Today is Gustavus Adolphus day! Say something nice about /ourguy/
c*tholics need not apply
Today is Gustavus Adolphus day! Say something nice about /ourguy/
germanics are so lucky, they destroyed med civ and they got civ from their ashes
Why is Veeky Forums so full of protestant hating Chatoliboos?
The Catholic Church was laughably corrupt
You can only judge and choose a religion based on the theology and doctrine of said religion. You cannot judge religion based on its followers. The claim about the Catholic Church being corrupt was solely in shitty North German provinces.
They like the aesthetics.
Catholic curch is just disguised paganism anyways, the true church would be the Nestorian or coptic church
Happy Guppy day from Denmark.
Hil lejonet fra nord!
>tfw i see the brave finnish flag flying outside the grocery store
>wonder what we are celebrating, haven't checked calendar
>mfw it's literally "ruotsalaisuuden päivä" or "the day of swedishness"
A true hero
good thread
Glaubensfreiheit fuer die Welt
Rettete bei Breitenfeld
Gustaf Adolf, Christ und Held
The last swede..
And now your country is paying the price for renegating the blessed virgin Mary
Religion has nothing to do with it you fucking brainlet, plenty of catholic countries are cucked and plenty of protestant countries are not cucked
He had a really unfortunate hairline but the beard makes up for it.
>plenty of protestant countries are not cucked
name one (1)
Australia, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Denmark and partially USA
>ask for a not 'cucked' country
>get the six (6) most "cucked" ones after canada
You can say partially for any country, you desperate yank. Your country is the shittiest, deal with it.
Who? France?
But you can´t be a filthy marxist and a catholic at the same time desu
If they are cucked then literally every (white) country is cucked except for the shitty ones
speaks volumes about the wh*Te race
Germany is majority catholic and there is also Belgium and Austria
Bavarians are honorary humans.
Please don't associate them with krauts.
Enjoy it now scumbags
Cheers to that
It´s even between catholics, protestants and non believers. I wonder how many of the last would be in the scenario of full, or no, German ocupation by the USSR
>implying Charlie 2 isn't /ourguy/
*eats a tasty Adolphus cake*