Market cap is only 1/3 of Kyber's 350m peak. Vaporware shitcoin vs working product. Every good crypto coin has gone 10-20x ICO price. Monaco, MTL, QTUM, OMG, the list goes on. LINK will be among that list.
We are literally only 3x PRE-SALE ICO price
First time I bought something at absolute bottom
so fucking comfy
who else pre-sale buyers
When the fuck is this coin gonna reach Bittrex so I can buy it?
By the time it reaches Bittrex it will be a dollar per.
When the fuck is ANY new coin going to reach bittrex?
I'm sick of signing up to new fucking exchanges just to get a shitcoin. What is an exchange that has the most new shitcoins that isn't a scamsite like etherdelta.
pumps over boys
i feel sorry for any poor soul that bought high
NOVA has all kinds of trash. Binance also adds reasonably fast.
I signed up for the presale, I had 101 ETH to throw in which would have qualified me, but I never got an email.
I was waiting for the crowdsale, missed it by minutes due to wagecucking.
I still managed to by over 100k LINK on etherdelta at around 0.0004, so I'm happy anyway
I bought at 6000. Hopefully that will see some short term gains
You're not going to make it with that attitude. You have to go out of your way to get things in life, rarely do things just come to you.
>When the fuck is ANY new coin going to reach bittrex?
never. you could make some money. but you need to stay poor.
see, imagine you have a deadly accident with a lamborghini. do you want that? DO YOU WANT THAT???
the SEC is protecting you from this risk.
$5 LINK here we come
I am typing in Binance and I can't find it. I literally don't know what to do. Please help me, I am too retarded to find this exchange to buy chainlink.
who's gonna buy that?
11000+ banks that needs transactions verified by node operators.
Thank you. Fucking startpage and google both failed me on this most simple fucking task.
>working product
But no cryptocoin is a working product. Their only use right now is gambling
Ok guys i sold my chainlink at 27c thoughts?
Right thanks, on Binance right now.
What are the chances on Chainlink mooning? Waiting for my ETH to be verified right now so I can buy. Is this a good HODL coin or should I be shorting it. Looks like it has a lot of support and backing.
stay poor
Buy as much as you can and don't sell. Come back in a few weeks to a few months
It's all over. Sell before microsoft fucks you.
you done fucked up and faggot
Where can I buy? EtherDelta seems super sketchy to me right now with all the hacks and what not
The xss exploit on ED was patched, but you can always buy on binance now.
Finally on Binance. I'm going all in. I'm not going to lose a moon mission again.
Sell if you know what's good for you. Do you really think your 2-man team can keep up with microsoft? You might as well buy stratis.
Pump's over.
didnt made it? hm
>only 3x
That's a lot of people dumping
What? Are you retarded? The mission hasn't started yet. Buy now before the announcement.
Stopped reading. I hold a lot of link but why the emotions? Kyber found its floor too and will probably a highly successful project
Apparantly bittrex has big daddy SEC visiting them daily, aka don't expect anything from them for a loooong time. Binance is king now.
this is why crypto will never go mainstream. i should've just bought on binance.
5 minutes of your time for link
absolutely retarded lol, it's seriously going to $1+ very soon, it may go $5-10+ longterm
Holding 120k LINK and retiring with this coin
I saw that trade seriously wtf.
yeah well, that was all of my eth. i don't get paid until tomorrow so i hope there's still a few seats for me on this rocketship by then.
Hahahahahahhahahahahahahahah this is why plebs will never have lambos you mean
You still in time to buy
>had buy order at 0.00085 ether for ages
>FOMO panic and raise it to 0.00093 as I think it might be mooning
>catch the fucking knife
>can't fucking transfer out of my wallet in time to buy the dip
>brand new (24h) to crypto and investment/speculation in general
>only went in with 10€
>decided to say fuck it and jump on this meme
You fucking faggots better not be tricking retards like me, if this thing moons to 5$ or some shit then I'll be able to sell and fund all the other crypto escapades I want.
At least I don't have much to lose.
>not gonna make it
Sorry user, thanks for your contribution user
Is being the link between a proper cryptocurrency and banks actually worth 20c/coin?
Are you retarded?
Answer me
is the network that connects all of this emerging market to the mainstream worth 20 cents? you tell me
how can u even be this retard?
what coin is this??
Jesus christ this thread. This board just gets dumber every day.
>do you really think your 2-man team can compete with IBM
Stop quoting my old shitpost. Jesus Christ.
it's worth 20 BUCKS / coin
>we're only 3x presale price
but still 1000x below ico price
will we ever reach ico again?
Oh great ancient whales, please sell me your fucking bags
How do you fucks send your LINK to my ether wallet?
just send it. then you can find it in the token list
I love this meme.
reporting in
Can you send link to a trezor
No idea. Can't believe they put the ico price at 2btc for 1 LINK. Idk how they expected it to go back to that price. I mean, really? There are a quadrillion coins! That's a market cap of 8 billion.
Why is it being dumped senpai?
I'm going all in. Best case, I end up with over 1MM. Worst case, I lose my shirt and live off of welfare.
"Better to have tried and lost than to have never tried at all..."
Isn't OMG not even on poloniex yet? How long until this hits normie exchanges?
Why don't you check the charts and see everything is in the red you fucking dipshit
holding a bag of 55k, see you at sibos.
Life favors the bold my friend, godspeed.
Kek was to cheap for too long now there is too many whales and it will have the ripple effect tough luck linkies
>the ripple effect
You mean having its market cap jump 60x? Sure. Sounds good to me.
Yup with unlimited coins therefore worthless
This is so embarrassing, 3x ICO price, added to binance, and yet it's STILL under ico price
can't wait for that awkward moment when it's 20x ico price and STILL under ico price...
I'll never get rid of these bags............
Is this some dumb meme I am not in on? How can it be over and under ICO price at the same time?
>is this some dumb meme
yea it is
How long does it usually take to send bitcoin to binance from coinbase?
Squad lieutenant reporting in with 85k LINK. Not many walk away unscathed from sending thousands of dollars to a random link on Veeky Forums. And only a proud few get rich from it. To $15 we go
took me 45min from bitfinex
thanks, the times are probably gonna be around the same don't you think?
>October 20th
>SIBOS was a major success
>enterprise adoption
>LINK trading at $20
>open Veeky Forums
>"Haha fags it's still under ICO price, get rekt"
yeah good luck
Thanks for the link, bitch.
>someone just paid 50k euros for 1 LINK
>blockfolio says I have 70 million euros
Thanks for ruining my graph holy shit
i don't like her because she's black