>have 112 BTC
>fly to cayman islands
>open company
>open bank account
>launder BTC through shell company
>withdraw money to caymans bank account
>pay no capital gains tax
>have 112 BTC
>fly to cayman islands
>open company
>open bank account
>launder BTC through shell company
>withdraw money to caymans bank account
>pay no capital gains tax
what happens when you return to your country?
Would work. There are thousand ways to launder money, but the most people are too afraid to really do it.
Yo can't take BTC into an airplane, dumbo.
I'm a lawyer and that's illegal
and how do you sell the bitcoin into the company in the first place? youre skipping over the most important step
just gotta put in in your pooper
>launder btc through shell
>withdraw money
what money are you withdrawing? all you're doing is putting your btc in the shell company, but who is going to actually allow you to take all the money out and place it in the bank?
He gets shot on sight at least in murrica. His corpse will be tasered afterwards just to make sure.
what did he mean by this?
how so? you dont even know what country im from. australian, also holding a british passport making me non dom citizen.
I 'give' BTC to the company as an asset, and the 'company', of which i am the owner, sells it as an asset (and pays no CGT). ill pay and accountant and lawyer for the fine details but im pretty sure this is the just of it
>come to denmark
>sell btc
>pay zero (0) % tax on bitcoin gains
lmao came here to say this
makes me feel a bit better about our insane income tax
How does he smuggle 500k out of the country?
gotta love being in EU (sometimes).
all i pay is 1.2% annual asset tax. no capital gains, nothing. feelsgoodman
Yes ofcourse, but you need to give the bank the following shit:
>CPR Number (this is the ten digit unique identity number that all residents in Denmark are given).
>Proof of address in Denmark - usually banks will accept recent utility bills or a rental contract. If you have your Health Insurance card, this could also be used to provide confirmation of your registered address.
>An employment contract if you are working here, or proof of your place in university if you are a student.
not so simple for a foreigner im assuming. i cant just walk it, open up a bank account and dodge over $100k's taxes in my home country without ringing alarm bells.
Only 90%
Where do you wanna smuggle it to?
Sure, depends on where youre from
Until you get hit by a van driven by a Muslim. Enjoy your shit tax that provides you with no security and pray the US decides to put an end to your suffering one day lol
He's Australian so he'll be going through an airport.
I know a guy who smuggled $120k to africa - in euro bills - should be pretty easy and low risk :^)
Why? He's not laundering american dollars.
He didn't make his money in USA, or take money out of circulation from their economy.
The profits are from his company, in the caymans, that operates independently from the American economy.
Could you explain to my retarded ass, why we don't need to pay tax for our sales?
Seems absolutely insane, especially considering how happy the danish government is to put their fat cat fingers in our wallets at every turn.
Skatterådet har bestemt at Bitcoins ikke er en rigtigt valuta - sog selv på google
jeg har ikke internet desværre
men tak for informationen!!