My fellow Christian Nihilist friend who happens to be black brought up an interesting point the other day. For what reason were blacks brought to the world? For disdain? torture? mockery? Because it certainly wasn't for aspiration or worth. Every human community except their's can actually prove god loves them. I had no counter for him. Truly, I believe him. He said the real reason whites are flocking to the left to uphold the blacks is not because of empathy or sympathy. It's pity. Like a man who pity's a legless child. What will God give as reasoning for them having to live a life of consistent human potential bankruptcy and having to swallow the lies of encouragement daily that they can "do anything". It's all a farce. Personally I see through the fluff of the world and the gospel. It's been a threat, it always was. In perfect earth fashion, nature is merciless even though God attempted to prove he was on the cross. lol it's a ll a joke.
My fellow Christian Nihilist friend who happens to be black brought up an interesting point the other day...
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btw im the same guy who posted a couple week ago about god only loving things that he put himself into, but once rejected we become dirt.
Because being alive as a nigger is better than never existing period.
Besides, a modern day nigger lives a much better life than most people who have existed throughout history; their lives are only bad compared to the other inhabitants of industrialized countries, who happen to be the most prosperous human beings that have ever lived.
what about women !
>Because being alive as a nigger is better than never existing period.
False premise, falslely justified through appeal to the situations of others.
Your friend's purported compound appellation is a contradiction in terms, but he is having interesting ideas.
He needs to choose, because his cognitive dissonance cannot sustain indefinitely. He can either choose the comfy lie of a popular religion, or he can completely accept the unpleasant truth of nihilism (it sounds like he's most of the way home on this already).
Whoop—de—doo. Mine is part of the species of arguments to which that thing doesn't apply, because it happens that both the reasoning process and the (conclusion, previously referred to as premise) are correct. Try harder.
we're not taking about relative living conditions, we're talking about function and projection and it's incompatibility with the world for a certain group of people, don't speak again you moron
lol good one elizabeth
Nihilism is not a logical refutation to Christianity, its a logical reaction, learn the difference you pseud. Christianity is fundamentally sound, my friend and I concur on this point.
Has he read anything by Frantz Fanon? It seems like it might be right up his tree, and it might help him shift the blame from God to society.
If you actually think about it, unless you are a simpleton and don't have any ambition or creative drive, then up until the current year (even now possibly) being black was truly a fate worse than death, since you would want to be dead anyway. Im not being sarcastic. No wonder niggers are so angry all the time. They can't kill God, so they kill each other. Sad really.
exactly what i thought after talking to my buddy
we're not talking about suffering. all men suffer. all of them. what we are talking about is the reason to suffer, to strive, to dream to achieve. no book can answer that. my friend is long gone spiritually, i honestly don't think he's coming back.
Why does everything have to have a purpose? Things just happen in the world due to random chance and no greater plan all the time in the world and the universe.
Christianity is the religion for the broken and forgotten of the world par excellance.
The question your friend is asking, which in fact can be expanded to include any who are acutely aware of their own mediocrity and inability to succeed in the world, echoes Christ's cry of "O God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
What your friend is going through is fundamentally what any real Christian should go through. You have to experience this abandonment, by God, by the world, by the very presentiment of a spiritual reality in your friend that exists out of proportion with his ability to attain it. You have to experience your nothingness.
I've been where your friend is at: beat your head on the wall being long enough and you'll find God. Cucks will say you're confusing the stars you see for religion. The rest of us know. The rest of us know.
black is best, fuck the rest
As by the OP's language you are both "Christian Nihilists", you do much to undercut your own authority to speak on matters of logic. There is instead an interesting emotional and social content to the ideas expressed in the OP, which is what I really meant. The dissonance persists.
>it's not this thing it's that thing derp
If Nihilism is "a logical reaction" to Christianity then why be a Christian at all, in any sense? Please execute more back-flips for me.
Not that any of this matters. :^)
nothing external can justify to your friend his decision to keep fighting. normies will never understand that the choice to kill yourself made at rock bottom is and will always be as valid as the choice to get up and dust yourself off.
there is literally nothing your friend can do but call that source of beauty and light in him (if he still has one at this point) God and to fight for that. you're saved to the extent you know you need saving
Curse of Ham.
The blacks descend from a Jew who was divinely cursed into a degraded form.
lol i agree unrighteous intelligence is meaningless but you can't undo perspective or insight, you will be outcast but oh well
my friend its a worlds difference when you have your owner slapping his legs to say come here versus being in a dumpster scavenging fr food. go look at the difference between animals that ran way from home from stupidity and animals who never had a home because hey were abused. all if the worlds communities have something to look back on with pride collectively, this god went through a sadist orgasm with his own will argument hasn't done shit for him and for me quite frankly. you can't love someone or go to someone who abandoned you on the greatest possible scale possible for help, is literally impossible. God will have to do his famous override scheming and subtle peddle the free will meme while he plays with our strings. its done, were waiting for his actions (guilt) or sentence.
the we wuz shit would never work on him
there is a world difference between not having an answer and there being no answer, learn to speak less, wisdom will follow, you pseud
>mommy why do i have to wake up so ealry every day at a certain time to make my bed waahhh
>one you will understand, my son
God isn't what made your friend's body, God is what made his soul. The difference between an omnipotent creator of nature (who honestly believes this shit past 18?) vs. that in nature which strains out of its dark ground. God is the soul in your friend that suffers and desires the light, not what put him there. God is the inexplicability of the fact that something suffers in the void.
you actually believe in a god? why?
how can you explain the existence of evil if god is all powerful and benevolent?
>need saving
he doesnt want saving and neither do i because i dont think he is a savior in the appealing sense, i think he is a God, period, the first cause, the beginning of logic, void of sentimentalism. You can hate your heroes and makers, its possible. You can have a father who provides who is utterly a scumbag. It's the paradox of the universe, we are waiting for God to act. He does as he wills, we will see what he changes in the spirit because we clearly have no say, it;s not like we wish to die when we could be happy. our demeanor is the rational conclusion, his more so than mine.
You're missing the other half of it: God is both the unfeeling, unthinking Source and the living, breathing Product that apprehends it, and all the horror at suffering and death that entails. Where could your hatred of a cold, faceless Source have come from if not that Source itself?
i unironically think he would believe this if there was proof.
what i can only make sense of this is we are god then. Thats the only way this can POSSIBLY make sense. god set the world in motion of cause and effect, in everything we see, this takes place, there is also inspiration, and example for others to follow, blacks don't have that, ever. for my friend to live a life of such harsh degradation for the sake of something so horrifically ignorant is inexcusably, like preventing a world class athlete in a race because his laces were blue, wtf kind of life his he suposed to live fter that? even if you could rationalize this, only an almighty creator alpha and omega wizard could unlock that spiritual damage, it would not come form that soul 1000%, he would have to ressurect it completely with his own power and override freewill, which is his specialty
so you can only be saying two things, that we are god or that god acknowledges your injustice and except you to keep moving which is the same fucking shit. it means nothing to a dead person. The yes were wronged and im right to be sad bullshit does absolutley nothing for a man and the trust in gods healing answer is so laughably unsutainable you do not imagine, you clearly are not catholic, God loves suffering, relishes, to the point you are not even recognizable, if i could kill God today with my bare hands i would rip his flesh to pieces, then slowly walk away never to return, not becuase im mad, but because it is the only appropriate response. if i could just block him from my mind and teleport to another dimension where he doesnt exist i would, but we can't, god knows what my friend woiuld do if he saw him.
I'm not rationalizing it. I know how your friend feels in my own way. It might sound like I'm trying to sugarcoat it it by calling ourselves God but it's rather, if it's between me and the void, then my desire that reality wasn't a void/there was no suffering/I wasn't born like this, etc. must be what fills that void.
There is literally nothing your friend can do but cherish that light in him if it still exists or kill himself. Ain't no nigga gonna be jumping for joy and clicking his heels cause someone called his soul God. Flip the abyss off or return to it.
the only logical cause of the universe, evil is the absence of good, and cruelty is the absence of present understanding when it is overwhelmed by the size of the fucking cross.
No, I'm saying any will to live must be self-grounding, self-justified, a light that depends on nothing but itself, least of all God. And in accomplishing this, maintaining yourself even in a reality that wants nothing to do you, is the only act that can truly be called divine. You'll be beating God at his own game. Of course it means nothing to a dead person, or even to you. But it's the choice you gotta make: death or life. I know I had to.
When was the last time your friend read his bible how about yourself?
Does your friend know that black history goes beyond the past couple hundred years of American history?
correct, so the statistics show most will die in the abyss because of reason, because of reason, fucking reason. no one else on earth can kill himself because of reason, do you understand that lmao? i can't even do that. I have my own horror but its not justified as god s doing, his is. and i hope you know hat physical pain is nothing and completely up to god how much you take, spiritual pain is where hell exists, the absoulte worse that a person can handle, and its seeminly self controlled aswell
I'd not pity such a obnoxious human group.
some people are born into bodies that are prisons, others into bodies that are 24/7 warehouse raves
I value nothing in this world but the good as I apprehend it in myself. there are times I've felt this overwhelming indifference from the universe, and it hit me then all I got is my soul, and that love in me so is the only thing that deserve the name of God. I know what it's like to be a self that doesn't want to be the self that it is. That is spiritual hell for me: incompatibility with the world and others in a way I'll never fully understand.
theres too many physically and spiritually dead blacks for him to reminisce days when everyone was on the same desolation, solely eating rice. meaningless and trite, if there was no future there wsas no point of a beggining
right, so we are right, so from on all the matters is time, who will act first, us or god, like i said, its like that fucking owl faggot on crisis of two earths, he coulda "saved" himself but he instead chooses to die, becuase it literrally doesn't matter, there is no threat but god, there is no autonmy but gods, there is only servant, useld like a condom, and when he is done cumming he will throw us away if we wish to not be recycled
god will never act, god is silence. that's the worst thing about it.
the most tragic thing about reality is that it's the ultimate lottery, and what you win or lose isn't money or objects but being, self, soul.
>if there was no future there wsas no point of a beggining
When you say Christian do you mean a guy who identifies but doesnt actually go to any services or if he does its a particualry wishy washy liberal one?
>theres too many physically and spiritually dead blacks for him to reminisce
Thats why its so important to read the bible the old testament is chocked full of stories about overcoming spiritual and physical desolation from exodus all the way up to the Babylonian Captivity.
I ask you again when was the last time you read your bible cover to cover?
what you are forgetting is relativity, a person who can't move from birth is not missing anything he hasnt experienced anyways and those who do at least have the mental foundation and spiritual back up to say that this wasn't intentional divine because x and y, god loves my people etc. blacks can never say that, they will forget from desperation to live, because intentionally most are not conscious, most are not aware of the absurdity and are too weak and afraid to face it, i dont blame them, but my friend is strong but he has cracked and apostatized, for, good, reason. i cant tell him shit now, he dove into the abyss, in his childhood basically. Im not gunna fucking beg him to come back, he loves me, but he doesnt love, love. its over for him. honestly we just dont want to go to hell, becuase we are not exactly sure of the threshold of pain there. so rationally we dont kill ourselves for another greater infinte threat
that's lovely eh, wont even run to cath the baby in the water but expects me to do so, if one thing i can be sure of king kike, is that he has an impeccable sense of humor.
some bodies of a lower type are born with a surplus of spirit, but it's precisely that surplus that saves you and causes you such intense suffering for being present in the body that it is. I'm not even trying to make you feel bad, it's what I've had to accept about myself
raised catholics, he's from another city. basically armchar theologians who do homewrk, we are not misinformed, been to more masses than hairs on your moms pits
motherfucker, i know you are not doing this on purpose but you have to be more observant, jews suffered, yes, then they became kings, KINGS. the worlds greatest minds, crucial men and women in every though and craft, you know what god uses for blacks to soothe them in the meantime? the first will be last and the last will be first lmao. we all know in heaven that no one will be first and that individuals are free to rise however. it was just some bullshit for people to put up with the cruelty on earth thinking they get great rewards, when getting killed becuase youre a worthless skintone and physique has no merit becuase both the just and unjust will go down toegther with no distinguishment, this is all so fucking bullshit its emmbarssing.
ok so if you are saying that i should tell my friend to comfrot him that a blacks roam the earth for the intention of enduring injustice lmao yea thats something he didnt think of, thanks bud. really heartening, im sure he'll cancel his order for a desert eagle now lol im sorry but fuc off dude, we sentenced to mourning, this post was a way to see if anyone was clever enough to bullshit a solid counter that will hold up and it failed. nevermind all of this, go live your life, thanks for answering
I literally said it wasn't meant to help. It's just something I've learned about myself and I see you and your friend going through. Their ain't no answer to despair all tied up in a pretty pink bow, take it from someone in the same position.
There isn't a counter except the will to live for the sake of living. I haven't figured out a better answer because there isn't one. It's just you and the void my man. I hope you can find happiness but I don't even know if I can hope it for myself.
are you black? the proper response would have been to concur and be silent, the rest is treacherous, thats why i didn't speak to my friend any words of encouragement because he would saw through it, and realized im feeding the needy, its demeaning to even to think about it, anyways im sorry dude but this is something to big for Veeky Forums perhaps, best of fate to you, when the real reasoning comes out all the racists hide like the cowards they are
No, but I know what it's like go to sleep and want to wake up as someone else. My situation is more individual than yours but despair is despair. The only reason I haven't killed myself is the beauty in life I have been blessed to be able to perceive. And that I want to prove to my soul I can make something of the clay I've been given. Maybe your friend will find that drive in him too. But I also know that sounds like bubblegum normie bullshit and I understand more than you can ever know if it does nothing for you
are you white or a minority?
sure we can all hope, eternity in hell has always been a great reverse inspiration for both of us, my case is technically solvable but unbelievably cruel, his is frankly unsalvageable
>raised catholics, he's from another city. basically armchar theologians who do homewrk, we are not misinformed, been to more masses than hairs on your moms pits
Thats interesting I had a sneaking suspicion but I didnt want to jump to conclusions. For the third time I ask you have either of you read the bible cover to cover and if so how recently? -If you refuse to answer this question then you could at least tell me why
>motherfucker, i know you are not doing this on purpose but you have to be more observant, jews suffered, yes, then they became kings, KINGS....this is all so fucking bullshit its emmbarssing.
I get that you are upset but that doesnt justify the kind of arguments you are bringing. Some points worth mentioning here
Firstly you are writing as if blacks have had nothing but soul crushing persecution for all of history over all of the world (when its really a very recent phenomena) whilst Jews lived as though they lived as Kings and great people for the whole post exile period (when really that didnt last long at all).
Secondly you seem to act as though being a christian means earthly rewards - which seems rather bizarre for a man who is as informed as you claim to be. Did any of the Apostles benefit from their faith in God materially?
Thirdly do you understand the answer to the problem of evil and free will, If you do why doesnt it apply to this situation?
Overall though I think your problems could be cured by actually reading your bible and simply thinking a bit more the progress of history. The early Christians who were fed to lions and tortured by the Romans for close to half a millennium before things even started to get better for them. Despite overcoming the greatest Empire in history you look at this tiny 130 year period of blacks being subjugated by Europeans as though this is the insurmountable challenge to Gods justice
Your friend sounds like he's in such a dark place I don't know whether telling him the Sons of Ham myth would make it better or worse.
My friend raised up the point that no matter what point of time, blacks would have been subjugated to the physical or mental or spiritual reality that they are inferior or incapable. And basically history has reflected that with the lack of examples of achievement. god even treated david, the home wrecking murderer with more care but passed on giving blacks one reason to live, one example to look up to lmao I can agree with him when he says God is indifferently cruel. If life is devoid of purpose to create in the mind of the individual and the world is congruent in the thinking that it is reserved for a certain kind, that indidvidual will be so psychologically fucked beyond reasoning, literally even beyond gods capacity. The one thing can do is literally wait for that soul's body to cease or override him which i believe he does all the time in secet, so theres don't always pay mind to reason. its shift kike game play, ingenious.
>false premise
prove it
>falsely justified by appeal to the situations of others.
It's appealing to the a principal of experience that begins with existence being preferable over non-existence. One can not substantiate the opposing position without first not existing.
I hate retarded pseuds like you
he heard it before and someone mentioned it in the thread, swear to god it sounds like the only thing that makes sense
>Because being alive as a starving seal is better than never existing period.
Humor is the only thing left on Earth that connects man to God. When the horrors of reality have you by the neck, when you're staring at the abomination that is this species and its flower... you just can't help but laugh.
the guy is not the sharpest bud lol
Ok for forth time can you answer the question
"I ask you have either of you read the bible cover to cover and if so how recently?"
>My friend raised up the point that no matter what point of time, blacks would have been subjugated to the physical or mental or spiritual reality that they are inferior or incapable.
Ask him to actually justify that. If God cursed black people why did they get let off from the black death which cut Europes population by 30% and decimated the rest of the world whilst sparing Subsahran Africa?
Ask him how Ethiopia managed to hold out against Islam despite being marching distance from Mecca.
>If life is devoid of purpose to create in the mind of the individual and the world is congruent in the thinking that it is reserved for a certain kind, that indidvidual will be so psychologically fucked beyond reasoning, literally even beyond gods capacity
And here we find out youve been trolling all along bravo.
i have read it, yes. he has to, why is this relevant. can you read between the line? there is no appropriate text you goof. everything you just said is logistical. not individual or group binding. fending to stay alive is not achievement, thats unfortunate you stoopid fuck. curing polio is an achievement. how the fuck am i trolling?
that goes to show goes uses people like condoms, sometimes he uses them to succed to prove his point then he fucks off for eternity, also ethipoains arents pure black, they got arab and european in them, which is why god favored them lmao theyre not even pure blacks which is scientifically proven, its all a big fucking joke
by the way free will argument falls flat on its face since an omnipotent creator could have made a universe that doesn't need to devour itself to survive (not to mention so much evil is committed by people with their backs to the wall), with a minimum of natural disasters, and that probably protects children somehow
I believe in God but one that hears the cry in the wilderness instead of the one that throws us into a wilderness of (more or less, hurr le wages of sin) his own making and expects us to be okay with a universe that eats its children
blacks havent created or contributed anything to the world as a society you dumbfucking rat. totally disposable and the world wouldnt even notice
anyways fuck this im going to watch wall-e, fuck you all
If it truly is worse than death to be black then they'd just kill themselves. Some do, but many more live on. I don't see why you'd assume being black is that bad.
Things don't happen randomly tho, and purpose is required because of how we experience existence. Humans have a framework of where we are and where we are going, which orders our perceptions. The "where we are going" holds the implicit purpose that it "there" is better than "here." Unless you believe being is not good, or even evil. In that case you begin working toward making being worse, or you just off yourself
Because evil spawns from free choice. Free choice is required for good, but also means you can not do good.
and go to hell? lol nice try
Yes it is. Though that's a presupposition. However if you assume that it's not better to exist and suffer than to not exist, the suffering only gets worse or you kill yourself. I don't think presupposing being as good is such a crazy thing to think
Would it be better if God created a world without suffering?
Didn't answer my question. Anyways, if you're this nihilistic then you're probably not going to heaven anyways so what do you have to lose?
the answer depends on who you're asking. the world has been affirmed/rejected as many times as it's been worth affirming and rejecting in the experiences of countless beings. eternity can be affirmed in a single moment of joy, as all the world can be rejected after the experience of a horrific tragedy.
would a void be preferable to suffering? I don't know
I'm asking if, to you, it would be better if God had created a world without suffering, and to explain why you believe that.
God's cool with slavery, so that's probaby their purpose.
I already answered it: in my case, no, I've suffered but it hasn't been unbearable, but still, god knows I've suffered, so who am I to say so for someone whose lost a child? or whatever?
there's difference between suffering caused by humans and the suffering inherent to nature itself. you don't need to create a universe that eats its own tail, c'mon.
Why draw the distinction between suffering from human choice and natural limitation?
What possible purpose does our requiring to devour living things serve?
You can say God created suffering, or if you believe the stories in Genesis you may believe that God created the possibility of suffering. I don't think it matters either way. To illustrate my point I'll use an analogy: Is a good father one who keeps his children safe from anything negative? Or is a good father one who throws his children into the water and tells them to swim? I believe the answer is somewhere in the middle, and God is exactly that kind of father. We come into being in a world full of adversity and suffering. Things seem arbitrary. But God didn't make everything hostile and destructive. Some things are pleasant in life, and I do believe God can come to people when they need it most to help them, but only if they knock on the door.
If the structure of nature proceeds according to God's will he could have made a universe that doesn't need to eat itself to maintain itself. Of course suffering and adversity build spirit, but there's a cut-off where it becomes gratuitous. Would I want to live in a universe that doesn't run on the consumption of living beings but still filled with spiritual ordeals of great suffering? Sure. One in which there are both? I don't know about that.
you never asked a question sonny, theres a worlds difference between mortal sin and venial sin and intentional sin. being depressed or spiritually dry because of truthful reality is not worthy of condemnation, wake up and smell the cum
how do we live like this, how do we not get to kill him personally
That's not really a fair analogy, since it requires dangers that the parent has no control over, which is not the case with god. One could ask instead is a good father one that teaches his children how to avoid the deadly traps in his inescapable dungeon?
wow. checkmate.
the biggest of propagators no?
>Christian Nihilist
>types ERRR WRONG!
>misspells "principle" among other bits
8/10 almost had me
Nothing I've read in this thread convincingly supports OP's presupposition that blacks have been somehow especially singled out of all the world's races in material or spiritual desolation. His entire idea of black history seems to be a kind of bleeding heart patronization or in his friend's case maybe some kind of selective blindness fueled by acute self-loathing, like torn straight out of the 19th century plantation owner's apologetics looking at blacks as a kind of helpless savage people whose natural propensities leaves them only fit for servitude or barbarity.