>Bronze Age Collapse
>Fall of the Roman Empire
what will be the next event that will break the status quo of our society?
Bronze Age Collapse
The ritual suicide of all Hollywood execs accused of rape.
i'd reckon something space-related because society is pretty solid nowadays
Immigration/race-mixing which will lead to the destruction of nation states.
why did you put ww1 instead of ww2, ww1 didn't radically alter the existing world order like ww2 did.
other way around
massive nuclear war to conquer the world
don't wanna mention names though
ahahahahahahh WW1 ended the Russian monarchy, German monarchy, created Poland, introduced the world to modern warfare, resulted in the rise of the US, etc.
WW1 was the peak of White colonialism and European nations and empires
It all went to shit and WW2 was just a sequel to clean up the mess of WW1 by removing totalitarian regimes
9/11 triggered the US's direct intervention in the middle east as well as its own surveillance of its citizenry. I think historians would look at it as a turning point.
Poland was around before world war 1
>ww1 didn't radically alter the existing world order like ww2 did.
Lets see what happened because of WWI directly
>Poland exists
>Monarchy of Germany and Russia fall
>Italy goes Fascist
>Germany goes Nazi
>Russia goes Communist
>The USA fully sheds its isolationism
>Japan took over German Asian dominions, which set the stage for their WWII empire
>Ottoman empire falls
>Middle East is split up into the modern nations we see today
>Saudi Arabia is born
>The financial capital of the world is transferred from London to New York because of the amount of arms, supplies, food, fuel and loans being purchased by the UK to fund the war
>Culturally, the notions of "glorious warfare" are smashed
>Art and literature take a massive shift because of the horrors seen by the veterans
>Germany goes from being a cultural and scientific powerhouse to "The Hun"
The biggest fuck-up was WWII and you can meme all you want about WWI being bad for Europe or muh "NICE CLEAN BORDERS, LOOK MUM AT THOSE EMPIRES XDD"
But you fucking retarded manchildren, those empires were already at decline before WWI even fired up, people were tired of being serfs and wanted democracy.
What really fucked up the world was WWII and that's because Germans made everything white evil, they made nationalism and national pride something to be frowned upon. It was the Germans that kickstarted the multiracial, multicultural shitshow we have now.
The 'multicultural shitshow' that we have now isn't significant in the history of the world. Maybe it's just significant to you.
t. "Hans" von Schekelberg
t. Some americuck named Dave
We are witnessing it. The mass migration will change Europe profoundly. You will have different cultures mixing and creating a new culture.
WWI was much more significant than WWII. WWI is what destroyed the 19th century civilization.
>It was the Germans that kickstarted the multiracial, multicultural shitshow we have now.
That's because Europe is terrified of its nationalistic heritage. The pendulum swung extremely left after WWII and Europe doesn't make the effort to integrate the people who move there.
The US did a great job of stripping Italians, Irish, Asians and Eastern Europeans of their cultural idiosyncrasies that didn't jive with the American system. I mean maybe it'll annoy you because I'm not white, but I'm a Vietnamese American and I have zero loyalties to Vietnam. My Polish American friends don't give a fuck about Poland. My Italian American friends don't care about Italy.
Good. It was a short lived mistake that led to one of the bloodiest wars in history.
>oh no the white race is dying out
Change is constant. Nobody thinks negatively of the Irish anymore, whereas in the past you wouldn't have wanted your daughter to marry a Mick. In 100 years, nobody will think negatively of niggers anymore, whereas now you wouldn't want one marrying your daughter. My point is that what is happening now, with mass immigration, is not new, and society's view will change just as it changed with regard to the Irish.
Amerishits will destroy the world
>WWI was much more significant than WWII
WW2 is the FOUNDATION of the entire subsequent world older that we live in today. It was the ideological resolution of forces set in motion during the French Revolution. WW1 was a European conflict that left the world order as it was relatively unchanged with an uneasy balance of power between the great powers of Europe.
U$A != the world. The fact that americans love niggers doesn't means the rest of the world is equally dumb
WW1 really did mark the end of the old world. A slap in the face of unimaginable proportions to the entirety of Europe
Nation-states are the reason we've been relatively peaceful
If we still had stupid emperors we'd be fighting wars over everything
t. anglo
WW1 had more political significance than the WW2 sperg-out.
WW1 rocked the world order, WW2 overturned it
Peak Oil + GW
Noggers have been universally described as dumb and violent ever since the first arabs found them.
The rejection of multiculturalism and a return to ethnocentrism in the West.
Civi wars all across Europe between muslims and whites. Call me crazy but in 2040 they will be the majority in many countries and they will found political parties to introduce sharia law
WW1 and WW2 are just one prolonged conflict
What did WW2 actually do besides conclude that fascism and eventually communism was retarded?
WW1 actually brought the secular nationstate as we know it to the table, which we live by to this day. WW2 helped, but still.
Brought it to the table AND ended the way we had been building countries/empires since the Mesopotamians.
global revolution against the globalist psychopaths
then the ayy lmaos arrive conveniently just when we are about to extermine the globalists , forcing humanity to "unite" as one
it's all part of the plan
literally wat? this has to be the dumbest thing i've
ever read on this board outside of an Africa thread
Euro-American powershift
For our entire history we've been organizing around some inbred group of jerks pretending to be related to God in some way
This was basically the case until the Austrians, Turks and Russians finally perished and supplanted by glorious nationalism (even the Soviet Union was a federation of Soviet nationstates)
WW1 brought about the rise of previously fringe ideologies.
One was brought down with WW2. The other "withered away" :^)
However they are both alive and kicking today.
that's a valid point
the russians were still around, but for some reason they don't count as european
but europe will shape up again, brown people will catch up and the global balance of power will eventually become even again
i think the real shift that we're going to care about in the future was that we started looking more towards regional cooperation and multilateralism, global institutions, traditional warfare being replaced by proxy warfare, land grabs not as important
thought you were debating the user, was confused, get it now. but the mesopotamians where ruled by priest kings
For those still doubting the significance of WW1, read this excellent book.
>clean up the mess of WW1 by removing totalitarian regimes
*Attempting to destroy the evils of liberalism
Global Warming/the slaughter of the globalist jews and sand niggers that caused it
In 1000 years WW1 and WW2 will be seen as "the world wars" and viewed as a single event in terms of effect...like the "Napoleonic wars" are today...kinda
>In 1000 years
In 100 years the white ethnostates of Europe and America will nuke the world and end the evil being perpetuated by humanity. Cold glass of lemonade
Probably some kind up uprising against capitalism like march against wallstreet but on a larger scale
Lmfao @ all these edgy kids that think there will be some civilizational war between whites and Muslims in Europe. We all know that capitalism is just going to transform Europe into a new half Islamic Brazil with only mega wealthy Euros remaining white. It's far far too late for any other outcome.
Lol this, Europe will go out with a whimper instead of a bang if it doesn't unfuck itself. Question is say society as we know it collapse after that happens and full chaos and anarchy takes hold of the continent, who do you guys think will be left to pick up the pieces and move on?
And the cruelest irony is that the same people bitching about it are the same ones who are Capitalism's most avid defenders
idk if it'll change the status quo, but i think crispr, embryo screening, etc. is basically going to erase alot of the disparity in the world
please no. People aren't just going to submit to this, right?
why not? sounds like white people remain rich and comfortable while the Muslims become the labouring underclass
Sure, jews and whites will share a small upper class while muslims completely take over the rest of society.
Whites still end up becoming minorities in their own countries.
Buddy, almost no one gave a fuck about the Migrant Crisis.
Migrant being the key word. They conflated it with refugee a lot, but at the end of the day they usually admitted these were just poor people from Africa and the Middle East entering Europe. Do you understand how absurd that is? One million people who did not speak any European language, without skills, without PASSPORTS OR THE RIGHT TO ENTER THE COUNTRY, were openly accepted and given welfare. Do you understand how incredibly absurd this scenario was? They were allowed to enter for literally no reason.
Le Camps des Saints was 100% truth.
None of you have a choice. Even China's starting to import migrant workers because their population is stagnant and reverting the one child policy did nothing.
>what will be the next event
This is a question for . Not history.
It just doesn't make any sense people would be so compliant with this.
Surely the populace will cave due to overall heightened awareness of identity and the isolation of the individual.
Fall of the USA that won’t happen in our lifetimes
>Surely the populace will cave due to overall heightened awareness of identity and the isolation of the individual.
it would require a severe downgrade of economic conditions and the associated comforts of Western life. then they'll easily find scapegoats.
social isolation was, is, and always will be possible in any society
Westerners haven't been uppity about their identity for a few generations
WW1 changed the world for good. It created the environment that made WW2 inevitable. WW1 ended monarchies and brought a rise to Marxism and Socialism that we still suffer from to this day.
WW1 ended old warfare and introduced modern warfare. Changed borders that existed since Roman times for good. Displaced native Europeans from lands they inhibited since -3000BC. Created new nations that never before existed. Killed colonialism that had existed for 400 years. Destroyed 3 empires and bankrupted another. Turned US into what it is today.
WW1 marks the end of the old world and start of the new world. WW2 was an event that took place in the new world. Nothing has changed from before and after WW2, it was just a bloody episode that killed a meme that started 12 years prior