How do you memorize years/dates? I can get anything to stick to my brain except dates and my chronological sense of history sucks
How do you memorize years/dates...
Don't be dumb lol
fug :(
Associate memes with dates
'Member 1066?
Don't bother recognizing dates, that shit's just pointless and you'll forget about them soon anyway. Dates are made for reference. Learn about the event and you'll figure it out for yourself when it happened
If you still want to have some kind of chronology don't sweat the exact dates and be content with having a couple of noteworthy events/figures who roughly correlate to that part of the century.
For example:
~1 CE: Augustus, the first roman emperor rules.
~50 BCE: Julius Caesar & friends.
~100 BCE: Marius & Sulla.
~150 BCE: The Gracchus brothers.
~250-150 BCE: The Punic Wars.
~300 BCE Diadochi shenanigans.
~350 BCE Alexander the Great.
1066 is actually one of the few good dates to remember.
TY anons, this sounds like something I can do
Like the fall of Rome, 476 CE
I like dates and find them easy to remember.
But I agree they're not all that important. Century should be enough. Early, mid or late.
Ehm, I think you mean 1453 sweetie
>gracchus brothers before third Punic war
>Alexander the great before Philip's death
>Like the fall of Rome, 476 CE
>the fall of a barbarian city to barbarians vs the fall of the last roman city to t*rks
It's a rough estimate of what that chunk of the century brought with it. It isn't meant to be taken literally.