It's the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution today. Post any and all communism-related memes you have saved...

It's the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution today. Post any and all communism-related memes you have saved, pro- or anti-.

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Can't fool us Russian puppet troll. Pepe memes is an alt right symbol.

What communism?

Omae wa mu... shinderu




>Pepe memes is an alt right symbol.
Indeed, is all yours.



Not really into Communism but this is so catchy.














Almost had quads too, damn.


We'll keep the red flag flying here.



habby birbday summer unitde

wait what how is this possible

things look great in hindsight as your mind filters out the bad times
especially if you go through really rough shit: think Russia or Yugoslavia in the '90s

A lot of people remember it as the "simple days" when unemployment and homelessness were almost nonexistent and people had opportunities for vacation and culture, even if most people didn't have a car and consumer goods were in short and irregular supply.

Yugoslav nostalgia is even more understandable, since they were relatively free and well-off by Eastern Bloc standards. Plus, what followed the collapse was pretty horrific.

When that's the kind of shit tumblr is posting, you can drop the internet culture shtick.

There was nothing "neo" about liberals in the 70s.

People like stability. There is nothing stable after 1991.

So there are the Russian equivalent of the muh 60s Americans... Really makes me think


the "capitalism" they got in exchange for communism was bunk
Happy 100th Bolshy Day!

>Dude why aren't you using the stats from
>But the holocaust and rape of nanjing we're def the highest estimates tho

This is way more catchy tho

It took Russia fifteen (15) years to return to the same level of per capita income as in the last days of Communism. And this is with much higher economic inequality to boot.

The Baltic states were glad to go, and most of the Warsaw Pact didn't want to stick around either, but the core Soviet territories did a lot better under the old system.

Can there even be a smooth transistion to capitalist from communist without sacrificing existing Industry?

>Transition from a batshit insane """"communistic"""" system to a modern, democratic, and capitalistic nation wasn't easy

Why won't anyone take me or Applebaum seriously on here? :( You Russian puppet trolls are so blind and brainwash to realize that Trump is a bolshevik and so are all alt righters as well. Wake up America!

The poster asked why people missed a time when they had higher living standards. I explained why. I don't see how your comment is relevant.

I have some communist Russia jokes here

Lenin's body should finally be buried into the ground, yes or no?
Answer to this post with your reason as to why.

"muh free market" was THAT shitty.

Sorry, but when kids envision themselves as prostitutes or killers, you can randomly die in bandit shootout (or worse, with a soldering iron up your ass), and, pretty much every prospect of future is shit upon for everyone but the semibankirchina, intelligentsiya licking that semibankirchina's ass and the people at criminal top (all while going full durka on the "muh poor monarchy, muh orthodox church), you start to not only think USSR was better than that, you start to look at Stalin's repressions and bolshevik actions with a little bit of understanding.



>modern, democratic, and capitalistic nation

It was batshit insane. And calling it "modern and democratic" is a fucking insult.

Lenin's body should be impaled and then given the dogs for dinner.





Sorry if some of them are too well known.






>People being proud of getting fed a shit cheap products that would be considered animal abuse to feed that to animals



I need more variety but my folder is a mess.

Yes there was. That's why they called them neoliberals in the 1970s.



>ever socialism

Its public sector is smaller as a percentage of their economy than that of France or Britain. Modern Russia is more communist than modern Venezuela.
Both in success, when the oil sold well, and in failure as the prices drop, Venezuela was never socialist. Just numbers, man. They are a mostly private economy, 70-80% private.

>People had higher living standrads because national GDP was increased
>In the Soviet Union
Don't you just hate westerners who become tankies even though they don't know the first thing shit the Soviet Union?
>He thinks Putin is any different than modern democracies



Ah I have a couple.

>A man is fed up with his life and feels like he needs to get away.
>So, he goes to Red Square and yells "Khrushchev is an idiot! Khrushchev is an idiot!" at the top of his lungs
>Naturally he gets arrested
>Goes to trial, waits for a while before the judge reads the sentence
>"10 years in prison"
>"What? But the penalty for insulting the Party in public is only 5 years."
>"You're correct. You got five for that, and another five for revealing state secrets."

>Nixon visits Brezhnev and they have a foot race against one another
>Nixon wins
>Pravda is trying to come up with a headline for the next edition
>"Ah ha! I've got it, comrade."
>Pravda: "Nixon comes in second to last in race while Comrade Brezhnev takes home the honorable silver medal."

>Two men become cellmates in Siberia
>They chat and become fast friends
>Want to know what each other did to get into this situation
>Ivan says "Well I stole from a state market, and I got four years. What about you?"
>Boris says "Well, I'm a plumber by trade"
>"So, one day I was contacted by the Party to see if I could take a look at the plumbing in the Kremlin"
>"So I went inside the basement and took my measurements"
>"When I came out, they asked me what the problem was"
>"I said 'Hey, the whole system needs replacing!'"
>"So they gave me five years"

Also here's an illustration of the 1945 Victory Day Parade. I don't remember where I found it.

Me on the right here.
Capitalist pig on the left.



That's mao my guy. The stock image of him too, the one that's hung on the border of Tiananmen Square outside the Forbidden City.

I meant the bird. Maduro said Chavez came to him in the form of a bird.



Not an argument.




Russia seems to always set itself as an example why any given economic system doesn't work

remove technology and this would be better

It sounds like a parody communist pasta.

Is that Christian Communism? Why does it change randomly halfway through?

It's a joke about Stalin's "communism in one country" where it kept expanding


The private sector is 70% of gross domestic product, according to Central Bank.
If Venezuela is socialist, so is half of Europe. So are some of the states within USA, actually.



