Where did the Etruscans came from?
Where did the Etruscans came from?
their genitals
Literally and unironically Atlantis. They were the easternmost colony on the northern Mediterranean coast.
From Etruscia?
Africa, if you go back far enough.
Except Atlantis was located beyond Gibraltar in the Atlantic ocean. West.
Yes. However their empire extended to the northwester Italian coast, and Egypt in the south. They also had colonies in the Caribbean and Americas.
Sea People somehow.
present day ghana
Around Tuscany.
>Language family: Tyrsenian?
>The ruins of the oldest human settlement in the Aegean Islands found so far have been unearthed in archaeological excavations on Lemnos by a team of Greek, Italian and American archaeologists at the Ouriakos site on the Louri coast of Fyssini in Moudros municipality. The excavation began in early June 2009 and the finds brought to light, consisting mainly of high quality stone tools, are from the Epipaleolithic Period, indicating a settlement of hunters and gatherers and fishermen of the 12th millennium BC.
>The lack of weapons of bronze, the abundance of weapons of iron, and the type of the pots and the pins gives the impression that the necropolis belongs to the ninth or eighth century B.C. That it did not belong to a Greek population, but to a population which, in the eyes of the Hellenes, appeared barbarous, is shown by the weapons. The Greek weapon, dagger or spear, is lacking: the weapons of the barbarians, the axe and the knife, are common. Since, however, this population … preserves so many elements of Mycenaean art, the Tyrrhenians or Pelasgians of Lemnos may be recognized as a remnant of a Mycenaean population.
>consider the speech of the Pelasgians who still exist in settlements above Tyrrhenia in the city of Kreston, formerly neighbors to the Dorians who at that time lived in the land now called Thessaliotis; also the Pelasgians who once lived with the Athenians and then settled Plakia and Skylake in the Hellespont; and along with those who "..." were once Pelasgian but changed their names. If one can judge by this evidence, the Pelasgians spoke a barbarian language. And so, if the Pelasgian language was spoken in all these places, the people of Attica being originally Pelasgian, must have learned a new language when they became Hellenes.
dey was from africas
They were probably from Anatolia. The story of the Aeneid is likely based on fact but it borrowed by the Romans from the Etruscans. Not memeing here, I actually think this could be true
>Et Ruski
>not Slavs
Fuck off, stop appropriating our culture.
They copied Mycenaean Greeks
Mycene might as well have been Proxima Centauri at the time. I find your assumption doubtful.
>Culture that is identifiably Etruscan developed in Italy after about 800 BC, approximately over the range of the preceding Iron Age Villanovan culture. The latter gave way in the 7th century BC to a culture that was influenced by Ancient Greek culture.
Classic Mycene was long dead by then user.
Mycenan culture ended in the 12th century BC you retarded fuck
Italy dumbass
They lived in little wooden huts until the 7th century BC When they started copying Greeks from South Italy, so don't but the whole "They were Anatolians Who migrated there in the 12th century BC after the fall of Troy", it's fascinating but it's bullshit, like most other Herodotean stories like Luwian kings being an Egyptian Pharaoh or the Phoenicians being from East Africa
So this is how Chad is supposed to walk.
Also their culture until the 7th century BC was clearly European and greatly influenced by central European ones like urnfield both in weapons, burials, pottery and other features such as their fibulae
They were Nordic
When did they start writing? Is there a possibility they were influenced by Carthage and the Nuragians before the Greeks?
European is not a race
Modern "europeans" are in no way related to ancient europeans
Show proofs nigger
A lot of Villanovian tombs contained Nuragic artefacts and a considerable number of Nuragic pottery was found in Villanovian settlements (11-8th century BC) this is why archaeologists believe their elites internarried with the Nuragic people, some archaeologists also believe iron working was introduced from Sardinia and the funerary architecture at Populonia might have some Nuragic influence, later Phoenicians also had an influence in Etruscans and allied with them against the Greeks
I knew about the political alliance between Etruria and Carthage but what I asked was more in line with whether Carthaginian artifacts existed in Etruria.
Thx for the Nuragic explanation tho, interesting stuff
Look in the mirror
what is the Etruscan haplotype?
They started writing in the 7th century BC, When they started building actual cities.
About the Phoenician artefacts, yes, there are some, an Egyptian scarab probably arrived in Etruria via either Carthage or the Sardo/Phoenician cities, there are also other interesting Eastern Mediterranean finds in Etruria such as vessels with lotus shaped handles which were typical in Cyprus and a few Canaanite amphorae
Fun fact, the word "Rus" actually comes from Germanic, "Rus" was the name of the Scandinavian tribe/people who sailed their way into modern Russia on the rivers.
The modern Finnish name for Sweden is "Ruotsi" for instance, same root.
Except the earliest direct human ancestor lived in the Balkans.
And how did you come up with that conclusion?
Probably Neolithic farmers, see Tyresian languages
Just lies propagated by the historian hirohiko araki
>earliest direct human ancestor
>citation needed
>literally in the post
Don't buy into the Villanovan meme.
Which is?
It's not a meme, centuries have archaeology have made it clear that the Etruscans descend directly from the Villanovians, a cultured that derived most of its defining features from the Central European urnfield culture
Then why didn't the Etruscans speak an Indo-European language?
Because the urnfield migrants were not enough to impose it
I suppose. Regardless though, I don't believe the Anatolion theory for a minute.
Well, me neither, I don't really see some ill identified Anatolian refugees overcoming an extremely warlike people like the Villanovians, who retained their culture well into the 8th century bc, only to slowly assimilate Greek culture through intensive trade around the 7th and 6th century bc
>Graecopithecus freybergi is a hominid originally identified by a single mandible found in 1944. Since then, analysis of tooth specimens has led to suggestions that Graecopithecus may be the oldest known direct ancestor of modern man,[3][4] though the claim is contested.[5]
>single mandible found in 1944
Wow. You are a brainlet.
>originally identified
They've found more since then you fucktarded subchimp.
You realize that by replying, YOU are the dope, right? He has severe mental retardation, what's YOUR excuse?
They were Anatolian migrants not Villanovan natives.
Most modern Etruscologists agree on this.
>Most modern Etruscologists agree on this.
The other way around, most Etruscologists starting from the greatest, Massimo Pallottino, all believe that the Etruscans are Villanovians, the only people who spout the "Etruscans are Anatolian" myth are uneducated wackos trying to sell their fantasy books
They were simply ENF people, who probably came from the Near East.
Gotta love their homo tunics
You’ve got it backwards. The Villanova theory is outdated 20th century stuff.
>The Villanova theory is outdated 20th century stuff.
You didn't get it right.
The Villanovian culture existed and isn't a theory, it's a culture which left evident remains all over what would later become Etruria, they were basically non urbanized Etruscans without the Greek influence and they existed well into the 8th century bc.
I never said the Villanovans didn’t exist, but they aren’t the direct descendants of the Etruscans.
It’s simply impossible their culture would change so drastically in less than a century simply from trading with a few Greek colonies from the edge of the peninsula. Not to mention the DNA evidence of both humans and cattle that suggest foreign arrivals.
> but they aren’t the direct descendants of the Etruscans.
No, they are their direct ancestors.
>It’s simply impossible their culture would change so drastically in less than a century simply from trading with a few Greek colonies from the edge of the peninsula. Not to mention the DNA evidence of both humans and cattle that suggest foreign arrivals.
On the "edge"? Etruscans were in Capua which is a few dozen kilometers from Cuma, an early Greek colony, they were basically next to each other and fought eachother on numerous occasions, no wonder they would absorb elements from a more advanced culture.
>Not to mention the DNA evidence of both humans and cattle that suggest foreign arrivals.
Modern PCAs place Etruscans near South East Europeans like Bulgarians, nothing to do with Bronze age Anatolians which clustered with modern day Syrians and Cypriots.
It's also worth noting that the Etruscan script came from the Greek Euboean alphabet, funny how the earliest Greek colonies in Campania (Cuma and Ischia) were all Euboean, so right next to the Etruscans, funny coincidence, huh?
Anatolians were quite warlike themselves though.
From the hittites to the turks whoever settled anatolia had to fight for it.
> Implying Atlantis wasn't a metaphor for an utopian society but a real historical place
Armenia, they were from the Urartu civilization