>study history
>remain a democratic freedom lover
Who else?
Study history
>study Veeky Forums
>compelled to spam uninteresting, formulaic threads
Who else?
>study history
>realize boipucci and adopting an heir is superior to spawning your own
Who else?
Reading some history has made me a liberal.
Made me Confucian
t. Gook
>study history
>become a neo-feudalist
Same. Communism and Fascism are both retarded.
>communism and fascism are only alternatives to democracy
Come on, and I even agree with OP, don't be dumb.
I mentioned those specifically because it seems that in the current political environment, those are the alternatives being presented right now.
>Larper faggots are representative of the U.S. political division today.
Been pushing feudalism to my peers. They think I’m memeing.
>remain a democratic freedom lover
feels good man
with today's advances in medicine and science i unironically think we should give it another go
The rest of the US political division falls within republican democracy.
My friends.
Study history and philosophy, become ultralibertarian
>all the shitty German politics in the 20th century come out of the south
>hey, lets amputate the east
>tfw you trek into the mire of politics in the form of communism, anarchism, fascism, nazism, and even weirdo esoteric cultist type of shit and at the end of it, just appreciate the founding fathers and classical liberal beliefs even more
But the pic you posted is comparing democratic West Germany to the Nazis.
>c'mon guys just pledge fealty to me and work on my farm lmao
my nignog
So plain liberalism
Do you have brain damage?
Do I get food shelter and protection?
I advocate for us to become the serfs, user.
>study history
>become an ardent ethnonationalist
>study history
>become right-wing nationalist traditionalist corporatist
who else?
>i-i'm just a serf like you guys i would NEVER try to seize power on any estate after pushing through my worldview so i can crack the whip on you faggots hahahahahaha
>study history
>realize that city-state theocracies are superior to all other ways of ruling
who else has taken the sumerpill?
Do we need this """epic""" thread every day?
>study history
>becomes a pessimistic Nihilist
Who else?
>democracy = freedom
is this the greatest meme of the 20th century?
>study history
>becomes monarcho-communist
Who else ?
>study history
>become a manarcho-monumist
>study history
>realize that horse pussy>all
>Libertarians can be classified according to their wrong answers to this question. If you are a democratic libertarian, you believe that government should be limited by popular sovereignty. You also probably haven’t looked out the window in the last 200 years. If you are a judicial libertarian, you believe that government should be limited by judicial sovereignty – ie, by a judiciary committed to Constitutional principles and the Anglo-American common law. And you haven’t looked out the window in the last 75.