What do you guys think of it?
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Anarchism is good.
Except Anarcho-Capitalism. That is autistic.
it would be a perfect system, complete spontaneous order, the first people who would get proper fucked would be all the libtard pseudo-leftists and anarchists together with them, then the people would organise along tribal and economic lines and do whatever and things would function perfectly, nevermind the mass grave in the basement
Which is the best school of anarchism?
the practical one
>a sustainable economic system is less reliable than an utopian society that relies on sharing and good will
yes ancapism is far from perfect but you are either trolling or retarded, senpai
Ancap isn't even anarchism.
Unsustainable ideology supported by delusional schizophrenics or manchildren whose leftist theory is gleaned from commodified media
FACT: An anarchist society will NOT be able to respond to an insurrection to install a more hierarchical regime
>the govt as an idea killed more than anything else ever[citation needed] so we should abolish it
>you're more likely to die from a cop than a terrorist so you should support anarchism
but thats the point, it wont be able to stop any of the insurrections to install a more hierarchical regime, they would all happen at the same time
>implying anarchist give a shit about that
Its called moral manipulation brainlet, every ideology uses it because making someone view the opposition as evil reduces their empathy for the opposition making it easier for them to lash out and battle them.
Hence why we tend to call military rival "monsters" or "terrorist".
>Many anarchists are complacent wh*Te dainties that wouldn't last a year without cops
>some laws exist to protect private property so we should abolish the police
>Brazillian police goes on strike
>Hundreds die
>Geraldo Pereira Acuncão, a 47-year-old electrician in central Espirito Santo, began rationing food among his five children. After five days locked inside his home, he ventured out to find supplies and instructed his family to hand over all their possessions if an intruder broke in
>“The thieves are armed and the people are not,” he said. “There are no police to protect us, so we have no way to defend ourselves, even in our own homes.”
>President Michel Temer deployed 3,000 soldiers and sailors to patrol the streets; residents cheered from their windows as war tanks rolled past on the empty roads.
>The results were disastrous. Within two days, 50 people were slain, schools and health clinics closed, commerce evaporated and the state’s transportation system came to a halt. Residents, who had no warning about the strike, became hostages in their own homes, forced to survive on whatever food they had in their cabinets.
Are anarschizophrenics controlled opposition?
Yas girl slay!
Not an argument
This is the level of discussion you should expect from Veeky Forums
Here’s your (You)
Proudhonian mutualism.
Fundamentally right but un-implementable
Why is it Idiotic?
>anarcho capitalism, a completely ahistorical ideology based on the Almighty NAP is not utopian
I don't think that there's a best school of anarchism, there are a lot of ways to self-manage a society without a coercitive power, so the same model of the Aragon council in 1936 wouldn't have worked in the free territory of shinmin
Why do you say that?
Because there will not be any desire to
anarcho monarchism
>not complete shit
>being this deluded
Ancapitalsim would just turn into feudalism which, unlike anarchism, actually works.
>anarchist society
Every form of anarchism coalesces into warlordism.
Fever-dream for BPD cases.
>encircled and tamed A
Missing the point, asshole.
>A society of anarchists suddenly wants to not be anarchist
[Feels meme but with most of the head shooped away to imply that the recipient of this reply is severely mentally handicapped, complete with distorted eyes]
Anarcocarlismo, pls
People will tire of getting raped and plundered repeatedly and will submit to an autocrat if he can vouch for their safety
Read Hobbes you eggplant-for-brain anarchist psychotic if you can digest media more complex than the spectacle
black pill: society is always anarchy
have you ever listened about Bakunin or Kropotkin?
Is Proudhon /ourguy/?