How do we fix this?

How do we fix this?

You don't it's perfect

Invent a time machine and prevent the slave trade from occurring.

like this

like this

Wait about 50 years and let it Balkanise.

Unfortunately I don't see this happening in our life times

Remove California

Use different colors, foreat green and teal are terrible together. Don't give alaska a unique color eother. You should only be using four colors.



> more states with


Have canada annex the good parts and mexico the south

>Vermont/Maine/New Hampshire should be merged as well.
never going to happen, nor should it. fuck you and your gay ideas about how shit

Might as well merge down to 13, anyone have any ideas

Can you tell me any real difference between someone from Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire?


Like this.

>indian "reserve"

kek who made this map?

Vermont has a very French Canadian influenced culture. New Hampshire is as American as it gets. Maine is cozy fishers paradise. Tell me what could be gained from stripping away these States and forming a larger one with them all together?

>random dots which don't even represent where state capitals are located
shit nigger what are you doing

Honestly america would be better off as smaller countries

>Vermont: rich liberals who have never seen a minority in their life
>New Hampshire: rural massachusetts lite with lower taxes
>Maine: Poor people and wilderness with some rich people who are only there for a few months a year


America itself should exist as the 13 original colonies+ northwest territories
Texas should be independent. The only thing worth caring about west of the Mississippi is cascadia and they should be independent too

Agreed, its too large to manage. This especially shows with the massive political divide in america unlike any other country


>random dots which don't even represent where state capitals are located
What, they totally do. What do you think they are supposed to represent

China would like a word with you.

Yeah, and China is as far from US-style political organization as you can get (and US is moving in its direction rather than the reverse).

A small town up north is a small town up north. It hardly matters what state it's in.

Does each state have a kind of flavor? Sure. So does each town. This is the phenomenon called locality. Despite our best efforts in the last hundred years, we Americans can't seem to stamp out the local flavor of places entirely.

But if you live in a small town up North, be it Hardwick, Gorham or Bethel, you will have cold and snow. You'll have hunters and skiers, year-rounders and out-of-towners, most of all some mountains ringing you in while you huddle around your hearth. You might hear some French or a little residual Boston. But you're still in a little town up North. Mostly you hear nothing between your own winter steps.

Communism/=/Democratic Capitalism

>China is as far from US-style political organization as you can get

That doesn't matter, you were only talking about how large the country is.

>no Lakota
b i g o t

No I mentioned the political divide and the task of maintaining democracy over such a varied politcally divided country

>No I mentioned the task of maintaining democracy over such a varied politcally divided country


How about we consolidate into thirteen Commonwealth's?

That would make the most sense


You didn't though?

>Agreed, its too large to manage. This especially shows with the massive political divide in america unlike any other country

Where does the word democracy show up in that post?

Heres your you, youve earned it




pic related


all me

what can i say I'm a multitasker

This isn't /pol/ you nigger, saged and reported.

op stop samfagging

cut taxes AND spending
more power to the states
free the markets properly, no bullshit like wanting to end net neutrality but still having duopolies or monopolies in most areas in states

Oh that's an easy one

state borders were crafted centuries ago and don't reflect actual communities. federal system should be replaced with a unitary one; if people feel their regional interests are important they can vote for a party about their region or form a regional organization (which the central government can and should defer to when possible), but if they don't, they don't have to.

also it should join the Commonwealth, and drop the free-market meme like it did in the New Deal and WW2 to bolster production and domestic quality of life instead of continuing to do nothing but extract rent

that's about it imo