implying either side was good
The American civil war was retarded on both ends.
But user, Canada didnt lose
useless and ill-informed babby millennial post
>History AND Humanities
Not really, America as country is too big. South should have succeeded and fucked off
jealous yuropoor
Russian Civil War.
>France bucking for the Left bank for ages
>finally invades Prussian territory because Prussia told them to fuck off when France demanded that Prussia not support any Hohenzollern candidates for various monarchies which is an absurd request
>get shit rightfully pushed in for being a stupid aggressor
>good guys
Francoboo raus
unironically this
What did he mean by this?
>good guys
kek this meme gets funnier every time
But the Good Guys have never lost! Don't you read history?
>invade another country in an aggressive, post-litteram feat of crusading
>get soundly beaten
ill slot you at 300 yards, commie
30 Years War
French Revolutionary Wars
Russian Revolution
every mongol battle ever
But the good guys did win that
Anyone opposing Anglo hegemony is the good guy
>30 Years War
>There are actual posters who support the eternal Hapsburg
1798 rebellion
American Civil war
Opium wars
Second Boer war
1948 Palestine war
Oh also Russian Civil War and any war where commies won aside from Combodia-Vietnam.
The Habsburgs were the good guys in every war since the era of Frederick III. The only one that is arguable is the War of Spanish Succession.
Hello nigger. Civilization will come upon you, whether you want it or not. Now stop raping goats and embrace western enlighiment.
It’s not fair bros
But the good guys won in those wars.
Order was restored for a while in Europe, the secularist and expansionist dictator was exiled, the Bourbons came back to the throne.
>expansionism is bad
>metric system is bad
>good military tactics are bad
>stopping the execution of innocents and restoring order to your country is bad
>burning your own country down and zerg rushing is good
>starving most of Continental Europe is good
sasuga Nigel
>perfidious albion
>good guy
>Russian Revolution
>The Habsburgs were the good guys in every war since the era of Frederick III
if nazis had an ounce of coherence they would've gassed Himmler day 1. Literally the embodiment of a sub-human genetic failure
>the eternal anglo
>good guys
pick one and only one
>a general who revolts against the popularly elected democratic government when his favored party loses an election
>and uses foreign armies to attack his own country killing thousands in the process
>the good guy
are there any good movies or docs on the Punic Wars?
why Napoleon did not invade Britain escapes me, it couldn't have been any worse than invading russia
once he passed the fleet the serpent would be finished, and the coalitions would cease
More like, "they tried to peacefully secede due to conflicting interests and our vastly superior numbers were barely able to beat them in four years and yet we continue to act like they waged war on us and our commanders were just as competent as theirs"
>barely able to beat then
Is that why it ended in the pillaging of the South and the destruction of it's economy, and unconditional surrender, military occupation, and the Reconstruction of the whole Southern society? Those don't sound like things that happen when you "barely win".
>falling for the "great southern commanders" meme
Seeing triggered frogs come out of the woodwork and defending their failure of a leader never fails to amuse me.
the way how they "cover" their failure, lul
But the Reds Won
>t. anglo
I'm from Italy so every docs I've seen was from tv show like Ulisse or Quark
I think we can all agree with this one
The electoral results were literally never published and communists went around murdering people. And both sides had foreign fighters.
The right side won the war.
lemme post this here
Vin diesel is making a trilogy for Hannibal...
>The electoral results were literally never published
Nah Franco was just butthurt his guys lost
Also the foreign volunteers the Republicans had were a tiny minority of the overall Republican forces and were composed of ideologically motivated civilians who operated under the command of the Spanish, while the armies on the Nationalist side were literally foreign armies sent by foreign powers to help put their guy in charge. Also the Moroccan legion.
way down south in the land of traits rattlesnakes and alligators right away come away, right way
where cottons king and men are chattle union boys will win our battles right away come away, right away
do it again uncle billy
Right, prussian were pretty much scumbags.
Right, the t*rks were the bad guys, but Germany and Austrian victory would also saved Russia from the communist scum.
Wrong, republicans killed priest and nuns. They got what they deserved.
Yes, pretty much right.
Totally right.
Yes, again, Prussia played dirty. But Napoleon III screw up by declining the spanish throne. Spain and France power would have blowup Prussia out of Europa.
Napoleon was the equivalent of Hitler. They have a lot in common, starting with loosing the war for bretraying an ally (soviet union and spain)
Right. Mao was a psychopath.
>France and UK supporting t*rks
>Kaiserreich will never be real
>ywn restore Dixie under Douglas MacArthur
BattLe of Leuctra
Seeing an Anglo defend absolute degenerates like the Bourbons also never fails to amuse me.
t. eurangutan
We Mexicans will take over Alta California once again, some day
Would rather see it a nuclear waste than in the hands of unworthy nations
He should've taken the Springfield Armory
Because no matter how large he made his fleet with Spanish and French ships, the fact that British sailors were able to fire three or four volleys in the time their enemies took to fire one meant they were never going to win against the British on the seas.
Well he Was the nice guy perhaps
The Habsburgs were decent, good people.
Germans made Russia communist in the first place.
Every war involving Germany losing since 1500
The American and Russian Civil Wars
Both World Wars
Napoleonic Wars
The Arab-Israeli Wars
Basically, every war where the Jews won
Civilization will come upon you wether you like it or not, meanwhile look at him funny and he posts 5 threads and 111 shitposts complaining about it.
>failed in keeping their further positions in and around the city of Arnhem with its strategically important bridge over the river Rhine.
>Prussia starts shit with Austria and poor little white Denmark.
>Litteraly manoeuvres to bait France into war with the Ems telegram
>Napy III had no need for a war, was supported by the population, but the government and the parliament basically force the country into war.
>Unprepared french army gets crushed, Napoleon surrenders himself to save his men from the eternal kr*ut.
Saying the prussians were the good guys is a bit of stretch, the prussian warmongerers had been bullying everyone in the courtyard.
worst day of my life