>Pick up a new history book
>Author uses BCE and CE
anyone else?
>Pick up a new history book
>Author uses BCE and CE
anyone else?
No, because I am not autistic.
>Pick up new history book
>Author uses Anno Domini instead of Anno Mundi
Anyone else?
>uses BCE/BC CE/AD instead of stardate standard
>he doesn't use the Foundation of Rome as the start of his historical calendar
>book doesn't use the french revolutionary calender
My mum once brought me Sapiens by some jew which basically is all kinds of lies about how it's okay to be gay and shit
fucking returned it and got Deep Space instead
>pick up book
>isnt a spiteful treatise intended to ruin the legacy of a former ruler with baseless lies and slander
christfags BTFO
>Pick up book
>Uses Gregorian calendar
>Πάρτε ένα βιβλίο
>Χρησιμοποιεί το λατινιkό αλφάβητο
what do you have against latin alphabet?
>My mum once brought me Sapiens by some jew which basically is all kinds of lies about how it's okay to be gay and shit
she was probably trying to tell you she accepts you even though you're a faggot
>pick up history book
>Author says that the ZIS-2 57mm gun is Corps level artillery
Anyone else?
This is a Litmus test. Anyone that does this is a PC drone, so the book is probably crap.
literally why,
i get BP is autistic but what's wrong with simply using the terms before common era and common era
it makes our dating system and historical works seem more objective to non christian cultures
Because ANY point of surrender to the kikes is a piece of intellectual ground that we will never get back in the current sociopolitical climate.
What exactly is wrong with Before/Common Era?
It is PC bullshit.
t. Shchlomo Shekelburgerstein von Kikencutcock.
why are you shitfaces even here
You can be not from /pol/ and still think PC idiocy is bullshit.
how is using CE/ BCE PC idiocy, please try to formulate an answer without "jew", "kike" or (((((((them)))))))
I don't understand
>pick up history book
>it's only words and no pictures
Into the trash
I didn't say anything about Jewish people and I think antisemitism is silly.
Changing your traditions and your nomenclature to be more PC is shitty behavior by weak and effeminate people.
The same is true for the Islamic Calendar. The Muslims should not be changing it to appease idiotic politically correct people who try to find ways to be outraged.
Or the Chinese.
>weak and effeminate people
your /pol/ is showing there
so i guess we should all be measuring in different foot, thumb and elbow systems because that's our tradition, the metric system was invented by "weak efeminate people"
please spread your shitty, retarded agenda on a different board
The metric system was created for practical and logical reasons. It didn't change only nomenclature.
This Common Era bullshit changed nothing other than the nomenclature because of PC reasons.
Jesus wasn't even born in Year 1, so it's inaccurate either way.
I hate nu males and their special snowflake horseshit. We get it youre edgy!
why not create a dating system the whole world can get behind? what is "PC" about it?
This is the year 12017 human era
why would you want a global system though
would be easier to discuss history with people from other parts of the world + history is a study, religion should slowly dissapear from a study that is trying to be objective
Yeah, it's not like Jesus isn't the savior of all of mankind anyway, the world could never get behind something like anno domini.
Okay now it's pretty obvious you're bias prevents you from having a serious discussion about this
have fun sperging out about dating systems
hahaha, nice post brother!
praise kek!
>why not create a dating system the whole world can get behind? what is "PC" about it?
The whole world can use AD and BC if they wish.
>history is a study, religion should slowly dissapear from a study that is trying to be objective
It is not like someone is placing a sword in the neck of someone and telling him to convert to Christianity when that person uses AD and BC. Using AD and BC doesn't make one a Christian or writing history defending Christianity. It is a nomenclature.
if it is just that, why are you triggered when historians choose to use CE and BCE?
Because if it is unnecessary PC bullshit that goes against tradition. I would say the same thing if the Muslim or the Chinese Calendar ruled the world.
>PC bullshit that goes against tradition
Does tradition have a place in a scholarly study intended to give us an objective view of mankinds knowledge of the past?
He's an actual highhorse "muh tradition!" faggot, just stop responding to him so this shitty thread can die
Using AD and BC won't make history any less objective. The Crusaders didn't win Hattin in your history text because you use AD in nomenclature.
>If a historian would rather use AD/BC they should
>If a historian would rather use CE/BCE they should
>You shouldn't care since it doesn't matter and doesn't affect the history
WOW, not being an immature whiny little faggot is so complicated, isn't it!?
I think it makes it far less objective, considering that it's pinned to the very existence of Christ, which is difficult to pin down to a hard number in the first place (if indeed he existed at all), and when you try, you inevitably end up tracking two separate possible "Jesus" figures. At the very least, BCE and CE aren't tied down to a possibly mythical figure whose actual date of birth is objectively impossible to track, leaving a big ol' gap.
>If a historian would rather use CE/BCE
He is a PC waste of space.
>if you don't like what I like i can discard anything else you say because you like what I don't like
See lad
BCE and CE are the exact same thing as BC and AD, but using PC terms. Using BC and AD doesn't make it any less objective.
>BCE and CE aren't tied down to a possibly mythical figure whose actual date of birth is objectively impossible to track, leaving a big ol' gap.
Yes it is. Durr, where is the centerpoint?
>inb4 not ACTUALLY jayzuz birth despite the fact that people for 1900 yrs believed such no that's not relevant to the modern timescale in human history hush!
>someone's being nice that means what they're saying about Sassanian burials is wrong
>BC = Before Christ
>Christ was born in 4 BC
justify this
>BC = Before Christ
>the Son preexists creation along the the Father
>All those hours spent trying to learn the greek alphabet led to this very moment
That's Jewish propaganda. He was born in 0 AD.
Christ wasn't born Before Christ.
Its annoying when you're used to BC.
Everyone does this now, user.
Its politically correct because using Christs birth is western centric and we live in a multicultural society.
Its our culture we'll use BC/AD and you can use whatever soulless system you want robot.
>upset because authors stopped using calendar started after death of a fictional jew
You should stay in your church nigger
loaded language: for when there's nothing objectively bad about something you don't like so you have to fling subjective shit at it to feel good
>but they BELIEVED in it so that makes it a good measure for everyone else to go by
People used to believe that sticking leeches onto your arms to get rid of "bad blood" was a legitimate practice. Does that mean we should continue it as a legitimate medical practice? No, because we found a reason not to do such. Some people still might, but it's not recognized as an official medical practice, cause it's fucking retarded. We used to also believe that the universe revolved around the sun, too.
We should replace things that don't make sense with things that do. "Common year" is way more sensible than "the alleged birth date of a guy who may or may not have even existed and then his death, because fuck the years in between (which were also inconsistent)".
>but muh TRADITION abloo abloo
>Pick up new history book
>Author use 'who' instead of the intellectually superior 'whomst'd'
Anyone else?
>>Πάρτε ένα βιβλίο
>when albanians learn greek
ITT: heathens and salty ath*ests screech about our dating system and tip their fedoras trying to retcon it
wow how did you figure out the point of this thread