First correction of _the happening_
You're buying all you can, right user? I hope you're buying all you can.
First correction of _the happening_
You're buying all you can, right user? I hope you're buying all you can.
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't buy anymore, I was balls deep in LINK and almost all of it was stolen yesterday.
sold at $0.35, bought back in
feels good nigger
where the fuck do I get LINK?
Cant buy all of my links were stolen yesterday :(
train leaves in a few days
ED or Binance. I'd hurry if I were you.
>I hope you're buying all you can.
Two words:
"The Oracle Problem must be solved" - Voltaire
Made this thread right after: Probably saved a lot of people from getting robbed like me.
The means for verifying my identity as the OP of that thread are here: But it's no use unless you're a generous whale about to save my life with 1 BTC or something.
Are you going to cry in every thread? Kill yourself already
Money skelly tried to warn us about cryplet. Just like he told us to sell NEO at $50.
Seriously, we get it. Your LINKs were stolen. You told everybody about it. Now quit your crying and move on.
You're welcome for the warning.
now lemme fap on my gains from link
What warning? I ensure my computer is virus/trojan free before dealing with any sensitive data.
Go educate yourself before it happens to you again you idiot.
>Been out since February
>No traction
>virus/trojan free
Literally would not have helped.
got 1000 when it was 12 cents. just bought 2800 atb27 cents and ifeel like i got a great deal.
see you on the moon boys
if anything ms will aquire link andbwe will be rich as fuck bro
Not keeping your coins on etherdelta like a retard would have helped though.
It's supposed to be a wallet, same as MEW.
Just bought 22k, so I can stop FUD'ing it now. Let's do this Veeky Forums.
>300k buy on market order
The big boys are here and dont have time to accumulate
No it isn't. Did you not stop to think that something that requires no log in, no password, no 2FA might not be secure? Even keeping your coins on a secure exchange like Bittrex is a bad idea.
I manually entered my private key to use etherdelta.
And you never have to enter it again.
That's right.
I have 2100 LINK and want to accumulate 10k before the real mooning. Prices already going up, what's a realistic buy in point right now? I always seem to buy too close to ATH...
So I don't understand how you could think it was secure.
will the wall break?
I thought it was secure because I had to manually enter my private key.
When does the train leave I don't get paid until Friday to go all in
Well that's kinda dumb. I feel bad for you but you really need to do some research before putting your money out there.
It's not "dumb" to assume you're secure using a wallet that requires you to manually enter your private key that only you have on a piece of paper.
It's extremely dumb. I'm not computer genius myself but it's common sense that the browser is storing that "private" key somewhere and that shit is easy to hack.
>it's common sense that the browser is storing that "private" key somewhere
Then this applies to every single crypto wallet ever created.
No it doesn't...
say that to my ledger s nano biatch
At some point you coin is going to go through a transaction.
Holy fuck shut up and stop shitting up every thread with your bitching that is taking away any sympathy you had. If you had basic common sense you wouldn't have lost your coints.
its fucking retarded, not dumb. You stupid fuck, and the worst part is you still haven't learned your lesson.
hope someone gives you something user
Thanks man
A few people have, small gestures but very kind nonetheless.
You're welcome man. You can never be sure enough.
This, The link he sent was tumblr
as soon as I saw some script loading and a loading circle on the screen I closed it. Still have all
ledger nano doesn't send your private key anywhere, especially not to your fucking browser cache where anyone can take it
metamask does also not send the private key.
jesus christ
pls leave the crypto world. you still don't know how blockchain works.
If you ever used an exchange, you were at that point just as """dumb""" as the robbed guy.
Fuck off.
metamask not save? WAT
t. another guy with no concept of security
where is my link gone user?
Shill LINK to me. Could it reach $5?
$20 coin easily
1Link = 2 btc in 3 years
Why though?
How much is the price on binance?
Do your research and come to your own conclusions
It solves the oracle problem.
Wait, you can use metamask as security for non-eth coins on exchanges?
Someone pls explain.
Is 200k link enough for the moon?
So I'm guessing you were bullshitting for some reason?
Guys I've got 512K LINK so far. Should I keep buying even though the price is going up? I have like 48 ETH left. I already have a little bit of OMG as well. I've heard some people mention DNT as a good investment, but I need a rundown.
Nice, just bought 100k
Jesus fucking Christ man, I admit I really did feel bad for you yesterday, but now not so much. If only you had put in as much time studying wallet security as you did chainlink...
See I said it was supposed to be a wallet like MEW. Supposed to.
>If only you had put in as much time studying wallet security as you did chainlink...
jesus dude. how rich are you? tear down some walls for us so we can break new highs
>it was supposed to be a wallet like MEW
absolutely not. I don't know where you got that information from.
All in user. You can always buy back ETH when your LINK 10x... I did the same and have more than double what you have
>has $100k he can casually gamble on a coin
>asks Veeky Forums for advice
what did he mean buy this?
Looking it up and the way you interacted with it.
You need to treat your private keys like you would a newborn baby. Don't just go leaving them everywhere.
Fuck it. It worked before it will work again.
Bro I went from a 4k investment to having a 6 digit portfolio within a year because I listened to Veeky Forums
I thought I left them on my piece of paper.
There have been many people giving me a hard time on this, but judging by the comments to my thread yesterday this attack came out of the blue for pretty much everyone, even the people who seemed to know exactly how it worked after looking at the code.
I never assumed etherdelta was 100% safe, but god damn I didn't deserve this.
Just like everyone knows cars aren't 100% safe, but you don't go around telling victims "you deserve this for driving at all you idiot".
Did you get in on ETH/antshare/OMG?
Because I've been listening to Veeky Forums and I'm not moving much up or down. I feel LINK's moonshot in my bones though.
Veeky Forums's homeless problem is getting out of control
No I wish I did. I just made money off of risky shitcoins I saw shilled around. High risk high reward. If I bought in early enough I would make a profit. I also got on the PIVX train when it was first shilled but I sold at .35 cents. Wont happen again.
Paper wallets are for cold storage. You literally imported your paper wallets private key to the internet. I'm not saying you deserved to be robbed from, but this was a newbie error and you got unlucky. Paper wallets are no longer paper wallets when the private keys end up online mate. This is basic