What can explain sexual dimorphism for humans...

What can explain sexual dimorphism for humans? I've read some feminist anthropologist argue that males were favoured and ate more meat than females, which would explain why this dimorphism still exist. Is it bullshit?

>Is it bullshit?
not entirely, but sounds like she prolly got the right conclusion via the wrong reasoning. hunting takes more energy than gathering and weaving.

Humans have huge heads relative to the size of our bodies, at least compared to a lot of other animals. That creates complications for giving birth, since you need a wider opening to get the baby out without killing the mother. This in turn creates an incentive for women to have wide hips, so the baby can get out without the mother dying all that often.

So wide hips are an evolutionary advantage for women who want to give birth. The problem is, wider hips also are generally not good for walking or running, which further dis-incentivizes women from doing anything that involves a lot of running around. This in turn means that males are more likely to do a lot of the more robust jobs, doubly so, because they have more mobility, and also because women are dying a lot in childbirth anyway and you don't want to expose them to unncessary risk and thus prevent your people from having kids.

a man a woman next to each other are designed to form a golden rectangle with the man being the 6 and the girl being the 14. This works by making the rectangles out of hips to bellyton areas and such.
>evolutional anthropolgy
not a study

>I've read some feminist anthropologist argue that males were favoured and ate more meat than females, which would explain why this dimorphism still exist. Is it bullshit?


It assumes either a LaMarckian sort of inheritance of acquired traits, or that men and women are separate species.

men would hunt and fight rival tribes

Um theres no differences between males and females except females are superior sweaty

This. Huge head+long gestation period+long period of dependence on mother means that women had to evolve more drastic traits than earlier primates to gestate, give birth to, and raise children.
This is also why humans tend to be monogamous. While the woman is held back by her child, it is advantageous to have another person around to gather food and provide shelter and protection so that the woman and child can survive.

If females are sweaty then they're hardly superior sweety


Our adaptation to our ancestor's nomadic foraging lifestyle meant that in the eyes of biology, women are valuable but vulnerable baby factories and men are expendable but tough workers used to feed and protect them

>Sexual dimorphism occurs because of differences in food consumption and overall appetite

the statue was made by blacks and originally depicted a nubian warrior.

whites stole it and chiseled away the lips, nose and huge african meatsword to make him look a white albino

Gosh it's almost like males were meant for hunting and fighting

But being tall is also an advantage to give birth, so from an evolutionary standpoint it doesn't make sense that men are taller than women.

assuming that's true, that fact that men are taller than women are shorter than men doesn't mean they haven't evolved to be taller than other female primates. i would reason that men are taller simply because even though being tall is good for childbirth, it's even better for hunting, so the concomitant increase in height was greater in men


That could explain how dimorphism happened for humans, but not how it maintains itself nowadays.

It takes time for changes to occur usually and in recent history so many other factors have been more important like plague resistance that it wasn't a key trait.

Sexual dimorphism contributes to genetic differentiation and genetic variation within a species, making it more adaptable and likely to survive. A population of a species may be divided into isolated subpopulations which express genes suited for their habitat, increasing genetic differentiation, but because males are able to migrate between subpopulations, gene flow is also maintained. Genetic variation is increased as there is a broader landscape for natural selection to occur, but not to such an extent as to result in reproductive isolation.

You can just tell numales by their faces. That blonde guy has punchable face, you just want to stomp his faggot smile to the ground.

So basically in a few centuries women should be as strong as males right?

>tfw be male with child-bearing hips

life is pain

>I've read some feminist anthropologist argue that males were favoured and ate more meat than females
I didn't know there were people who still believed in Lamarckism.

>from an evolutionary standpoint it doesn't make sense that men are taller than women
Why? Women don't need to survive childbirth to pass on their genes. Only the child needs to survive.

There is only one gender: the human gender. Anything that tells you otherwise is a social construct.

Those were french feminists, that might explain it.

But women sexually select against them

>buzzfeed writers
>"socialists" support Clinton
This image was definitely made by a braindead perma-virgin from r/the_Donald.

>tfw a superior female will never wipe her sweaty dirty feet on your face after spending days hunting in the wilderness to bring home meat for the children you had to stay behind at the camp and look after (most of whomst you are pretty sure are not yours)
>ywn get kicked in the balls after failing to impress her with a platter of herbs, nuts and berries you gathered while she was away before she goes into a hut with a neanderthal she met during her adventures

It's complete and utter bullshit. All of the great apes have significant sexual dimorphism, including bonobos which are matriarchal.

I challenge you to actually find that url.

>While the woman is held back by her child, it is advantageous to have another person around to gather food and provide shelter and protection so that the woman and child can survive.

How romantic, speaking of which do you think this dynamic helped develop feelings like love and affection as we know it?

The times we're living in are a fluke, things will get back to "normal" sometime down the road when this society inevitably collapses. I just hope it won't be too painful